
Chapter 113 - Imitation Dragon Binding Ring

  "It is somewhat similar to the Silver Blade artifact I got before, but I don't know how many light balls are needed to open the lower part of the "Glass Bone Forging Method"."

  As early as in the North District Courtyard, after the ungraded Eclipse Moon Fruit matured, Lu Xuan occasionally received the Silver Blade fragments as a reward. It took a long time to collect a dozen fragments to form a complete Silver Blade artifact.

  Now the upper part of the "Glass Bone Forging Method" has appeared. You only need to open the lower part of the foundation-building stage to collect it. Compared with the Silver Blade, the difficulty is much smaller.

  On the three intertwined Qingmiao Lingcha tea trees, each has six or seven leaves of tender green spiritual tea leaves. After picking four leaves, Lu Xuan counted and found that there were still fifteen leaves left.

  "Fifteen leaves of Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves only need to open the lower part of the "Glass Bone Forging Method", which is stable."

  Lu Xuan was full of confidence.

  After resting for three days, he came to the General Affairs Hall again, intending to find a suitable task to earn sword seals.

  Now he has a total of eighty-seven sword seals on his body, most of which are obtained by improving the monkey face orchid planting method.

  Last time when Lu Xuan bought spiritual plants and seeds in Sinong Hall, he roughly asked about the number of sword seals required for rare spiritual plants and seeds.

  The second-grade rare and rare spiritual seeds are about twenty sword seals. As for the third-grade spiritual seeds and spiritual plant seedlings, depending on the rarity and efficacy of the spiritual plants, they range from dozens to a hundred sword seals, and the minimum is no less than fifty sword seals. There are

  already several second-grade spiritual plants planted in the cave spiritual field. In addition, his cultivation is about to break through to the ninth level of Qi training, so Lu Xuan has no intention of planting a small number of second-grade spiritual plants.

  He plans to exchange for a third-grade rare spiritual plant seedling or spiritual seed. When it matures, he has a great chance of breaking through to the initial stage of foundation building, and the reward is just right.

  If he exchanges for two or three second-grade spiritual seeds, after about a year of maturity, it is possible to open a treasure for the Qi training stage, which will seem a bit tasteless.

  The General Affairs Hall is still very lively.

  Twenty or thirty disciples of the Tianjian Sect are waiting in front of the huge light curtain, staring closely at the task information that appears on the light curtain.

  Lu Xuan noticed that the most popular tasks were to go to a secret realm to pick spiritual medicine or hunt specific monsters.

  The rewards for such tasks were relatively high, and after entering the secret realm, there might be other opportunities to get spiritual medicine, monster materials, and even treasures such as elixirs and elixirs, killing two birds with one stone.

  In addition, there were also many tasks for investigating and clearing evil spirits, followed by the four major cultivation skills of elixirs, weapons, arrays, and talismans. The requirements for such tasks were varied, and it was difficult for ordinary cultivators to meet the task conditions.

  Tasks related to spiritual plants and spiritual beasts were not very common, and the rewards were the lowest.

  But this kind of task was the most suitable for Lu Xuan.

  After planting spiritual plants and raising spiritual beasts, he could master their specific status, which made it easy for him to complete the task, or even exceed the task. This

  was the case with the monkey-faced orchid before, and he also received a sword seal reward that was twice the task reward.

  He stood silently in the corner, his eyes swept through the constantly updated task content, and finally chose a spiritual beast raising task.

  [The task of raising young dragons requires raising young dragons, Chilong anacondas, etc. in Qianlong Lake twice a day. It requires a firm mind and the task reward is ten sword seals per month. ]

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness touched the task content on the light ball. Suddenly, a thought flooded into his mind, and the specific information about the task emerged one by one.

  Among the tasks related to spirit beasts, the raising tasks are the simplest for Lu Xuan. After all, he can understand the real-time status of spirit beasts by raising them, which just fits the task content.

  In addition, he also has a little selfishness. The amount of blue water python blood brought from the market is getting less and less. Lu Xuan wants to take this opportunity to see if he can borrow some demon blood from the many dragons, Chilong anacondas in Qianlong Lake.   

  Half an hour later, Lu Xuan arrived at the mission destination with a spiritual crane.

  The spiritual crane was timid and did not dare to fly directly over the lake, so it took a long detour. Lu Xuan did not argue with it because the price remained unchanged.

  He got off the back of the spiritual crane and came to a few stone houses.

  The bloody smell of various monsters came from the stone house, which made Lu Xuan, who was always kind to others, a little uncomfortable.

  After entering the stone house, he introduced his purpose, and soon a Qi training perfect cultivator took him around to familiarize himself with the situation of Qianlong Lake.

  "Junior Brother Lu, Qianlong Lake stretches for hundreds of miles, and there are many dragons and pythons raised in it, including third-grade or even higher-grade dragon monsters."

  The Qi training perfect cultivator was named Huang Yuan, and he looked mature and steady.

  "Of course, there are powerful restrictions in the habitat of the third-grade dragons, and they are raised by the foundation-building uncle, so we Qi-training disciples cannot touch them."

  "We are mainly responsible for the juvenile dragon monsters, mainly the second-grade ones, and various pythons and anacondas, both the first-grade and second-grade ones. Some of them are rare species, collected by the sect uncle and raised in Qianlong Lake."

  "The dragon monsters are full of treasures. Dragon skin, dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon blood, etc. are all widely used, so we have to serve them carefully and not neglect them at all."

  Huang Yuan introduced the situation to Lu Xuan in detail.

  Lu Xuan nodded continuously.

  "Brother Huang, what do you need to pay attention to when raising them?"

  "There are mainly two aspects. One is to feed those young dragons that belong to you. Don't worry about food. There will be a large amount of fresh monster flesh and blood provided every day."

  "During the raising process, those beasts will scramble for it and even cause fights. You must pay more attention to this."

  "In addition, the dragon monsters are known for their ferocity. Sometimes they will go wild and try to attack the monks who raise them."

  "But that's just a facade. In fact, they can't threaten us at all. There are restrictions above the lake, and there are also magic weapons to control them."

  Huang Yuan smiled and raised his arm. A golden bracelet slowly rotated on his wrist. There seemed to be a dragon-shaped phantom swimming on the bracelet.

  "The Dragon Binding Ring is said to be able to bind a real dragon. Of course, the one on my wrist is a replica of a replica, and it is far different from the real thing."

  "The one in your hand is a third-grade magic weapon, which can easily control second-grade dragon cubs and python monsters."

  "I will give you one later, Junior Brother Lu, but it can only be used within the mission period and within the boundaries of Qianlong Lake. It cannot be taken out of Qianlong Lake. When you leave, you need to return the replica Dragon Binding Ring."

  "Junior Brother Lu, remember not to be greedy for this third-grade magic weapon, otherwise, you will regret it."

  "This situation happened many years ago. A Qi training disciple was greedy and wanted to swallow the replica Dragon Binding Ring. In the end, he was caught by the uncle of the Discipline Hall and was severely punished."

  Huang Yuan said with a smile.

  Lu Xuan nodded to show that he understood clearly. Although he had been immersed in the Five Pillars Dragon Binding Technique for many years, he would be helpless in the face of a large number of dragon monsters. It would be best to have a powerful magic weapon to control them.

  (End of this chapter)