
[GL] Warm Like a Summer Breeze.

Like a summer breeze my love warmed up, for you I have eyes and a heart even if nature didn't make us to be together. Two women who found each other again after years, but days or years could pass and the love that warms them up always seemed the same. Cozy and strong. A sweet story about the accidents of life and how it is always possible to find your place in the world in the hearts of those you love. Protagonists: Bin So-won, Yeom Jung-ah _______________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside _______________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Prologue: Jung-ah! Am I a joke to you?

It was nostalgic, I could remember the days when I arrived in the classroom and saw them always waiting for me.

I can narrate this moment as an emotional reunion, lights on Yeom, flashes and sweet music. Maybe even everything in slow motion... But I would be lying.

Yeom Jung-ah didn't even dare to hug me or look into my eyes.

She was always eating or drinking, always with her head down.

Jung-ah! Am I a joke to you?

Somehow everyone could perceive the strange interaction between the two of us, of course they would notice we were inseparable and magically we didn't even look at each other.

Minji masterfully pretended that nothing happened and skillfully made me sit next to her.

We drank and talked, but I could just feel that all the anticipation that filled my heart was sinking and falling, my heart felt like it was hanging on about to cave in.

I couldn't concentrate on what everyone seemed so happily talking about, a movie filled with moments of me and Yeom running wildly in my mind... What had changed?

"I'm going to the bathroom, excuse me."

Just listening to Jung-ah's low voice resonate in the room, my heart even missed a beat or two.

Since I arrived it was the first time I could hear her talking and it wasn't even towards me.

My heart was sour and I even felt my eyes cloud over, filled with anguish and injustice.

I stared at Yeon's straight back disappearing towards the interior of the restaurant and I didn't even think about it and got up too.

I'm sure Minji and Eunmi must have been freaked out by me, but I didn't look back and I didn't even think about what I was about to do.

If this was a movie would it be a comedy or was I doomed to a tragedy? I don't know, the script is not being written by me, I simply acted on the impulses of my heart.

Perhaps the colors were brighter and my heart happier with Yeom around, because we were forcing ourselves to live that way? Are we not friends?

I went into the bathroom and made sure only one of the stalls was occupied, well, I sincerely hoped I didn't get arrested for harassment or something, but if I was writing I would write a scene similar to this... The bathroom door locked and a confrontation warm ending with tears and laughter filled with longing and reconciliation.

Sure, why not?!

Restlessly, I was waiting, leaning against the wall. Yeom, when she left the cabin, barely looked at me, she immediately looked away.

She... Was she really planning to leave without talking to me?

I held her wrist and in my mind I had several phrases ready, but I couldn't even make a single sound. Completely speechless and scared.

"Yeom… Are you going to ignore me all day?"

One of the things I loved most about Jung-ah was her smile, always radiant and beautiful.

Not every day was happy, but they immediately got better whenever I saw her smile.

But why don't you smile more?

I couldn't tell that my hands were shaking, Yeom just heaved a sigh and finally looked at me.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about."

Heavens! Is this woman taking a course in evil? She must have learned from my ex-girlfriend.

I started crying my eyes out, of course, a stupid person always stupid, right!?

"Do you know how much I missed you? Why haven't you talked to me in all these years? Did I do something to you?"

Yeom dramatically turned off the faucet, grabbed half a dozen paper towels and dried her hands before finally turning towards me.

"It was you who started this ignoring me, I have nothing to talk to you about since the day you left me alone waiting for you for hours!"

I looked into Yeom's eyes full of confused feelings, what was she talking about anyway? I would never even consider the option of leaving her alone waiting for me.

"Yeom what are you talking about?"

Yes, she smiled, a smile full of irony.

I could feel how hurt she looked, how could I be so stupid as to not even know what she was talking about?!

Yeom was about to slip through my fingers like dust, I wouldn't allow that to happen again. I simply hugged her.

Well, I hadn't planned what to do next and I just held on with all my might. My heart felt as racing as hers.

We were silent for several seconds, it felt like an eternity.

I was panicking, what was I supposed to do now?!

"Why did you decide to hug me? We are two alphas."

"I don't care, tell me what happened… I really don't know."

Yeom didn't say much, she was an alpha as strong as I was and she took advantage of the fact that I barely had the strength to support myself on my feet and she easily changed our positions to hold me against her body herself.

Maybe there was romantic music playing or birds whistling.

Yes, this moment definitely called for at least live music inside that tiny bathroom, piano, violin and harp! I have no doubt that everything would fit perfectly between the toilets.

Perhaps angels were singing in a choir.

Yeom's lips were soft like cotton, I'm sure that was the feeling of being in heaven.

I don't know, but I have suspicions that I saw God and he was smiling.

I don't know how long we were in that situation, I also don't know if I had the reaction to close my eyes during the kiss. My memory was blurred and lost.

I kept myself completely immersed in the sensation of kissing my best friend.

Yes, that was one of the best kisses I had ever received in my entire life.

Yeon was beautiful, soft and fragrant.

A delicate and feminine alpha with the sweet taste of strawberry.

That kiss was like having strawberry candy in my mouth that easily melted and warmed me up.

She leaned her forehead against mine, her voice husky as she seemed as incapable of speech as I was.

It wasn't just my hands that were wobbly, hers were beyond trembling they were also freezing cold.

Our breaths collided and every second I saw myself more intoxicated by the sweet smell of that woman.

"Sowon, what happened is that I fell in love and you didn't even show up to answer if you would accept my confession… You never thought I was serious in that letter?!"

The reality was more surprising and interesting than any story I could come up with... Yes, what I couldn't imagine was that this story was actually a romantic comedy.

Welcome to my story with Yeom Jung-ah.


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