
[marvel] an idea

When a student fresh out of highschool takes a mysterious survey asking what world he would like to go to he obviously chose to go to the mcu read as his story unveils

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Where am i asher would ask for some reason he couldn't open his eyes or move around in general if anything it felt like his body was gone as he thought that he felt a great pain while it feels like he's getting dragged out of this warm area that he was in he didn't even realize what was going on before it was to late as he was pushed out of the body and he felt the cold air hit his body as he feels his sense coming back but very sharp causing him to cry because it's so cold.

We then see a women who looks to be in her late 20's she looks really tired as she just gave birth to this boy who she would name zeak adam she would look down at her baby before the doctors have to come and take the baby away to clean and give the baby a blanket after the baby is returned to her she looks down at the baby with a huge smile before she ultimately goes to sleep.

We skip to around 10 years later im currently 10 years old and this world seems like my old i try not to show that i'm a grown adult in a kids body but it slips up every so often with me showing my smarts but that was my down fall as a kid when i slipped up for the first time it was because my first grade teacher as joke did a calculus question and i ended up perfectly answering the question even writing the formula on how i did it for him i didn't notice that i messed up since i wasn't trying to do anything any way i know i got reincarnated but the world seems simple if this was another world like marvel or dc i would've known because there's things that make the worlds weird like if i was in the mcu i would of been taught about captain america.

But back to what's important this was the first time i found out this world was different then my world when he said your a genius i've never seen this formula this was the first sign that something was up after he said with this we could solve problems faster if you keep up with this you could be the next tony stark after he said the last name i knew exactly what was up i knew that i had perfect memory since i could perfectly remember the day i was born in this new world but now being told tony stark i knew i was in the mcu no i knew the serva i took must've sent me here just think about i have perfect memory and probably hearing as thats a part of the powers i had wanted i never got in fights but when i did get in high emotion situations like the death of my dad i was calm but i did cry after.

I knew this world from head to toe that was in tell i realized everything i had chose is what makes up this world meaning i know nothing basically i know the basics but if anything changes like the x men start to show up i'll have no knowledge of what happen, then the last trouble hit me i put the difficulty on the hardest difficulty meaning im going to have to become as strong as i can be..

My powers can do so much with normal and basic super humans but in the end my powers are actually really low tier id need something to boost my powers like the spider to bite me or the oz serum as i remember that i put a mix of the spider verse so oscorp should have a serum i wouldn't be worried about the serum as it makes your mind buzz but my cooling power should have that fixed.

I was thinking about not even thinking about what my teacher was saying when he gave me a piece of paper that even some of the smartest people in his state couldn't finish. It was given state to state trying to figure out what's the smartest state in the world, i would then look down at the piece of paper and in less than 5 minutes i finished the paper without any calculators or anybody teaching me in this world at least as when i figured out about my powers i decided ill abuse all of my powers as i could use my photo memory to see how to solve problems also figuring out i can recall whatever i heard as well.

After i solve the problem the teacher would look at me wide eyed then going to call my mom and then call the principle we then skip to current day im 15 years old its currently 2008 i have no clue how long in tell stark would end up getting kidnapped but i don't have to worry about that since he should have that handled himself.

But for a recap of what happened after I got called out for being a super genius, the state ended up getting involved moving me up to highschool just for me to ask for papers to graduate early because I knew everything already. When I was asked what I was gonna do now I asked if I could go to college. They were surprised that I would want to continue school even though I've proved myself enough.

But i didn't care i decided that to past the time by continuing school the classes i decided to major was genetics and engineering as these would be my most important as dealing with genetics will be big as if i want to mess with the spiders that gave peter his power i'll have to learn when i was 13 me and my mom decided to move to ny just because it would be a better place to live in general as we have a lot of money. Not millionaire rich but thousands of dollars as I had basic knowledge of engineering, on top of that I'm from the year 2022 I have the ideas of future tech that's not even made yet.

