

2023-09-24 JointGlobal



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  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à The_Jeffinator

    We'll see :)

    [Monarch Beyond the Grave] Attribute Description: "Even among the dead there is a hierarchy. You are the monarch of the living dead. All undead follow your commands without question. Hostile undead are suppressed innately by the nature of you regal presence."
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Kookorachas


    Then, with a gentle tug, the boot slid off her leg, revealing pure white semi-transparent stockings underneath.
    Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP
    Jeux vidéo · iRedX43
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Attacker

    2~3 chapters/ week until I catch up to the available manga chapters.

    Ch 2 Chapter II: Everyday Life of Akuma
    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Star_Lord_1201

    Essentially, yes, that is the major premise of the plot. The MC has his own special traits that he received upon reincarnation, so he won't be solely reliant on the power of [Slave]. I'm gonna be honest with you here, I may be way too over my head with. I just wanted to write something easy to help my mind stay fresh to write my main fanfic. However, upon writing the chapters and interactions, it dawned to me that this series is extremely dependent on the protagonist being under Kyouka's [Slave] power for much of the shenanigans to ensue. I'm trying to find a method to not just write the same plot but with a different character. I am not especially confident in this fanfic. If I don't manage to make it somehow unique; then, I'll have to axe it and proceed with another side project.

    Ch 2 Chapter II: Everyday Life of Akuma
    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Joanjudo

    The aspect of [Living Lich King] is not something that exists in SS. The Lich King I am using as a rough template is the one from World of Warcraft. Like the MC, the aspect is something that can't canonically exist in the world due to it violating the domains of several of the seven Gods.

    Undead Monarch Abilities(Not Aspect Abilities) : [Mantle of Death], [Undead Resilience], [Soul Sight]
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Joanjudo

    A Lich King is an Undead Monarch. It is a synonym.

    Undead Monarch Abilities(Not Aspect Abilities) : [Mantle of Death], [Undead Resilience], [Soul Sight]
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Knoxyyyy

    Probably a canditate for the most ironic death in star wars history.

    "Tell me, do either of you know the Legend of Oedipus Rex?" inquired the tall youth as he rose up and sat in a cross-legged posture.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Chaos_JPG

    Honestly speaking, I'm not much a fan of crossovers between series or even 'world hopping' type of fanfics since I believe they cheapen the experience just to have the MC gather girls and powers like pokemon. Also, I never got into the Harry Potter craze as a kid, so I don't have much fondness for the series.

    Also, I plan to have the library play a major part of a few plot points in the future, especially in regards to our MC's past and development as a magician/wizard/sorcerer. There will other be other plot points in the future but they are on a need to know basis right now.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Ka1serMax

    I apologize regarding the spelling mistakes. They occur when I write too fast on my keyboard. Thanks for the help.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Star_Lord_1201

    The only way I imagine he could help Nephis is by emotional support and guidance. The way I see Nephis is like a traumatized person who never developed past her childhood from an emotional point of view. Sure, she may put on a strong front and always say that she will kill the leaders of the great clans, but she actually has no idea on how to do it other than winging it as it comes. Also, there is the fact that she somehow wants to destroy the nightmare spell because it took away her family. From our recent understanding of the Nightmare Spell, it is not the catalyst that brought nightmare creatures to the real world but rather a tool for humans to achieve awakening faster to fight for their survival. Basically, in a way, she is even more blind than Cassie when it comes to knowing what to do. I don't know why, but I'm feeling like G3 is just writing her to her death. This is currently the general idea that I have in regards to Nephis. However, I must admit that I am getting a bit of burnout from reading the OG shadow slave. I blame the subreddit and discord for that. Anyways, what I want to say is that it is always subject to change based on how I write the story later on.

    Ch 38 Chapter XXXVIII: From the Frying Pan and Into the Flame (1)
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à shadow_god_lance

    Okay, riddle me this. In the initial chapters at the academy, he briefly considered going to the female changing rooms with his shadow before shelving the idea in fear of getting caught. Tell me, what aspect info would he have hoped to garner there?

