


A Warrior of Scylla I rather choose a poison to death than a poison to restart.

2020-08-05 JoinedPhilippines



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I Won't Last a Day Without You

How she wonders why God always test the most kindest person not to get what they wanted. Like how He forbin Reina Constancia to get the longest life she wanted after Kaios Jax and her fate collided. She thought about how existent that you can't easily get the things you wanted in this world even though you know how much you wanted to get that, and even though you know that you have a previledge to get that but fate and destiny played you in a messy way. Reina Constancia Vargas realized that there are things that aren't destined for you... Like how she fought over her disease for love but the fate on you became a burden and that fate of hers was written as death. If you hate something, would you try to change it? And if you get the chance to change it, will everything turned revise and will be on your hand? Like how I badly wanted to change my fate from dying to loving because once I leaves in this world, I will hate myself a million times because I promised I'll stay. She's devasted and furious, but as long as she can live, she will... just for him...Kaios. The man who made her young and half alive heart beat without a notice but hard to deny that this heart of hers back to being alive because of him. His love keep her alive. Like the orange sky that clearly describe the beauty of emblem of the fire. Her love for him significe a fire, as long as you keep putting a wood, it can make the fire get more bigger. And that how she felt, everytime she's bothering her until they became closer that they won't last a day without seeing each other.

goldenscylla · Teen
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25 Chs