

Chapter 421 - Someone else is here?

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Oh my god, this is a lot of fun!" Madan chortled loudly, while Anya wore a frown on her face. She was coughing badly thanks to all the dirt, smoke, and debris.

There was also a thin layer of black filth covering her skin which made her feel nauseous. She hated this entire setup and the blast smell.

Next to them, Barret and Kouske both had indifferent expressions. Everyone was extremely drained and worn out and couldn't wait for this fight to come to an end.

"Just throw another bomb and get it over with." Anya spat out after coughing some more.

Each bomb dealt around 100000 damage so she knew that the fight was not over yet. They still had a long way to go.

For the next few minutes, the group incessantly bombed the huge giant and Madan kited it using one of his pets, the silver antler.

The stag's speed was remarkable as he jumped around taking the faceless giant for a trip.

Every other minute, they had to change locations because they couldn't see the giant thanks to the smoke and the debris.

So like this, the group alternated between kiting and tossing the explosives.

This was an extremely expensive way to deal with an Elite, but their circumstance at the moment was like that.

For some reason, they had received a message from their big brother asking them to finish the fight as soon as possible and move away from this area.

He had even mentioned dropping the elite altogether if they couldn't finish it soon enough. So without any other choice, Kouske decided to use the explosives.

They had worked very hard after all so he couldn't bring himself to let it all go to waste.

Also, they weren't strictly asked to leave, they were instructed only to be careful. So he decided against leaving immediately and chose this sure-shot method to kill the elite.

With this Kouske was confident that he would be able to handle the situation and that everything would work out smoothly.

The group continued coordinating without any flaw and the faceless giant's health as well steadily decreased.

Soon the giant's health touched its last 10% and at that time, the red miasma that covered its face slowly started spreading to the rest of the body.

"Not good." Kouske immediately tossed a few bombs at the same time, all aiming for the giant's right leg.

The huge foot cracked and burst under the effect of the huge chain explosion, resulting in the big guy staggering and swaying.

The red miasma that was spreading around also stopped as if it was interrupted.

The faceless giant's level, power, and health were clearly high but from the looks of it, the elite also had a lot of flaws, one of the fatal flaws being its speed and less variety of attacks at its disposal.

It only had a sliver of health left now. "Quick. Quick. Let's end this." Madan shouted in impatience.

Anya also tiredly nodded while Barret stood next to her with a shield protecting her just in case.

The group collectively decided to end the fight and threw over the next batch of explosives after Madan recalled his pet.


The entire place trembled from the impact of the explosions. Heatwaves rippled in all directions and dust and smoke filled the whole area. Nothing was visible. ᴀʟʟɴᴏᴠᴇʟFuʟʟ.cᴏm

"What happened? That should have done it right?" Madan shouted, rubbing his eyes.

"Hmmm." Kouske had a strange expression on his face. "Yes, that last bomb should have finished the elite."

"Anya, can you use your wind attack to quickly clear the area a bit. We need to see what is going on."

Anya listened to Kouske and immediately started casting a nature spell.

Several small wind whirlpools appeared around her and they shot forward to quickly clear the smoke and fumes.

And just as the dust cleared, everyone could see the huge thing swaying mid-air.

There was probably only a minute amount of health left in the elite and before any of the four could take action, suddenly a fireball appeared out of nowhere and landed on the faceless giant.

Everything happened too fast.

They had only barely taken a look when the giant's now lifeless humongous body fell onto the side with a loud thud, creating a smokescreen and tremor as if another explosive had gone off.

"What the hell?" Everyone quickly backed away as the mere impact of this sent out several rocks in all directions.

Anya hurriedly used another [Wind Whirpools] to clear the zone and gain more visibility when unexpectedly one of the whirlpools hit something solid and a damage number popped out.

The dust and the debris as well cleared leaving behind the silhouette of a lone player and the multiple loot pieces scattered around the faceless giant's corpse.

Everyone stood frozen, shocked senseless. They stared at the faceless giant's corpse in a daze. The giant was clearly dead. Even the loot was there.

