
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

☆7: Old Dorm Rumble II

"Believe me, Dark Magician Girl!"

Yuji extends his hand for her to take, and exclaimed as he stares into her eyes.

Dark Magician Girl paused for a little while, but then she closed her eyes, slowly shakes her head.

"I'm sorry", she apologized.

"Even if I want to believe you, I can't. Not until I won, and heard everything!", told her solemnly, staring back into Yuji's eyes with a firm gaze like a lioness.


Yuji retracted his hand, and let out a deep breath.

[Yeah... if I'm in her shoes, I probably won't listen to and believe her. Not until the duel is over and she'll bound by the pact]

Yuji placed his fingers on the top of his deck, "Draw!"

He then shows her a card, "By sacrificing Marshmallon, I tribute summon Krystal Dragon in attack position!"

Marshmallon's body become glittering dust, then the glittering dust clustering and combined, creating a blue crystal.

The crystal cracked, and from it emerges a dragon with beautiful lustering body like a diamond.

Krystal Dragon (LV.6).

ATK/2500 DEF/1000

"Start the battle phase! Krystal Dragon, attack!", yells him as he raised his arm high.

The dragon roared, and begin flapping his wings. He then flies toward the Skilled Dark Magician with raging spirit, and sliced him up into two parts with his crystal sharp right wing.

Yuji clenched his raised hand, "This moment, Krystal Dragon's effect activate! Once per turn, during the battle phase if Krystal Dragon battle, I can add one Level 8 Dragon-type monster from my deck to my hand"

His Duel Disk ejects a card, and he gladly took it. After Krystal Dragon battle and destroys Skilled Magician, the usual Damage step and damage calculation occurred.

Dark Magicial Girl clenched her hand as she's looking at her Life Points depleted, and saw that her opponent's Life Points still at 4000.

Dark Magician Girl |2700>2100|

The moment Yuji declares his end of the turn, Dark Magician Girl quickly draws a card, creating a mahogany arch that followed by sparkling brown dust.

"This turn, Dark Magician is freed from the binding of Time Chain"

Dark Magician recovered his vigor, as the chains that binds him vanish into a white steam which he slowly regained his initial colors and stops becoming transparent like statue made from glass.

Looking at the freed Dark Magician, she claps her hands and smiles happily.

Then, without further ado, she showed Yuji a spell card, "Alright, it's time I'm going serious! Activate Pot of Greed!"

Dark Magician Girl then draws 2 cards. When she noticed one of the cards she had draws, she can't help but to jump joyfully.

"Yessss! This is the card that I've been waiting for!"

Dark Magician Girl raised the newly drawn card upward.

"Behold! The symbol of our bond!"

She continues, "I activate the spell card... Bond Between Teacher and Student!", and slams it to The Duel Disk's blade as she yells in high spirit.

She extends her palm toward Yuji, "Bond Between The Teacher and Student's effect! If I control Dark Magician, I can special summon Dark Magician Girl from the deck!"

The Duel Disk ejects a card, and with a happy performance she placed it on the blade, then yells:

"I summon my avatar, Dark Magician Girl!"

Multiple colored bubbles descend, followed by a lovely chuckle. Yuji turned his gaze upward, amazed by the bubbles or specifically by the beautiful female magician that dance around it with her staff as a flying broom.

The female magician waves her hand to Yuji and Dark Magician Girl (real), and both of them waves back.

Crooked hat with ringed segments, a fantastic looking robe that exposed her bountiful cleavage and slender smooth legs plus the youthful cute face that certainly can provoke a male primal instinct.


Dark Magician Girl jumps from her staff and land beside her real self, she then snaps her fingers popping up the bubbles and issue a command for her staff to come back to her hand, and for a finishing pose she then points her staff toward Yuji with a smug face.

The lovely problematic student of Dark Magician has appeared!

Dark Magician Girl (LV.6)

ATK/2000 DEF/1700

The real Dark Magician Girl raised her fist, feeling jolly, "Alright! The Dark Magicians combi has appeared!"

Her avatar, Dark Magician Girl also raised her staff as she's letting out a cute wide smile like her counterpart, after that she crossed her arms and proudly nods.

