
Chapter 234 - You are still just a child

  When the demon ghost vine seedling was intoxicated by the aura of the enchanting peach, Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness also noticed something was wrong here.

  He leaped a few times and came to the area where the enchanting peach was planted.

  In the light pink miasma, the light gray vines of the demon ghost vine had grown thin vines like tentacles at some point. The thin vines stayed in the miasma, a little restless.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the demon ghost vine vine, and he immediately realized that it had fallen into the lustful trap of the enchanting peach.

  Although its grade was two levels higher than the third-grade enchanting peach, it had just been bred not long ago and had limited resistance. The third-grade spiritual plant enchanting peach had a natural temptation to it, so it accidentally fell into the trap.

  "You are just a child! How can you have tentacles all over your body?"

  Lu Xuan said with a look of regret, and then a purification spell was cast on the gray demon ghost vine.

  A hazy spiritual light swept over every part of the vine, and then, many tentacle-like vines trembled together and shrank back into the main body of the demon ghost vine.

  The demon ghost vine seedling sensed Lu Xuan's presence and crawled into his sleeves in a daze.

  "In order to remove the influence of one spiritual plant, I used the purification spell on another spiritual plant..."

  "What kind of weird things are these?"

  Lu Xuan shook his head and returned to the courtyard with the demon ghost vine seedling.

  He pulled out the demon ghost vine tightly wrapped around his arm with a serious expression.

  The demon ghost vine has a hobby of devouring spiritual plants and seeds. There are so many spiritual plants planted in the mountain, and it must be cultivated from an early age to not eat things carelessly.

  If it really eats a rare spiritual plant seedling or a high-grade spiritual seed, how distressed I would be.

  "Stand, I have something to tell you."

  Seeing that the demon ghost vine was about to drill into his sleeves again, Lu Xuan said in a solemn tone.

  "I planted and cultivated all the spiritual plants on the entire mountain, and it took a lot of time and energy. You must not eat them before they are mature."

  "If I catch you once, I will cut off all the vines on your body!"

  Lu Xuan pointed at the light gray vines of the demon ghost vine and said viciously.

  The demon ghost vine seedling raised one end of the vine and nodded gently.

  "However, as long as you are obedient, you will have food. When they mature, branches, leaves, spiritual fruits and so on will be enough for you to eat."

  He stretched out his hand and tapped the top of the demon ghost vine. The gray vine climbed up along his finger and drilled into Lu Xuan's sleeve.

  After comforting the demon ghost vine seedling, Lu Xuan took out the life bag and brushed the spiritual power.

  Two two-headed armadillo cubs appeared on the ground in a daze.

  They were less than one foot long, and the scales on their bodies were still small and soft.

  The moment they saw Lu Xuan, the two cubs seemed to recognize Lu Xuan who had snatched them out of the nest. The four slender heads roared at him in unison, their voices still childish and fierce.

  "At that time, your entire tribe went out in full force, and only you two cubs were left crying for food. I met you."

  "I saw that you were pitiful and no one was taking care of you, so I rescued you. Is this how you treat your lifesaver?"

  Lu Xuan raised his eyebrows.

  The two cubs still looked fierce.

  "Which head stops roaring, I will feed it this spiritual ore."

  He threw a piece of white spiritual ore in his hand and said to the two armadillo monsters.   

  When he saw that one of the heads was unable to roar, he extended the spiritual ore in front of that head.

  There were continuous cracking sounds, and the hard spiritual ore was instantly bitten to pieces, making the other head, which was close at hand, feel as if it was actually there.

  It opened its eyes wide with anger, and turned to look at the other half of its body with complicated eyes.

  With the first head taking the lead, the remaining three heads quickly calmed down, and for a while, the cracking sounds continued.

  Lu Xuan saw that the two-headed armadillo cubs had both become obedient, so he placed them in a rock wall on the mountain peak.

  The two-headed armadillo cubs emitted a yellowish spiritual light, and with a few digs of its two pairs of sharp claws, it immediately drilled into the rock wall.

  "As expected of a two-headed armadillo that is good at earth escape, it is only a cub, but its talent is fully displayed."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness went deep into the rock wall, and he noticed that the two two-headed armadillo cubs had built a simple nest, and he immediately felt relieved.

  He found an open space on the mountain peak, and used the earth-attracting technique of the Great Accomplishment Realm. The underground structure changed rapidly, and two spiritual fields were quickly reclaimed.

  A large amount of Wu Ling soil was moved out of the storage bag and covered the surface of the spiritual field, piling up into a thick layer. In

  the spiritual field, a faint earthy yellow spiritual light flashed from the surface of the spiritual soil, and one could feel that it contained an extremely rich life force.

  He scraped the nest of the two-headed armadillo in the blessed land and got a lot of Wu Ling soil, enough to cultivate a lot of spiritual plants.

  Most of the Wu Ling soil was used to pave two spiritual fields, and the remaining small part was evenly sprinkled by Lu Xuan on various parts of the mountain to add some fertility to the mountain as a whole.

  He planned to use the two spiritual fields only to plant higher-grade spiritual plants. There was no need to transplant the ones that had been planted before. He happened to have four fourth-grade Yunling pine spiritual seeds in his hand.

  He took out four spiritual seeds from the storage bag, and a black sword light as thin as a cicada's wing shot out from his dantian, carefully cutting off the amber wrapped around the spiritual plants.

  Not long after, the slender spirit seed protected inside revealed its true appearance.

  After planting it in the spirit field covered with Wu Lingtu, a piece of information flashed through his mind.

  [Spirit-enriching pine, a fourth-grade spiritual plant, needs spiritual communication and nurturing during its growth process, and can enhance the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator after maturity. ]

  [The spirit seed is in a dormant state and needs to be nurtured by spiritual consciousness for a period of time before it can recover. ]

  "It's good that it can be successfully planted. As for the need to nurture it with spiritual consciousness for a period of time, although it is a bit troublesome, compared to the value of it as a fourth-grade spiritual plant, it is nothing."

  Lu Xuan sighed, and planted the other three spirit-enriching pine spirit seeds into the spiritual soil. Threads of spiritual consciousness slowly seeped into the spirit seeds, quietly nurturing them.

  Unconsciously, a faint vitality appeared in the spirit seeds of the spirit-enriching pine. Although it was weak, it was extremely tough, revealing an indomitable will.

  "After the red cloud pine in Linyang market, the Yunling pine is the second kind of pine spiritual plant planted. However, the red cloud pine is only of the first grade, and its value is far lower than the fourth grade Yunling pine."

  "Of course, the difficulty of cultivation and the effectiveness of spiritual fruits are also very different."

  "Spiritual plants that can enhance the spiritual awareness of cultivators, as far as I know, there is no such spiritual plant available for exchange in the sect, and its precious value can be imagined."

  Lu Xuan sighed and flew down from a wide crack.

  The hot breath hit him in the face. Under the ground, the magma river was surging. From time to time, boiling magma was lifted up and fell on the surrounding stone walls, stirring up bursts of green smoke.

  Lu Xuan stepped on a protruding boulder, holding a charred wood full of dark golden cracks in his hand.

   The second update will be late, sorry

  (end of this chapter)

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