

Chapter 424 - Date night?!

Inside the Gu family residence…

"World's top player has reached Level 50! What will this mysterious game bring us now? What is in store for us in the future?"

"What new features will be unlocked and what new territories will be available? With the first player reaching Level 50, everyone has so many questions for the hero!"

"Now… if only this hero would talk to us!" The news anchor winked as she repeated the same flash news that was currently trending in many news outlets.

Watching this particular piece of headlines flashing once again, Gu Donghai let out a miserable grunt and clutched his remote control in anger. His entire body was trembling from top to bottom.

He had failed. He had miserably failed once again.

He had planned everything perfectly, taken action when the other party would have least expected it, and attacked the guild residence when basically no one was there inside.

It was not like he had blindly gone in. He did the research.

He learned the number of NPCs in the guild residence and spent a huge amount of gold coins to even recruit similar NPCs to fight for him.

The victory should have been his and that damned guild residence should have been his as well!

By now he was the one who should have been the center of everyone's attention and grabbed all the headlines! Instead, it was this damned bastard again and he had failed yet again!

"LIAM! LIAM! LIAM! Damn it, where the hell is that lucky retard! If I ever get my hands on that jackass, that will be the last day he will live! Hmph!"

"Bao, what are the chances that bastard lives in our vicinity?"

"There should be some way to find out his location in the real world. Have you noticed something about this game? It always tries to out you rather than hide you."

"Wouldn't it be nice if this bitch who caused us so much loss lived right next street? Mother fcker, I would rip him apart from limb to limb and then some more… Cough. Cough. Cough."

Gu Donghai coughed violently, drops of blood appearing in his handkerchief. His health has only been getting worse lately with no end in sight.

The subordinate standing next to Gu Donghai quickly hurried over and brought him some cough medicine and a fresh glass of hot water.

"Hrmmm." Gu Donghai cleared his throat and took the medicine. However, before he could even swallow the water, his door banged open forcefully and an elder stood in front of his room.

"DONGHAI! What the hell did you do now? Didn't I ask you to stay quiet and do nothing? Was that really so difficult for you?"

The arrogant young master who was shouting at the top of his lungs up until now suddenly became dumbfounded and stared as if a cat got his tongue.

"Father… I…" He then coughed again violently, though this time of his own volition so that he could earn some sympathy points.

"Donghai. Stop this nonsense. I already know about you, idiot. You want to fool this old man? Stop doing all these foolish things and get to the main house."

Young master has instructions for all of us. There is a family meeting in a couple of days. And because of you, I am going to lose a lot of face there, do you know that?"

"Do you know how much loss we have suffered because of you? Idiot. Idiot. Useless piece of garbage. Good for nothing."

"You don't know how to do a single thing, couldn't you at least listen to my words and stay away from that game?"

"Father! That's unfair! I know it, father. I can become big. I am just a little-"

"Shut the hell up. You have no idea what is going on! That game is not as simple as it seems. Wait till the family meeting."

The father looked at the son sternly and knowing that he was once again not going to listen to him, he looked at the three lackeys standing near him.

"Bring that game capsule out. Make sure that he doesn't log into the game again. If he does, I will personally kill you three! Do you understand?"

The old man snorted coldly and then left the room, not leaving any space for Donghai to retaliate. Not long after a woman rushed into the room and hugged the chubby guy tightly.

"Donghai! What did you do now? Your father is very upset. Did he scold you? My poor boy." She hugged him and started crying.

Gu Donghai, however, pushed the woman away. "Shut up. You are all always treating me badly. I could have been the next heir of our Gu family but everyone is plotting against me!"

"You are also on their side right. Everyone is on their side." He once again started coughing violently.

Seeing her son's health deteriorate every day, the poor woman sighed and once again hugged him tightly.

"How about we go for a nice dinner tonight? We haven't gone out in a while ever since you started playing that stupid game!"

Donghai scoffed. "Stop pestering me and get out."

"Ok, son. Take care and try to get some sleep. I will come back in the evening again."

Damn it. If only I could walk outside and run into that freak. I will…!" Donghai spat out venomously.

Meanwhile… at the other end…

Liam was still exhausted so he decided to log out for a little bit. Before logging out, he messaged his sister, asking her as well to log out.

With the news about the true death beginning to spread, he already knew that things were on the verge of change. Soon the earth as they knew it might not remain the same.

So he wanted to take her out and have a nice evening meal with her before giving her the bad news and the good news. It was time for her to know the full story.

They also needed to refill and stock up on supplies so that when everything started to become crazy they didn't have to deal with emergencies related to food and other necessities at the least.

As Liam mentally planned the evening ahead of him, a reply promptly arrived.

"Brother! Brother! Shall I call sis Yue also?" Obviously, this was Mei Mei's first response. "This girl…" Liam chuckled wryly. Innocence was bliss.

He didn't want to ruin her good mood as these were probably the last few normal hours that she was going to enjoy. "Alright, whatever you want." He readily agreed.

