
Chapter 218 - Sealing the Jade Seal with Red Jade

  "It's really beautiful."

  Against the backdrop of the white jade box, the jade scale fruit placed in the middle was crystal clear, with a flash of spiritual light. The layers of jade folds were closely arranged, revealing a fresh fragrance.

  Lu Xuan sighed, and his mind was focused on the jade scale fruit.

  [The jade scale fruit is a third-grade spiritual fruit. After taking it directly, it can improve the physique of cultivators or monsters, and can also be used to refine certain body-refining pills. ]

  "It can be taken directly and improve the physique, which is good."

  Lu Xuan was not in a hurry to eat this jade scale fruit. He slightly raised his head and looked at the jade-like plant.

  At the place where the jade scale fruit was picked, a white ball of light hung on the branch, flickering slightly.

  "It's time to draw the prize~"

  Lu Xuan calmed down his mood, stood on tiptoe, and reached out to gently touch the surface of the light ball.

  The moment it touched, the light ball turned into countless tiny light points, with a bright jade light, pouring into Lu Xuan's body.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a third-grade jade scale fruit, obtain the third-grade magic weapon Fengyue Jade Seal. ]

  The thought dissipated, and a delicate and small jade seal quietly appeared in his hand.

  The jade seal was square, about three inches long and wide, and it was small but extremely heavy, pressing Lu Xuan's palm down unconsciously.

  There was a vague shadow of a mountain in the jade seal, and it looked different from different angles.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the small jade seal, and he instantly learned the detailed information about the jade seal.

  [Fengyue Jade Seal, a third-grade magic weapon, was smelted from a jade mountain, heavier than a mountain, and its size can be controlled after refining. ]

  "Third-grade magic weapon."

  Lu Xuan was pleasantly surprised.

  The jade scale fruit he just got was of good quality, and it was quite good to get a rare third-grade magic weapon.

  He simply sacrificed and refined the Fengyue Jade Seal, and his mind moved.

  "Big! Big! Big!"

  The jade seal was thrown into the air, spinning, and its size expanded rapidly.

  In the blink of an eye, it had grown to about five feet and stopped in the air, like a jade hill.

  Lu Xuan was afraid of hitting the flowers and plants on the mountain, so he controlled the jade seal to return to its normal size.

  "If I can be more skilled in the sacrifice and pour in enough spiritual power, the size of this jade seal can be increased a lot."

  "In the future, I can just smash any opponent I meet. It's simple and rough."

  Lu Xuan put away the Fengyue Jade Seal, looked at the jade scale fruit in the jade box, and took a deep breath of the fragrance lingering around the jade box.

  "The fruit is so beautiful, how can I bear to eat it?"

  "It smells so good."

  The jade scale fruit slid into his stomach, and suddenly, a rich fragrance burst out in his stomach. A warm and jade-like spiritual power filled Lu Xuan's limbs and bones, gently nourishing every part of his body.

  "I have the golden marrow and jade liquid in front, and now the jade scale fruit, plus the "Glass Bone Forging Method" and "Taixu Transformation Dragon Chapter", my defense has been pulled to the maximum."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  After picking a mature jade scale fruit, there were still seven left on the plant, all of which had entered the mature stage.

  Lu Xuan was not in a hurry and did not use the Qingmu Source Qi in his Dantian to ripen it.

  "Jade scale fruit, sword-raising gourd, and more than 30 water fireflies that have been screened many times. Before the opening of the Langyue blessed land, we can harvest a lot of light balls."

  At this time, less than a month has passed since the opening of the blessed land, and the sect has revealed the details of the opening.

  Although he rarely goes out, Lu Xuan can still feel the subtle changes in the atmosphere in the sect. More and more foundation-building cultivators have returned to the sect, and there is a sense of restlessness.   

  With a sword order in his hand, he naturally sat on the fishing platform, leisurely and contented.

  In the courtyard, Lu Xuan gently shook the cup in his hand.