So who received all the experience points?

And on the other side, Liam had a big face splitting grin.

[Ding. You have received 1000,000 experience points]

[Ding. You have reached Level 50]

Chapter 422 - Tit for tat?

[Ding. You have received 1000,000 experience points]

[Ding. You have leveled up]

[Ding. Your pet Luna has leveled up]

[Ding. Your pet Luna has leveled up]

[Ding. Your pet Luna has leveled up]

[Ding. You have reached Level 50]

[Ding. Congratulations. You are the first player to reach Level 50]

[Ding. Congratulations. You have earned the title 'Stage 1 Ranker']

[DING. World Announcement: Player Chang Liam has successfully reached Level 50. This achievement is etched in the walls of fame and his glory will be sung for all eternity!]

[DING. 5000 gold coins have been rewarded, 5000 fame points have been awarded.]

[DING. World Announcement: Player Chang Liam has successfully reached Level 50. This achievement is etched in the walls of fame and his glory will be sung for all eternity!]

[DING. 5000 gold coins have been rewarded, 5000 fame points have been awarded.]

"Of course, you would announce it to everyone." Liam chuckled. However, he did not have the time to think about that right now.

Just like he got the notifications, the others also would have gotten it.

And before the four staring at him could realize the obvious, his body shifted and he moved as fast as he could.

Kouske only needed a second to summon the death knight again so he did not want to risk things.

He might be Level 50 but that thing was Level 80 at the least and not to mention, he had already died to the guy once.

Ka Ta Ka Ta Ka Ta

Liam's figure disappeared and while everyone blankly stared not knowing where the person in front of them went, he silently appeared next to Anya.

"What? How?" The Russian blonde shrieked and quickly started casting spells but she was already too late.

A purple sword flashed around her, and weirdly the sword was not touching her. She couldn't block it with her staff, she couldn't dodge, she couldn't do anything.

Was this because of the difference in agility or perhaps… some new technique?

Anya had never seen anything like this.

Before she could make a move or even understand what just happened, her chest armor was cracked, her throat was slit, and blood spurted out uncontrollably.

Only now did everyone realize that Liam had attacked her. They had only just seen him disappear but he had already attacked Anya… and killed her?

What kind of monstrous strength was this?

"HEY!" The berserker near her whose job was basically to protect her watched everything go down dumbly. He simply could not do anything.

This was the difference in their stats?

"FUCK THIS SHIT! How the hell is he here!" Madan screamed like a teenage girl.

Kouske's hand trembled and he quickly summoned the death knight back again. It only had about 40% of its health left and hadn't recovered completely.

However, its level was 80 and even if Liam's level was 50, it should still be able to completely overpower him.

KILL HIM! Don't let him leave!" Kouske shouted and the death knight grunted loudly, its huge body dashing towards Liam or where Liam previously had been standing.

But unfortunately, the person in question was no longer to be found.

"Barret, what happened? Where did he go?" Madan shouted. [ Updated from F r e e w e b n o v e l. c o m ]

The three of them who were still standing looked around to search for Liam, but no matter where they looked he was nowhere to be found.

"Fuck. I know it. He is still here in stealth mode. He is going to ambush us from somewhere!" Madam chewed his nails anxiously.

"Wait. Don't panic. We won't lose. We will get him this time." Kouske's eyes darted from left to right and right to left, cautiously paying attention to every little detail around them.

They had stolen something right under Liam's nose and they had gained a lot from it, so obviously he was not going to leave them alive.

He had to be there somewhere around… Kouske clenched his fists as he took deep breaths mentally preparing for the person to pop out of thin air.

He knew that person. He could guess his personality. This was definitely tit for tat for what had happened back in the necromancer's cave!

That person's strength and power were as such. He would have unwavering confidence in himself and for sure strike once more to kill.

But that was exactly what Kouske needed! That strength and power would become his undoing! The death knight was not the only trump card he had!

"Come on." He gritted his teeth and patiently waited.

The three of them did not dare take a step forward, standing still, observing everything around them as if their life depended on it.