As he did not plan on leaving Shen Yue helpless by herself, today was as good as any other day to break the truth to her as well.

"But maybe I shouldn't do it in a public place… hmmm." Thinking about how the two were going to react, Liam then logged out and lazily stepped out of the gaming capsule.

After which he showered, freshened up, and walked outside with a big yawn, only to find the two girls already dressed up and waiting for him.

"Wait, shouldn't women take longer to get ready?" Liam scratched his head.

"Don't tell me. You guys didn't even shower? No wonder it stinks around here." He jokingly teased the duo which promptly earned him a few punches from Mei Mei.

"Brother! UGH! You don't know how to talk! You are going to be single for the rest of your life!" The little girl narrowed her eyes and finished her barrage of punches.

"It stinks because we haven't aired out the apartment in a while and someone did not do the dishes before logging in. Hmph."

"Eh? So you both were also playing continuously?" Liam chuckled lightly while picking up some change, his wallet, his phone, and a bottle of water.

"Of course. Oh my god, brother. Did you not see the chat at all? We have so much to catch up on." Mei Mei clapped her hands in excitement.

"Ok, ok. Let's go. We have a lot to get done tonight. We can talk later." Liam smiled and led the two outside.

He held the door open for Mei Mei and then Shen Yue who still remained very quiet. "After you." Liam smiled and Shen Yue only nodded, her cheeks a little red.

The little minx of course saw this and grinned ear to ear. "Why do I feel like a third wheel suddenly? He He." She picked up her phone to get a cab but Liam stopped her.

"Why don't we use the public bus and when we are returning, we can come back by cab."

"Ah? Ok." Mei Mei nodded.

Though it was a bit weird she didn't think too much about it as previously when they had been just a step away from being homeless, they had used the public transportation all the time.

In fact, she was only going to call a cab because Shen Yue was there with them.

She put the phone back in her pant pockets and walked alongside Liam as the three of them leisurely strolled over to the bus stand..

Damn it. If only I could walk outside and run into that freak. I will…!" Donghai spat out venomously.

Meanwhile… at the other end…

Liam was still exhausted so he decided to log out for a little bit. Before logging out, he messaged his sister, asking her as well to log out.

With the news about the true death beginning to spread, he already knew that things were on the verge of change. Soon the earth as they knew it might not remain the same.

So he wanted to take her out and have a nice evening meal with her before giving her the bad news and the good news. It was time for her to know the full story.

They also needed to refill and stock up on supplies so that when everything started to become crazy they didn't have to deal with emergencies related to food and other necessities at the least.

As Liam mentally planned the evening ahead of him, a reply promptly arrived.

"Brother! Brother! Shall I call sis Yue also?" Obviously, this was Mei Mei's first response. "This girl…" Liam chuckled wryly. Innocence was bliss.

He didn't want to ruin her good mood as these were probably the last few normal hours that she was going to enjoy. "Alright, whatever you want." He readily agreed.

As he did not plan on leaving Shen Yue helpless by herself, today was as good as any other day to break the truth to her as well.

"But maybe I shouldn't do it in a public place… hmmm." Thinking about how the two were going to react, Liam then logged out and lazily stepped out of the gaming capsule.

After which he showered, freshened up, and walked outside with a big yawn, only to find the two girls already dressed up and waiting for him.

"Wait, shouldn't women take longer to get ready?" Liam scratched his head.

"Don't tell me. You guys didn't even shower? No wonder it stinks around here." He jokingly teased the duo which promptly earned him a few punches from Mei Mei.

"Brother! UGH! You don't know how to talk! You are going to be single for the rest of your life!" The little girl narrowed her eyes and finished her barrage of punches.

"It stinks because we haven't aired out the apartment in a while and someone did not do the dishes before logging in. Hmph."

"Eh? So you both were also playing continuously?" Liam chuckled lightly while picking up some change, his wallet, his phone, and a bottle of water.

"Of course. Oh my god, brother. Did you not see the chat at all? We have so much to catch up on." Mei Mei clapped her hands in excitement.

"Ok, ok. Let's go. We have a lot to get done tonight. We can talk later." Liam smiled and led the two outside.

He held the door open for Mei Mei and then Shen Yue who still remained very quiet. "After you." Liam smiled and Shen Yue only nodded, her cheeks a little red.

The little minx of course saw this and grinned ear to ear. "Why do I feel like a third wheel suddenly? He He." She picked up her phone to get a cab but Liam stopped her.

"Why don't we use the public bus and when we are returning, we can come back by cab."

"Ah? Ok." Mei Mei nodded.

Though it was a bit weird she didn't think too much about it as previously when they had been just a step away from being homeless, they had used the public transportation all the time.

In fact, she was only going to call a cab because Shen Yue was there with them.

She put the phone back in her pant pockets and walked alongside Liam as the three of them leisurely strolled over to the bus stand.

Chapter 425 - A fun day?

