
Chapter 112 - Glazed Bone Tempering Method

  "The third-grade elixir, the Dust-Reducing Pill, can remove impurities from the body of a cultivator and reduce the risk of alienation. This kind of elixir is relatively rare."

  Lu Xuan looked at the fragrant round elixir in his palm and muttered to himself.

  During the cultivation process, if a cultivator absorbs and refines spiritual energy in the spiritual environment formed by low-level spiritual veins, there may be fine impurities remaining in the body. After long-term accumulation, it will have some impact on the cultivator's breakthrough.

  In addition, if you stay in the wild for a long time and come into contact with turbid spiritual energy, the accumulation of impurities will be accelerated.

  In this case, if you encounter evil spirits invading your body, it will be easier to cause the cultivator to alienate into a weird monster.

  Lu Xuan encountered a Qi training cultivator alienated in the casual cultivator market in Linyangfang City a long time ago, and suddenly attacked other cultivators indiscriminately.

  Now, with this third-grade dust-reducing pill made by Qingmiao Lingcha, the risk of alienation can be reduced.

  He did not intend to sell or exchange this dust-reducing pill for other things, and swallowed it in one gulp.

  After a few breaths, a clear and spiritual air rose from his abdomen and quickly spread to Lu Xuan's limbs. Suddenly, he felt his body lighten, as if some invisible things were dispelled from his body.

  In addition, he also felt that his mind was clearer than ever before. Information flashed through his mind quickly, and all the past events were vivid in his mind.

  "This is the effect of the dust-removing pill to clear the mind and make the mind wise."

  Lu Xuan recalled the "Small Five Elements Gong" and "Cloud Teng Shu" he had obtained from the Sutra Library. He understood a lot of the things that he had previously understood superficially.

  "I love to practice, and practice makes me progress."

  Under the effect of the third-grade dust-removing pill, Lu Xuan, who was at the eighth level of Qi training, had the illusion of becoming a genius.

  He felt that this state seemed to last for a while, so he left the cave, rented a spiritual crane, and came to the Sutra Library again.

  In the Sutra Library, the white-haired and childlike monk from last time was not seen. Instead, he was replaced by an ordinary-looking high-level Qi training monk.

  Lu Xuan spent three sword seals to rent three thick jade books from the Sutra Library.

  The Jade Book is not a cultivation method or a powerful secret technique, but just some common sense about spiritual plants and spiritual beasts.

  He has a weak foundation, and has come to this point purely by relying on the grasp of the real-time status of the spiritual plants and the feedback of the white light ball.

  Since he has entered the sect and has such a good opportunity, he must seize it and make up for the relevant common sense.

  Back to the cave, while he is still in his state, he opened the Jade Book.

  A lifelike phantom of a spiritual plant appeared in front of him. The phantom was extremely realistic, and even the leaves of the spiritual plant could be seen clearly.

  Next to the phantom of the spiritual plant, there was a line of small characters, which detailed the types and grades of the spiritual plants.

  Lu Xuan memorized the phantom and the small characters and turned to the second page.

  The three jade books all recorded knowledge about spiritual plants and spiritual beasts.

  The types, grades, common origins of spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, the growth environment of spiritual plants, picking methods, storage methods, and solutions to common pests.

  Various strange habits of spiritual beasts, breeding methods, treatment methods, etc.

  Every time a page is turned, a virtual image that seems to be real appears. This three-dimensional method can make the cultivators remember better and increase the difficulty of knowledge transmission.

  In the next few days, Lu Xuan stayed in the cave, cultivating spiritual plants, raising cloud-stepping lynxes and iron-clawed crabs, and spent the rest of his time flipping through the three jade books.

  While inspecting the spiritual field, with his mind focused, another batch of spiritual fireflies entered the fully mature stage.

  A total of 26 spiritual fireflies matured, of which seven were of perfect quality, and the others were of good or superior quality, with more superior ones.

  After absorbing the white light balls one by one, it brought nearly six years of cultivation, which made Lu Xuan's cultivation rise again by a large margin, and he was only a step away from breaking through to the ninth level of Qi training.   

  The other light balls mainly brought elixirs and talismans, mainly first-grade, and two second-

  grade talismans. In addition, there were two drops of grass spirit essence liquid and a Peiyuan Pill recipe experience package.

  The grass spirit essence liquid continued to be stuffed into the grass puppet, allowing it to absorb the rich grass and wood spirit energy inside.

  After absorbing the pill recipe experience package, Lu Xuan's understanding of refining Peiyuan Pills became deeper, and he even felt eager to find an opportunity to get a high-quality pill furnace and try it out.

  In addition to the more than 20 Lingying grasses that matured, there were also three leaves of tender green tea leaves from the three Qingmiao Lingcha tea trees that could be picked.

  Lu Xuan carefully picked the Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves and put them in a special jade box, trying to preserve the spiritual power of the tea leaves.

  Among the three leaves, two were of the same quality as the first leaf picked, both of good quality, and one was of top quality.

  Three white light balls appeared at the location where the tea leaves were picked.

  Lu Xuan picked them up gently, and the light balls turned into a galaxy of light spots and poured into his body.

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, obtain a third-grade dust-removing pill. ]

  A pill with a fragrant aroma appeared in his palm.

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, obtain a third-grade talisman, the Purifying Spirit Talisman. ]

  A talisman like white jade appeared in Lu Xuan's hand. There were countless nearly transparent lines on the talisman, emitting a holy and pure breath.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Purifying Spirit Talisman, a third-grade talisman, can detect evil spirits in a certain area around him when used, and has a certain purification effect on strange-level evil spirits. ]

  "Strange-level evil spirits, that is equivalent to a foundation-building cultivator. It is worthy of being a third-grade talisman. It is much more powerful than the first-grade Exorcism Talisman with a similar effect."

  Lu Xuan sighed.

  Planting so many firefly grasses, he opened a lot of first-grade Exorcism Talismans from the white light ball. After using them, he can sense the breath of evil spirits around him, but the damage caused to evil spirits is not great, not to mention that it can purify strange-level evil spirits.

  Lu Xuan put the first third-grade talisman he got into his storage bag, and turned to look at the last white ball of light.

  This ball of light was left by the top-quality piece, so he was looking forward to it even more.

  With great expectations, Lu Xuan reached out and gently tapped the white ball of light floating on the old root of the tea tree.

  The ball of light turned into countless light points and instantly poured into Lu Xuan's body.

  Then, a lot of information appeared in his mind.

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, and obtain the third-grade skill "Glass Bone Forging Method" (Part 1)]

  [Glass Bone Forging Method, a third-grade skill, after practicing it, can temper and forge the bones of the monks, making them clear and transparent, and the hardness is comparable to that of a third-grade magic weapon.]

  "A third-grade body-refining skill, worthy of a second-grade spiritual plant of top quality."

  Lu Xuan was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that a second-grade Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaf would produce a third-grade body-refining skill.

  "But, what the hell is the upper part?"

  He was puzzled, and after thoroughly digesting the information that appeared in his mind, he understood it in his heart.

  The upper part of the "Glass Bone Tempering Method" can only be practiced to the Qi training stage. If you want to go further, you have to open the lower part of the practice.

  (End of this chapter)