A few seconds passed by and soon an entire minute passed by. Liam still did not show up. They continued waiting for a few more minutes but he still did not show up.

At this point, they couldn't help but start doubting their assumption. Was he even still here?

"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Where are you! You bastard! Why don't you show your face in front of me if you have the guts!" Madan shouted out loud.

"Shit. This is all my mistake. Everything happened so fast that I thought he was going to attack me next." Barret lamented. "I was too focused on defending and now I don't know where he went."

He kept looking at the spot where Anya's body had previously been and now disintegrated and disappeared just like Liam.

Sighing at his words, Madan as well felt aggrieved. He stomped on the ground and shouted out some curse words.

"How the hell did he kill Anya so fast? Is there a huge stat boost after reaching Level 50 or what? This is so fucking unfair!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, almost instantly, the three of them had a strange look on their faces and they started panicking.

Only now they remembered something crucial. Anya was dead!

And that meant…

"Where is the graveyard? We need to go there right now!" Kouske quickly dismissed the deathknight and the three of them got onto the mount Madan summoned, a huge Griffen.

The trio then quickly raced to the graveyard which was not too far away.

A few flying nether serpents blocked their path but Kouske did not hesitate to summon the death knight and finished the fight hurriedly.

They then landed in the graveyard, once again resuming their vigilant lookout. But this time the three players were no longer confident.

All three of them had a dreadful look on their faces.

A few more minutes passed by just like this in silence when finally a figure materialized in the graveyard.

"Anya!" Kouske exclaimed anxiously.

"What the hell! You incompetent idiots! How did you let me die! Fools! I am the healer. Your job is to protect me!" The blonde's flat chest heaved up and down in anger.

She looked like she was about to rip a new one, but stopped midway. Anya noticed that everyone was looking at her weirdly. "What? What happened? Did you all die too?"

No one answered her, everyone remaining suspiciously silent.

"Kakaya? Don't just stand there like stupid freaks!" She twirled her hair in annoyance and then she finally noticed it.

Something was different. Something was missing. They hadn't died in a long time that she had almost forgotten what it means to die and what happens when a player dies.

Anya's face changed, her angry look now replaced with a constipated look as she nervously touched her head.

"No. No. No. Fuck. Fuck. No!" She muttered under her breath, almost too afraid to do it, but she had to. Her hands lifted up and she touched her head, her hair, only to find out that…

The emerald crown was missing…

Chapter 423 - Level 50 status screen

Meanwhile, somewhere a few miles away from the area… Liam was grinning ear to ear, seated atop the white fox.

"The thing about having an item that every single player would covet… is that you should be able to protect that item. He He He."

"Doesn't it look beautiful, Luna?" He twirled the emerald crown in his hand. He was not one to admire a woman's jewelry item but the one in his hand was truly exquisite.

The green gems on the crown sparkled brilliantly under the sunlight, but the most important aspect was not its beauty.

This was a legendary item Liam was holding in his hand. Now that they were out of harm's way, he brought the crown closer and observed it properly.

"Inspect." He mumbled and tried to take a better look at the crown and study its attributes, but unfortunately, nothing popped out.

He even tried to equip it and when he did, it only got slotted as a trash item with no attributes whatsoever.

[Emerald Crown]

[Health +1]

"Hmmm. Don't tell me that a legendary item can be bound only to one person in its lifetime!" Liam frowned.

After a minute he then shook his head with conviction. "That shouldn't be the case. This crown should have been forged by someone a long time ago to reach the status of legendary."

"So obviously it had had more than one owner. Hmmm… Maybe it works only on women? Or perhaps someone with high nature affinity?"

He observed the crowd for a few more seconds and then tossed it into his inventory space.

"I guess I can test all this out with Mei Mei."

After all, he had stolen the crown for her as her build and Anya's build had several similarities.

Though one was a shaman and the other was a healer, both of them relied heavily on nature magic. "Hmmm… it should work out… mostly."

Liam nodded and then shifted his attention to his own personal growth. The crown was not the only thing that he had stolen.