"Hey! Look over there. Isn't that woman gorgeous?"

"Damn. Why the hell is she standing in a bus?"

"Must be a model for sure."

The group of youngsters on the bus did not bother to lower their voices at all. More like they couldn't as they admired the seductive beauty in front of them.

Shen Yue fidgeted with her fingers and pulled her t-shirt down awkwardly, but it did little to nothing to hide her curves.

Standing next to her both Liam and Mei Mei were only barely controlling their laughter.

Of course, they knew that it was a serious situation but Shen Yue's expressions were so funny that they couldn't help it.

"Sis, you have so many fans! Please don't cheat on my brother!" Mei Mei pouted.

"You!" Shen Yue became even more embarrassed. She looked at Liam from the corner of her eyes but the guy did not come to her rescue. He was just having fun.

Especially around his sister, the man really had a warm loving smile which she couldn't help but want for herself as well. He was the most dependable sincere person she had ever met.

As she silently stole glances at the brother, the said brother and his sister continued joking around and they finally arrived at the destination, one of the high-end malls in the city.

"Huh? This mall?" Mei Mei was confused.

"Ya, why don't you both do some shopping? We have some time." Liam smiled.

"What really?" The young girl became instantly excited. They had been staying at home all this while and barely stepped anywhere outside.

And before that, they did not have any money. The two siblings in fact hadn't done anything like this for a long while.

Even when their parents were around, money was tight so they did not have any experience like this.

Liam chuckled as he could literally see the little girl's eyes twinkling. "Yup really. Go nuts. Buy whatever you want." Unexpectedly, he then turned to Shen Yue and added, "You too."

"Ah but…" Shen Yue stammered in shock.

She couldn't understand this person's behavior. He was doing everything a boyfriend would but he did not show any interest romantically? Was she friend-zoned?

Seeing her dazed, Mei Mei pulled her away. "It's alright, sis. Come let's go." The duo then waltzed from one shop to another as Liam patiently accompanied them without grumbling.

Though Mei Mei did most of the shopping, he also picked out some clothes that he would need and the duo lavishly spent money.

Shen Yue was the only one awkwardly standing. Different clothes were shoved into her bag forcefully and she awkwardly accepted them as there was no chance for her to refuse.

She was already mentally preparing to come back the next day and return so that she could transfer the money back to Liam.

The shopping spree was soon over and Liam ordered all the packages to be delivered to their apartment so they didn't have to carry anything with them.

He then ordered a cab and the three started visiting various food stalls in the city, some cheap ones and some expensive ones based on their reviews.

For some reason, all three of them had monstrous appetites. Maybe because they had been roaming around the mall or maybe because they had been playing the game all day and night.

This time even Shen Yue did not hold back. At first, she was shy and tried to eat daintily in front of Liam but seeing the brother and sister having so much fun, she also let loose and enjoyed with them.

The three had a lot of childish fun wolfing down all sorts of food items. They spent a couple of hours on it and finally stopped at a high-end restaurant to finish the restaurant hopping.

"Brother, what's gotten into you today?" Mei Mei giggled, all hopped up on sugar.

"Nothing. I just always wanted to taste the food at this place." Liam chuckled and shrugged. Seeing him so happy and carefree, the young girl smiled.

Mei Mei was very elated to see her brother enjoying himself like this for once and she hugged his right arm with a soft sigh.

Shen Yue blushed as she suddenly had the urge to hug the person's other arm, but she quietly walked next to him.

The three then sauntered into the place. "Table for three?" Liam asked, rapping on the desk of the receptionist.

"Welcome, Sir and Madams. You are lucky, this is our last free table." The woman led them to their booth on the corner.

The three sat down and Liam ordered a whole bunch of items. It looked like it was a lot but as they started digging in, everything began to disappear.

The three of them chatted and enjoyed and the evening was proceeding pleasantly when suddenly a loud voice interrupted the cheerful atmosphere.

"I want my usual booth. Cough cough. Can you not understand what I am saying? Bitch, I want it so make it happen. Cough. Cough."

"Sir, please." ꜰʀᴇᴇᴡᴇʙɴᴏᴠᴇʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ

"What? Do you know who I am? I am from the Gu family. I can make you disappear! You better be careful of what you are going to say next!"

A chubby youngster opened the door of the booth brashly and walked in, coughing violently.

Behind him, there was the apologetic receptionist and beside her was an elderly woman, dressed elegantly. However, she showed no signs of intervening to stop whatever was going on.

In fact, she had a proud look on her face as if she was supporting the chubby youngster's actions.

The said youngster did not bother covering his mouth as he continued hacking up and then finally paid attention to the three people sitting inside the booth.

"You! Scram!" He was just about to unleash some more polite words when he suddenly noticed the beauty in front of him.

"Ah." The chubby youngster's jaw dropped to the ground and drool visibly leaked out of his mouth. He almost couldn't believe that such a beautiful person existed.

No, he had seen more beautiful women before this one was different.

He just had to have her.