
Yuki the Omega Wolf

An omega male is mixed in with the mafia. The abuse at home is bad enough, so what will happen when the mafia starts trouble? Will Yuki ever be able to live a happy life?

Damien666Scott · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

Marie walked away and left Yuki standing there alone. His breath became harsh and he began trembling.

Yuki pushed off the wall and bounded back down the steps. He could hear her yelling after him but didn't stop.

He continued running until he almost collapsed. When he looked up after catching his breath, he didn't know where he was.

His legs were sore, and his head a mess.

I can't go to school tomorrow, he thought. But if I don't then everyone will know something happened.

Something rusted next to him, and Yuki flinched. His heart was hammering in his chest, waiting to see what came out.

A small head poked out and he sighed. He was far more nervous now that he was alone again.

Yuki knew that he couldn't keep going like this. He didn't know who to go to for support.

That was lie he told himself. There was one person he could go to. One family to be specific.

He knew that if he told the mafia family, then they would help him.

Yuki didn't want the four to find out though. He wasn't sure he could handle their judgment.

He rubbed his arms and sat on the ground. His wolf whined and Yuki choked back a sob.

The wind picked up slightly and he felt it go through his hair.

He sighed deeply before burying his head in his knees.

A long time had passed before Yuki looked up again. His eyes were red from crying and his face was stained from the tears.

He stood up slowly and slightly wobbled as nausea hit him. His body spasmed as he allowed it to empty itself.

After he had nothing more in his stomach, Yuki continued to cry. He felt like he would never stop.

I can't believe she said that to me, he thought. I knew she was heartless, but that?

His mind played the scenario over and over again. The grin she had on her face was burned into his memory.

Yuki wondered if she would tell his father about it. He was sure that she would and somehow blame it on Yuki himself.

The sky was becoming darker now, and the wind began to pick up. The tree rustled and the leaves on the ground blew away.

Yuki quickly walked home and managed to avoid his stepmother.

He went into his room and flopped on the bed. The headache he was sporting wasn't helping his mood; neither was the dull ache in his back and hips.

Someone knocked on the doorframe and Yuki sprung up. His father's head poked in and gave him a small smile.

"Hey, champ. Can I come in?"

Yuki mentally frowned, but still nodded.

His father never called him that, and Yuki knew that this conversation would be bad.

"I got a call from the school today. They said that you suddenly left and didn't tell anyone."

He sat on the bed next to Yuki and touched his head. Yuki jerked away and moved back.

"What did she have to say?"

His father tilted his head slightly.

"Marie was quite surprised at your behavior. She believed that you would know better. And you do, so."

He left the last word hanging on his lips. Yuki knew he wanted to ask why, but didn't say so.

"I wasn't feeling very good; so I left. I won't do it again, promise."

His father looked at him and then shook his head.

"Still Yuki, you need to be more careful. Lay down and get some rest. I'll call the school and talk with them later."

Yuki almost yelled for him not to; just to forget that today ever happened.

But instead, he just nodded and watched his father leave.

Once his father left, Yuki did lay down. He pulled the covers over his head and slept.

Mark went into the hallway and sighed. He didn't mean to sound so convicting but Yuki scared him. When he came home and Marie told him that the school called, his mind went to the worst place.

Yuki never missed school, and he hoped that it wouldn't be a habit. And if it was, Mark needed to nip it now.

I don't want to give Marie any more reason to send Yuki away, he thought.

He heard something clatter in the next room and walked in. Marie was throwing things around the room, quietly muttering to herself.

"What's the matter, honey?"

He asked her calmly. She flinched and stopped her actions.

"I was just looking for something. I can't find it and I'm starting to think someone took it."

She huffed at the end of her sentence and crossed her arms. Mark rolled his eyes and grabbed her waist.

"Why don't you take a minute and calm down. I'm sure it is in here somewhere."

She pulled away from him and continued looking. He stood there for a minute before turning around and leaving her alone.

Mark was heading to the kitchen when he heard the doorbell.

Marie didn't say that anyone was coming over, right? We don't get many visitors either, he thought internally.

He shrugged and went to the door. When he opened it, he was surprised to see a group standing there.

He noticed that their uniforms were from Yuki's school. He was about to say hello when one of them stepped forward. His black hair and piercing eyes made Mark shiver. He could smell the Alpha in him, and his wolf bared its fangs.

"Is Yuki here?"

His voice was steady but had a hint of anger.

Mark looked at them all briefly before he heard Marie come up from behind him.

She moved Mark aside and stood in front of them.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man stared at her for a minute before answering.

"The names Luka."

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