Thanks to the experience points from the faceless giant, he finally reached Level 50!

Level 50 was an important milestone in the game. One could even say that this was the true starting point of the game.

"Tsk. Tsk. Too bad I couldn't get the loot from that giant." Liam clicked his tongue but he was still smiling ear to ear as he did not care about that too much at the moment.

After all, there were still two or probably even more people he needed to rob from that group. It was alright to allow them to keep some stuff momentarily.

And as for the level 80 death knight which was the biggest threat standing in his path, he only needed to reach the same level and that threat would no longer be relevant.

Or maybe he did not even need to do that. From what he knew, chances were that the death knight was an item-bound summon.

Perhaps all he needed to do was to hunt down and kill the guy once to snatch the deathknight away from him.

He could have done it this time as well but there were too many what-ifs hanging around and he did not know for sure.

So he went in for the kill that he was 100% sure would yield something exceptional like the precious legendary item.

In the long run, the legendary crown definitely had more value than the death knight anyway.

Liam silently gazed at the distance in the direction where the group should be at the moment. He had a sudden thought but then he shook his head. ᴀʟʟɴᴏᴠᴇʟғᴜʟʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ

"It is too soon. They will definitely be on the watch and attack this time." He clicked his tongue and opened his system interface to check out his new and updated stats.


Name: Liam

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 50

Class: Soulmancer

Titles: Rolling in Debt, Perfectionist, Soul Devourer, Pioneer, Gresh Kingdom Duke, Thol City Garrison Leader, Stage 1 Ranker

Pet: Luna, Talon

Health: 5187/ 5187

Mana: 5050/ 5050


Vitality: 137

Stamina: 137

Strength: 137

Defense: 137

Intellect: 137

Agility: 137

Unassigned points: 12


Every level up gave 2 stat points for each attribute and since Liam had distributed all the stat points uniformly over time, all of his attributes were yet to reach 150 units.

And for the last level up as well he had 12 unassigned stat points.

"Hmmm… I will distribute these points also evenly."

"Every level up after Level 50 should give me 3 stat points for each attribute. Depending on how things proceed now, I will start to assign these points more selectively."

He made some mental calculations and then looked at the next part of the status menu, the skills window.

His gaze anxiously searched for the familiar words that he had missed up until now. Liam could already feel it, but he still wanted to verify it by making sure.


[Mana Manipulation], [Nether Manipulation], [Throat Punch], [Slash], [Sword Dance], [Spirit Slash], [Spirit Wrath], [Stealth], [Pickpocket], [Unlock], [Tame], [Awaken], [Demonic Summon], [Ice Shard], [Lightning Bolt], [Fire Ball], [Lava Rain], [Soul Forging], [Soul Sensing], [Summon Soul Undeads], [Dismiss Soul Undeads], [Nether Fire Storm], [Nether Fire Serpent], [Mana Net], [Frozen Earth], [Trapping vines], [Fire bullets], [Nether Scythe], [Wind Blades], [Ice burst], [Lightning Snake], [Earth Spike], [Venom Burst], [Ice Blanket], [Intermediate Ice Manipulation], [Intermediate Fire Manipulation], [Intermediate Lightning Manipulation]

Trade Skills: [Alchemy] (Master Level), [Forging] (Master Level), [Mining] (Intermediate Level), [Herbalism] (Intermediate Level), [Cooking] (Beginner)

- This chapter is updated by FreeWebnovel.Com

"Hell ya!" Liam punched the air seeing that both his sword spirit techniques, [Spirit Slash] and [Spirit Wrath] were finally unlocked!

This was his first trump card in the Level 50 game!

While everyone still had to comprehend how to use their weapon in balance with their selves, he had already achieved this part in his last lifetime itself.

He might not know any fancy techniques but he knew the basics and the basics were like cycling or swimming, once you knew, you knew.

It was impossible to forget it, forget the feeling of it all.

Liam's grin faded as he slowly stood atop the white fox, balancing himself. He then unsheathed his sword and started swinging it just like he had done a million times before.