In contrast to them, Dark Magician can only do a facepalm as he was embarrassed by their antics.

"Eii! The effect of Bond Between Teacher and Student isn't over yet, you know?!"

She continues, "After I special summoned myself, I can set Dark Burning Magic directly from the deck"

Dark Magician took the ejected card, and set it.

"Now... let's start the popping game!", told her, smiling with a face full of mischievous intent.

Feeling the mischievous pressure, Yuji sharpened his eyes.

"Activate The Quick-play spell Dark Burning Magic! If I control both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, destroy all card the opponent control!", told her.

"Destroy all card?! No way!", yells Yuji.

"Yes way!", replied her.

Dark Magician Girl (avatar) glanced at her teacher, and Dark Magician nods back as a signal to start the bombardment.

Both Dark Magicians raised their staff together, then launched a rain of heavy black thunders to Yuji's side of the field.

Without mercy, the black thunders burned and destroyed his monsters and set cards, with the only thing remaining is the thick gray smokes and the burning soil with dark spider web-like patterns.

Yuji slightly clenched his hand, and then waves it, "This moment, I activate the trap card Security Orb!"

"Security... Orb?!", asked Dark Magician Girl.

He explained, "If this set card is destroyed and send to The Graveyard by opponent's spell or trap card's effect, I can destroy one monster on the field"

Yuji stares at Dark Magician, "The one I choose to destroy is Dark Magician!", declares him as he's pointing his finger at him.

A spherical machine with lens looked like an eye appears, it then flies toward Dark Magician with full speed, trying to mimic the famous kamikaze attack.

But, his disciple won't let her teacher gone so easily, "I won't allow it! Trap card activate, Eternal Soul!"

The holographic set card began to move, revealing the illustration of the tablet that depicted Dark Magician in its mural.

Dark Magician Girl explained, "Eternal Soul... as long as this card exists, every Dark Magician is unaffected by the opponent's card effect"

Yuji widened his eyes, "Such a good effe-", he then paused, and then squinted his eyes, "No... wait... such effect should have a cost right? And the cost is..."

Dark Magician Girl clenched her fist, and Yuji's pupils expands.

""If this face-up card leaves the field, destroy all monster you control!""

Dark Magician swings his staff, skillfully striking back the mechanical sphere like a baseball, and goes straight for a Home run.

Yuji smiled wryly, "There goes my trap..."

Dark Magician Girl then spread her palm, issuing a command to her avatar, "Let's go, me! Dark Burning Attack!"

Hearing her real self's command, Dark Magician Girl nods, then swings her staff like a professional parade performer, after that firing a violet colored fireball to Yuji from it.

Looking at the impending attack, he raised his arms in a crossing gesture as to block it.


Yuji |4000>2000|

But, he still got damage.

"My attack isn't over yet! The Tric-"

Before she finished her command, Yuji quickly placed a card from his hand to The Duel Disk's Blade at lightning speed.

"This moment, I activate Gorz The Emissary of Darkness' effect, and special summon him!"

"Gorz?!", Dark Magician Girl stunned, she secretly relieved that she didn't attack using her teacher first.

Because she knew... the terrific effect of Gorz if she attacked first with Dark Magician.

A dark warrior with long spiky unkept red hair wearing a deep black visor sunglasses that worked as a mask emerges on his side of the field.

Gorz The Emissary of Darkness (LV.7)

ATK/2700 DEF/2500

"When Gorz is special summoned by its own effect, and because I received damage from battle. I can special summon one Emissary of Darkness token with attack and defense equal to the damage I took"

A thick black smoke emerges from the ground beside where Gorz is standing, and from the thick black smoke an alluring female warrior appears with an arrogant gesture.

Emissary of Darkness token (LV.7)

ATK/2000 DEF/2000

If there is a reason why some of the modern duelist still attacking with the lowest attack monster first, rather than straight out knocking with the highest attack monster, it is because the trauma caused by Gorz and his wife.