    I personally found it strange that Sunny's actions in the academy don't have much consequences for him in the Dream Realm so I devised this introduction. I mean, the dude literally verbally assaulted most of the female sleepers due to his inability to lie due to his flaw.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Lordmoonlight

    Sure, my fanfics won't be able to satisfy everyone's expectations. I hope you the best wherever you end up.

    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à shadow_god_lance

    Cassie is just trying to pull her weight as William's companion. Remember that she believes herself as nothing more than deadweight, so she will do anything even if it beings a nugget of use. Plus, as far as she knows, she couldn't trust anyone else in that group. Also, remember that William has been trying to have a good relationship with Cassie since her powers could be a real threat for him if she ver exposes his secrets. I know that people all think of Cassie as a traitor for selling out Sunny's true name to Nephis. Yet, as a reader, you have to understand that we mostly read the Forgotten Shore arc through Sunny's POV, and usually having one perspective into events and characters is not a reliable method of narration. For example, imagine if, alongside Sunny, we got Caster's POV throughout the entire arc and didn't just consider him as the arc's mini boss. Wouldn't that have made the confrontation between him and Sunny a bit more emotional? Sunny was trying to kill him in an attempt to do a favor/get closer to his crush/friend while Caster was doing it in order to save his clan(or something along those lines) even though he knew he was going to sacrifice alot because of his flaw in doing so. Honestly, there is a lot of potential lost when interesting side characters are simply killed off for the 'protagonist's development'.

    This earned her a pat on the head from her friend. William was glad that she chose to tell him secretly rather than saying it out loud; it seemed that the advice he gave her on the first day had stuck.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à shadow_god_lance

    He thought of it, back in the initial chapters. I believe it was the author's attempt at making him look like your average hormonal teenager to make room for character development later on - even if it comes off as creepy sometimes.

    "I suggest we leave him and go on our way. I don't feel safe traveling with the infamous pervert of the academy," was Nephis's suggestion to which Cassia nodded fervently. After hearing of Sunny's 'achievements' at the academy, his approval with both of the girls fell to the negatives.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Livres et littérature · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Lordmoonlight

    He has his reasons. I can't just go and spill the entire thing like a 3rd rate hack now, can I?

    Ch 3 Chapter III: Mato Disaster
    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Khayzer

    In response to the MC's attitude towards women, as you said, he had lived most of his life in a world where women were dominant. Also, he didn't have much of a father figure in his life due to his grandfather passing when he was young. Some may ask why he would let the girls pull him into their antics in chapter 7 when he can simply use his grandmother's influence in the MDF; however, I know from personal experience how annoying and embarrassing it is to use the name of someone close to you to fix their problems. P.S. for all those out there who ask the question, "Why wouldn't he just use his strength to intimidate the women like a true alpha male?" Okay, first off, scrub that alpha male bullshit out of your brain. Shit like that is what makes you enter court in our world, much less a world where women are at the top of the hierarchy. Secondly, he isn't stupid. The MC knows that if anything scandalous about him gets leaked, it would end badly for him, and he would bring shame to his grandmother, who had vouched for him. Don't get me wrong, he will be different from the original protagonist of the story. Otherwise, why would I waste my time writing this? It is just a gradual process since I can't realistically make someone with the upbringing and life of the MC suddenly make a 180 in his attitude. Anyway, I hope this is a good enough explanation on that matter.

    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à bondarant

    Don't worry. Different people have different likes and dislikes. Plus, it's not like the plot is subtle about it.

    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Tarsino

    Changes are not that apparent in the beginning, but Akuma's own strength and background will change the story quite a bit later.

    Ch 7 Chapter VII: Unit 7
    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777
  • John_Doe_777
    Répondu à Triforce_Avatar

    This one, if it had long, unruly red hair and more muscles, also 8 feet tall.

    Finally, the figure still had Akuma's eye-catching crimson hair but it was much longer. Also, there were two sharp, white horns that emerged that mass of red akin to a bull's horn but longer and more streamlined (A.N: think of the horns Ichigo has in bleach whenever he becomes a hollow). Meanwhile, around his neck was a black, metallic, spiked choker that also had a broken chain attached to it from behind like some sort of harness.
    Mato Seihei no Slave: House Husband Unchained
    Anime et bandes dessinées · John_Doe_777