  In the cup, the hundred-fruit spirit juice shook with it.

  Lu Xuan took a sip, and the fragrance of various spirit fruits mixed together. The taste was harmonious, but the layers were distinct, and he could feel all kinds of wonderful changes.

  "No wonder the fifth-grade Qingxuan deer was thinking about this hundred-fruit spirit juice before he died."

  "Even if there is no emotional factor mixed in it, the taste of the spirit juice is worthy of its longing."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly while tasting the hundred-fruit spirit juice.

  It takes dozens of different spirit fruits to prepare the spirit juice, and it is very difficult to collect them. Last time in the Qingling Secret Realm, it was with the help of the sect's power that he was able to collect them successfully in the first time.

  After Lu Xuan had the idea of ​​preparing it himself, he did not go around collecting spirit fruits himself, but directly spent a sum of spirit stones to set up tasks in the General Affairs Hall. The price was slightly raised, and a large number of outer disciples took the task and collected enough spirit fruits on behalf of Lu Xuan.

  The Hundred Fruit Spiritual Juice has a strong aftereffect, and drinking too much will make you feel drunk.

  In the yard, Feng Falcon stretched out his wide wings, lying on the ground with his belly facing up. Lihuo Jiaolong was like a dead snake, lying on Feng Falcon's round belly, motionless.

  Stepping Cloud Lynx tried to maintain his elegant posture, walking with one foot deep and one foot shallow, his eyes were hazy, and even his roar became full of meaning.

  "I told you to be greedy."

  Lu Xuan looked at the unconscious Feng Falcon and the young Jiao, and said with some amusement.

  Not long after he prepared the Hundred Fruit Spiritual Juice, the three children took advantage of him to inspect the spiritual field and secretly drank a lot, causing them all to fall into a state of intoxication.

  Lu Xuan was a little drunk, and he inspected the spiritual field everywhere, carefully observing the growth status of the spiritual plants.

  He came to the jade scale fruit spiritual plant, and his mind was focused on a jade scale fruit that he had been paying attention to for a long time.

  As expected, the progress bar below the jade scale fruit was completely full.

  "The second jade scale fruit is ripe."

  Lu Xuan suddenly became more sober. His palm turned into jade. He carefully grabbed the handle of the jade scale fruit and pulled it off with force.

  He glanced at it casually and found that the quality of this jade scale fruit was the same as the last time, both of which were of good quality.

  A thought emerged from his mind.

  [Jade scale fruit, a third-grade spiritual fruit, formed by the warmth and stimulation of the jade breath...]

  Lu Xuan ignored the thought and focused all his attention on the white light ball that was swaying between the jade leaves.

  He stretched his hand high, like embracing the moon, and hooked the white light ball.

  The light ball exploded silently, turning into countless tiny light spots, and in an instant, they all poured into Lu Xuan's body.

  [Harvest a third-grade jade scale fruit, and obtain the fourth-grade jade spiritual ore Chigangyu.]

  Countless light spots disappeared, and a piece of ore appeared in Lu Xuan's palm.

  The ore was the size of a baby's head, with an uneven surface and a reddish color. Inside, a substance similar to chalcedony was slowly flowing.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the spiritual ore in his hand, and he immediately noticed detailed information about it.

  [Red Gangyu, a fourth-grade spiritual ore, contains a large amount of jade essence, which can be used to refine corresponding magic tools and flying swords.]

  "Fourth-grade spiritual ore!"

  Lu Xuan was not good at refining tools, so he had to put the red Gangyu in his hand away first.

  "The jade scale fruit in my hand can also improve the physique of monsters, and can be given to lynxes."

  The three children gathered around unconsciously, looking at the crystal jade scale fruit in Lu Xuan's hand with warm eyes.

  Lu Xuan did not hesitate, a black sword light shot out from his body, cutting the jade scale fruit into three even parts, one for each.

  (End of this chapter)

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