I even met Tony Stark once. He wasn't the same that we know and love. This was the player boy that gets what he wants no matter what. It was an experience meeting him but we don't have to go in to that because all you have to think is halfway through the talk he'll start to check out girls.

But other than that nothing special has happened besides me starting to work for oscorp. Some time after I joined oscorp i actually got to meet the actual doc ock. It was so amazing seeing him in the real world before he became all crazy. Another thing is i made up some form of a plan already in about two weeks from now i turn 16 and im gonna move out of my moms house so i can have more privacy after that i'll start my work on the spiders as they're good but not as good as i'd like them to be a good example is that peter got bit by one of the spiders and he just had the basic powers while when gwen got bit in her world she had an extra power that lets her have control over attraction it may be small but its still better.

The current plan is to get access to the spider and individually experiment on the spiders making it that whoever's bitten at least has organic webs like tobey oro even more powers as miles will still have his shock and invisibility while he might gain more thanks to this difference.

We then skip to about a month later. Currently we have two schools scheduled to come and visit oscor, the two schools are midtown high, and brooklyn visions university. Both of which have spiders. I had also come to find out that Gwen Stacy also works at oscorp and she would be the guides. As these two trips are happening now I'd have to guess that it's going to start now and not later like Tom's world.

The objective was this since both schools would be coming as a joint field trip i would have the cases holding the spiders slightly open letting them escape and id hope that things work like that have the spider bite peter then he flings it and if it doesn't die and it goes to the floor ill safely have it bite gwen so that's two down. But for miles I'm planning on having it happen when he leaves when they walk out the spider falls in hiim bites him and that's that I just have to hope the plan works.

About 4 buses pull up to oscorp as it's a trip for both schools that's periodically happening over the week i'd be waiting in the lounge area to introduce them to the oscorp building then bring them to there guide gwen stacy where there second exhibit would be the spider right after frogs.

The frogs weren't anything important at least that's what i think this is when the first problem would stop one of the frogs were really enhanced like the spiders as frogs our easy to dissect they had a mutated on in there and a random kid named daniel had got licked by it as they weren't dangerous and mainly stayed in there ares but this one was rowdy and licked the kid the kid was sent to the infirmary quick and i didn't see him after that.

After that i could only guess we have one more hero or villain as anything oscorp related goes super, were now in the spider exhibit and things went as planned, i sall a spider coming down from the ceiling and it ended up biting peter then after words he flicked the spider off and it ended up biting gwen stacy everything was looking up the miles was walking close to one of the cages and some random worker told him to back away and as he did the spider that was in had jumped out and bit him but this spiders bite felt like nothing and then the spider just fell dead on the ground i felt so happy that my plan worked.

I was in such a happy mood in tell another random spider that's cage was not opened or slightly opened was gone as i look around i then see a girl hit the back of her neck and a spider fall to the floor i then though oh shi this wasn't supposed to happen there was suppose to only be peter or all three of them if the plan went well but 4 and this one looks random that's in tell i noticed that she looks like zendaya then i figured out oh my god the spider couples. If you dont understand im calling it this since peter x mj and miles x gwen spider couples.

I'd calm down since it's actually ok as i thought peter mj two spiders good heroes and a couple.

The rest would be boring if i wasn't at oscorp the place of misfortune if anything the amount of super people that go to these two schools now could probably make their own superhero team.

Wed skip to later that week this scene was playing out

I see a young man looking like tom holland run to his uncle's body as he says his last words were with great power come great responsibility this day would start a fire in the world changing the world forever causing the birth of the first spider, the following day there reports of tony stark going missing.

This is the end of this chapter if you have noticed I made oscorp the super symbol for now as oscorp is a super scientific place and if they just let modified spiders roam free then why wouldn't there be other animals. i'll also use these other characters as their own group as when zeke had decided to go and put totems i got the idea to add more as oscorp seems like the best way for people to get power and dont worry well get in to actually hero events soon well soon is in like 2 chapters.