
Review Detail of Khayzer in

Détail de l’examen


5 Stars because it is Mato Seihei and to support the author, I hope that the MC does not act like Yuuki since until now he follows the same steps (by that I mean his attitude towards women) but I hope that he improves since we are just at the beginning of the story and the MC has lived 18 years where women are dominant.

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In response to the MC's attitude towards women, as you said, he had lived most of his life in a world where women were dominant. Also, he didn't have much of a father figure in his life due to his grandfather passing when he was young. Some may ask why he would let the girls pull him into their antics in chapter 7 when he can simply use his grandmother's influence in the MDF; however, I know from personal experience how annoying and embarrassing it is to use the name of someone close to you to fix their problems. P.S. for all those out there who ask the question, "Why wouldn't he just use his strength to intimidate the women like a true alpha male?" Okay, first off, scrub that alpha male bullshit out of your brain. Shit like that is what makes you enter court in our world, much less a world where women are at the top of the hierarchy. Secondly, he isn't stupid. The MC knows that if anything scandalous about him gets leaked, it would end badly for him, and he would bring shame to his grandmother, who had vouched for him. Don't get me wrong, he will be different from the original protagonist of the story. Otherwise, why would I waste my time writing this? It is just a gradual process since I can't realistically make someone with the upbringing and life of the MC suddenly make a 180 in his attitude. Anyway, I hope this is a good enough explanation on that matter.

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