
Chapter 217 - Jade Scale Fruit Ripening

  Hearing that ancient spirit seeds and ancient spirit beast eggs may be found in the blessed land, Lu Xuan could not help but be fascinated.

  "My fellow brothers and sisters, I have just been promoted to an inner sect disciple not long ago. Can you tell me more about the blessed land?"

  Liu Su smiled and said slowly.

  "The blessed land is an independent small world outside the realm of cultivation, and above it is the cave heaven."

  "Junior brother Lu, have you ever entered a secret realm before? Most secret realms are fragments of blessed lands that have been lost or connected to the realm of cultivation. There are many treasures in the secret realms, not to mention the blessed land."

  "The sect currently controls three blessed lands, each of which is managed by a Jindan Zhenren. Because the space of the blessed land is not particularly stable, frequent entry of cultivators may lead to adverse effects."

  "Therefore, one of them will be opened every ten to twenty years. Half a year later, Langyue Blessed Land, one of the three blessed lands, will be opened."

  "I see."

  Lu Xuan nodded slowly.

  "So, what are the conditions for entering the blessed land? Will we encounter any monsters and evil spirits that threaten our lives?"

  He raised a question that he was most concerned about.

  "There are monsters and evil spirits in the blessed land. The sect allowed us to enter and also wanted to use us to clean them up, but they are not threatening."

  "Also, there are Jindan masters who are always watching the blessed land. There may be injuries, but your life is safe."

  "When you find an opportunity, fellow disciples may compete with each other, but they will stop at a certain point."

  "After all, we are all inner disciples. We meet each other every day in the sect. There is no need for an extreme situation of life and death. In addition, the uncle Jindan master is watching behind us. If we are found to have violated the sect's precepts, the consequences will be serious."

  Seeing that Lu Xuan was thinking about something, a middle-aged cultivator next to him spoke up.

  "Although there are opportunities everywhere in the blessed land, it is not easy for ordinary inner disciples to find treasures such as ancient spirit seeds."

  "These rare treasures are usually located in strange places, with natural mechanisms and formations for protection, and are difficult to enter."

  "Only those foundation-building cultivators with strong backgrounds, who have various relevant information and treasures obtained from their elders or masters, can obtain them with much lower difficulty."

  Lu Xuan nodded lightly, without any abnormality in his expression.

  This kind of situation is really common, and he has long been able to deal with it calmly.

  His focus is all on possible spirit seeds and spirit beast eggs.

  Without the method of refining spirit seeds, it is difficult for spirit plants in the wild to breed on a large scale. Only by chance can spirit seeds be produced, and the same is true for spirit beasts.

  However, the blessed land has a natural growth environment suitable for certain spirit plants, and the probability of condensing spirit seeds is slightly higher.

  "Junior Brother Lu, don't think too much for now."

  "The number of inner disciples who can enter the blessed land is limited, and a sword order is required as an admission qualification. The value of a sword order is usually not less than three to five thousand spirit stones, and it is still in short supply.

  You have just been promoted to an inner disciple not long ago, so you'd better focus on cultivating spiritual plants."

  The gloomy young man suddenly said lightly.

  "Senior Brother Zhang, try my newly brewed spirit wine."

  Liu Su heard something wrong in the young man's tone and quickly changed the subject.

  "Thank you for your reminder, senior brother, but it's a rare opportunity. I will try my best to try it."

  "Anyway, there is still about half a year before the blessed land opens. I will try my best to save spirit stones and see if I can get a sword order."

  Lu Xuan ignored the gloomy young man's strong tone, smiled at him, and said sincerely.

  Last time, after helping Ge Pu, one of the true disciples, solve the fertility problem of the pair of yin and yang Kun fish, Ge Pu gave him a sword order. He was still hesitant, but after hearing everything about the blessed land today, his attitude gradually leaned towards entering.   

  Without the worry of his life and the possibility of obtaining ancient spiritual seeds, he naturally would not miss such an opportunity.

  "Ancient spiritual seeds, even if the planting method is lost, as long as I plant the spiritual seeds, I can find the method of cultivation."

  "Not to mention, the huge light ball reward that may be brought by planting such a high-grade spiritual plant across levels."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart, and his idea became more determined.

  After a few more exchanges with each other, they tended to disperse.

  "My fellow brothers and sisters, I have always loved all kinds of strange spiritual plants. Even if I can't cultivate them, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to experience and try."

  "If you have any unidentifiable unknown spiritual seeds or other strange spiritual seeds, you can come to my mountain to find me. I can exchange them with other treasures."


  "I wish I had met Junior Brother Lu earlier. I got an unknown spiritual seed a few years ago. The sect's Jindan uncle couldn't recognize it, and didn't know how to plant it. In the end, I could only sell it at a low price."

  "Indeed, I have had a similar experience."

  Everyone agreed happily.

  Unlike Lu Xuan, they were devoted to planting spiritual plants. For them, spiritual plants and spiritual beasts were just a means of making money. The importance of cultivation was far greater than this kind of cultivation skills. The

  cultivators present were all at the foundation-building stage. They were considered to be influential figures outside the sect. They often went in and out of various secret realms and occasionally had the opportunity to encounter unknown spiritual seeds.

  If they did not know the type of spiritual seeds and did not get the corresponding cultivation methods, even if they were successfully planted, they would not be able to grow normally. They

  were already satisfied to be able to exchange unknown spiritual seeds for other treasures from Lu Xuan.

  After getting everyone's promise, Lu Xuan was happy and returned to the mountain.


  A small lake at the foot of the mountain.

  The spiritual energy on the lake was dense and rising.

  Spiritual plants such as ice radish fruit that were suitable for growing in a watery environment were planted on the shore of the lake. A faint chill spread, causing a thin layer of ice to form on the nearby lake surface.

  The wind falcon flapped a pair of broad light blue wings and swept across the lake.

  Its belly still maintained a round shape, but its speed was not affected at all. It looked like it would fly over the lake in a flash.

  With a splash, a fiery red dragon emerged from the bottom of the lake, flew obliquely towards Feng Falcon, and hung on Feng Falcon's ankle.

  Five months had passed in the blink of an eye, and the young dragon had grown a lot, from less than three feet before to five feet now.

  Hanging on Feng Falcon's neck again made it a little overwhelmed, so the Lihuo dragon, which was extremely dependent on Feng Falcon, changed its position and moved to the ankle.

  Usually staying at the bottom of the lake, as long as Feng Falcon passed by the lake, it would jump out at the first time to be intimate.

  Lu Xuan was now patrolling the spiritual fields in various parts of the mountain, checking the growth of each spiritual plant.

  Under his careful cultivation, the spiritual plants grew very well.

  When he came to the slightly remote mine on the side of the mountain, Lu Xuan carefully checked the status of the jade scale fruit planted there as usual.

  "Hmm? One of the jade scale fruits has matured?"

  Between the thin jade-like leaves, the faint progress bar under a jade scale fruit has been filled.

  Lu Xuan quickly took out a square jade box from his storage bag. His palm muscles keratinized and became something like colored glass. He tightly grasped the stalk of the Jade Scale Fruit, pulled it off with force, and immediately put it into the square jade box.

  (End of this chapter)

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