Get damage? Special summon Gorz, a 2700 beatstick with the abilities depends on the type of damage can:

1. Called out his wife (token), with the ability to gain ATK/DEF equal to the battle damage (direct attack) you received. With this particular token had the potential to become another beatstick.

2. If it's effect damage? Well, inflict the same amount of damage to the opposite player, or simply put: an eye for an eye!

Dark Magician Girl let out a weak and awkward chuckle, but this won't stop her for declaring another attack.

"Teacher, attack Emissary of Darkness token!"

Dark Magician extends his right palm, then slowly clenched his hand.

The opposite Emissary of Darkness token clenched her chest, she felt that someone or something is squeezing her heart.


The Emissary of Darkness token spouts a mouthful of blood, and disappears into glittering dark blue dust before she fell to the ground.

Yuji squinted his eyes, looking at Dark Magician with blood drenched in his hand.

Yuji |2000>1500|

Dark Magician Girl secretly clenched her hand, delighted to see Yuji's Life Points plummeted.

"Set two cards, turn end", declares her with joyful tone.

Looking at the cheerful attitude of her, Yuji can't help but to smirk. Albeit the hurry, it seems he's now enjoying the duel against her, and can't wait to draw a card.

"It's my turn, draw!", Yuji draws calmly.

[Let's bring you back!]

Yuji shows a card to her, "From my hand, I activate the spell card Monster Reborn!"

From the realm where darkness reign, Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon roars hearing his master's pray, the dragon then quickly swing his hand creating a rift in the space with his claws and then walks through it.

Yuji continues, "Show us your radiant light again, Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon!"

A Dragon with heterochromia eyes wearing stellar armor has arrived beside him.

Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon (LV.7)

ATK/2800 DEF/2000

"Get ready for a battle!", exclaimed Yuji.

"Let's do it, Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon attack Dark Magician!", commands him.

The heterochromia eyes and the lines of the armor begin to glow intensely. Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon then launched a golden flame from his mouth, showering (burning) Dark Magician in its lustrous fire.

"Activate the trap card, Black Illusion!", before her teacher get destroyed, Dark Magician Girl immediately activate a trap card.

"Black Illusion. Until the end of this turn, all DARK spellcaster monster with 2000 attack or more get its effect negated. In return, they can't be destroyed by battle and unaffected by the opponent's card effect!", explained her as she swept the sweats on her forehead.

"But you still got damage!", remarks him.

The golden flame swept Dark Magician, and some of it even hit Dark Magician Girl (real).

Dark Magician Girl |2100>1800|

Yuji smirks, "Then, I'll scrap your Life Points little by little instead! Gorz, attack Dark Magician Girl (avatar)!"

The Dark Warrior unsheathe his silver claymore, gripping the handle tightly.

He then stabs his claymore to the ground and then jumps while still gripping the handle tight, doing a somersault, then with his hands still tightly gripping the claymore, he pulled it then swing it downward doing a heavy slash to Dark Magician Girl (avatar).

Dark Magician Girl |1800>1100|

Witnessing her Life Points plummeted make her frowning, but at least she can prevent her avatar and teacher's destruction.

"My turn..."

Dark Magician Girl breathe a sigh of relief, Yuji turn has ended. Next turn, she'll do a counterattack.

"Isn't over yet!", exclaimed Yuji.

Dark Magician Girl widened her eyes, a simple word of, "Eh?", escaped from her mouth, stunned.

Yuji raised his hand high, holding a card with red glimmer of madness.

"I sacrifice Gorz The Emissary of Darkness to summon this dragon!"

Gorz turned into countless light particles, clustering and forming a vortex of radiant golden energy on the ground.

Yuji began to chant, "From the dark dimension, you who wield the flame of destruction. Set ablaze those fools who dare to stand in front of your mighty and beautiful eyes!"

Continues by placed it with a heavy slam, "Advance Summon!"

A mighty dragon with heterochromia eyes flies from the golden vortex, roaring proudly to announced his arrival.

"Come forth, Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!"

The mighty dragon descends, standing arrogantly beside his master.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/3000 DEF/2500

"What... what is that dragon?!", Dark Magical Girl stunned, chill runs down her spine as she took a step back.

