
Zero Soul

Vampires, Creatures that only exist in books and movies but, that all changed since the great tragedy 50 years ago. 90 percent of the human population has partially turned into vampires and those who fail to adapt are turned into ghouls which are predatory creatures that are thirsty for fresh blood. Now humans build great walls to protect them from threats that were originally only fictitious now become real threats. Five years ago the walls of mankind were breached by the vampires and caused many victims to fall, Luke who witnessed his family being massacred and saw his younger sister kidnapped by the vampires. Luke joins an army of vampire hunters and is determined to go on an expedition beyond the walls into vampire territory to save his sister and eradicate the vampires from this world.

Sirius459 · Fantaisie
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153 Chs

Cold Blood

"So what did you find, Charles?" Kento asked Charles.

"Same with the last report I gave to Captain Verin. Some of the group entered the Coliseum and some were at the auction." replied Charles.

"Is that so... Let's start registering ourselves in this tournament." Kento said to them both.

Hey, partners. I sensed a quite disgusting power from within there." Abaddon replied to Luke.

"Is he also a contractor?" Luke asked Abaddon.

"Yes and he doesn't seem to intend to be a friendly contractor. So, be careful when you meet him, Partner." Abaddon replied to Luke.

"Alright, I'll be on guard the next time I meet that person." Luke replied.

The three of them started to enter the Coliseum which was already full of people who wanted to watch the match that was being held by the owner of the Coliseum.

Inside the Coliseum it seemed so majestic and there was a large screen emblazoned on the pillars supporting this building.