The indomitable pressure of Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon clearly outstripped the previous Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon.

Dark Magician Girl felt as she was crucified and burned alive.

"If Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon is tribute summoned, I can destroy one monster the opponent controls, then inflict damage equal to the attack of the destroyed monster!"

Without worrying about her well-being, Yuji activates the dragon's effect, "Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, activate your effect! Annihilation Force!"

The mighty dragon's heterochromia eyes glows intensely.

He then fires a crimson beam from his mouth, targeting the caped magician, 'The Tricky'.

Dark Magician Girl grits her teeth, [No other choice!]

"Right now, I activate Quick-play spell card, Secrets of Dark Magic!", yells her pointing at the set card.

She clenched her hand, and begin explaining, "Secrets of Dark Magic allowed me to Fusion Summon a monster using monster from the field or hand including Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl as the material"

Dark Magician Girl continues, "I fuse The Tricky, Dark Magician, and Dark Magician Girl on the field with Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and Trance The Magic Swordsman in my hand!"

A vortex of Black and Purple energy appears in the sky.

The beam from Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon missed The Tricky, as the caped magician and the other two practitioners of dark magic turned into blue orbs that quickly sucked into the center of the vortex.

"Under the sacred symbol of magic, the ultimate magician born to unravel the secrets beyond the unknown darkness!"

In front of the vortex, a magic circle with pentagram symbol and circled by the runic letters emerges! Blowing off the raging vortex fiercely.

"Appear, Quintet Magician!!"

A mystic magician with long blonde hair like the golden flame descent.

He is slowly opening his eyes, and he stares deeply into Yuji's eyes. Sending a heavy pressure that can turn one's mind into madness.

Quintet Magician (LV.12)

ATK/4500 DEF/4500

"A spellcaster with 4500 attack?!", said Yuji surprised, as he's kneeling from the previous mental attack by staring back at Quintet Magician's eyes.

Among the spellcaster monsters he knew or fought, none of them even reach 4500 attack or and defense.

Based on his knowledge and memories, even Yugi Muto didn't have this kind of spellcaster in his disposal.

"Quintet Magician... he is truly a terrifying monst- no, a terrifying wizard!!", said Yuji as he let out a weak laugh.

Dark Magician Girl nods happily, and then swings her hand.

"This moment, if Quintet Magician is fusion summoned using five spellcaster monsters with different name, I can destroy all the card you control!!"

"Again?!", yells Yuji as his pupils shrank.

She raised her hand, "Do it! Big Bang Stream!"

Quintet Magician clenched his hand, his mouth moving, mumbling incomprehensible words in Yuji's ears.

Five magical crests appears on his back, and fires a volley of dark spherical lightning from it, bombarding Yuji's field with high voltage explosions.

Yuji grits his teeth tightly, watching all of his monster destroyed, leaving no survivor.

[As expected of Dark Magician Girl... she didn't leave me any room to breath]

"Turn... end", With a burdened heart, Yuji declares the end of his turn.

Dark Magician Girl let out a soft smile, now there isn't any card on his field, this time... she can truly breathe a sigh of relief.

[Yosh! A little more, and it'll be my win!]

"It's my turn, draw!"

Dark Magician waved her hand, "Activate Eternal Soul's effect. Come back from The Grave, my teacher!"

A portal open on the ground which from it Dark Magician emerges.

Dark Magician (LV.7)

ATK/2500 DEF/2100

"Battle! Quintet Magician, attack him directly!", orders her as she's pointing her index finger at Yuji.

Quintet Magician spread his arms, five magical crests with different colors appears above him.

"Quintessential Magic Burst!!!", yells her.

Five different colored beams launched from the magical crests. Within each beam contains a very high voltage energy that can burned and pulverize anything and anyone in an instant.

Looking at the impending attack, Yuji slowly closed his eyes and lowered his head.

"It's my win!", shouts Dark Magician Girl, sure about her victory.


The corner of Yuji's mouth bend upward, "You sure about that?"

Yuji raised his head, and quickly discard the last card in his hand to The Graveyard.

"Save me, Ankuriboh!"