
Your Class Teacher

A school where locking students up is mandatory; teenagers who are locked up within this classroom face discrimination from society; a school where treating students cruelly is increasingly prevalent. Being treated like an object is just so unjust. But isn't it true that the school where these pupils are distinguished is also the institution where they are feared? Nowadays, teens are preoccupied with making plans for their future. They began amassing information for their respective occupations in order to flourish in life. However, there are some teenagers nowadays who are not fond of this type of behavior. These teenagers are more focused on doing something illegal that no normal human could ever do; illegal trading, robbery, gambling, gang management, and others; they are busy living their lives to the fullest through the use of cruelty—- the best example of this being the students who are all gathered up in one classroom. Not until--- A new transferred teacher, who's willing to change the students for good, has been consigned to this class. Mr. Travis Mortal, a charming, brilliant, and well-mannered instructor, should educate these students of his own volition. And, in order to break away from this unjust system, the students had no idea what's the real deal of this teacher. As they all go through their journey as one, Mr. Travis faced some consequences related to his past. But for him, the students are his first priority. Will the students cause even more mayhem towards the end of the school year? Will they continue to be the same? Or will they grow and urge themselves to be on the side of peace? [CONTENT WARNING] This novel discusses sensitive subjects, concerns, and acts. Parental supervision is recommended.

GallantLass · Politique et sciences sociales
Pas assez d’évaluations
38 Chs

An Odd Delusion







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As the students started assembling in the auditorium, the Gonzales guy limped over to his class teacher. His friends were already in their seats, almost chilling. He was the only student on the carpet, shaking and feeling cold.

He grabbed his teacher's arms, sobbing. "M-Miss, we saw a student bringing some bags all the way up to that dangerous class. H-He said those are bombs!"

His voice was too loud from his anxiousness, therefore a lot of students heard him and got frantic.

"W-What? Bombs? Calm down, Kieffer. Where is he?" the teacher moved unsteadily. She was terrified since it's her first time experiencing something like this. "First, I-I shall calmly report this to the headteacher!"

Another student overhead them. "B-But... we are about to see the new President, right? He announced that yesterday at our assembly of course!"

"O-Oh no! What to do?" the other one panicked.

"T-The bomb! Shall we dispose of it?"

The guy from earlier, Kieffer Gonzales, suggested, panicking still, "No, idiot! What if he brought firearms with him? We're all going to die!"

Another one eavesdropped on them. "T-That's right! H-He brought two huge bags with him!"

"Y-You saw him?"

"Yeah! He was like... strolling the school for a long time..."

"S-Shit! We have to run!"

"R-run? Why?" said another befuddled passing-by student.

Screamed the other one, "There's a bomb in this school!"

As a result, the students began to flee, crying their hearts out. Some just ran as if they had no idea what was going on, while others claimed to have been terrorized and are fleeing. They were all terrified, and some of them were already screaming out that they didn't want to die. Before they could get out, the audience became bewildered and stampeded for the exit.

"Students! Calm down and get back to your seats!" announced the other teacher who had the microphone.

The majority were just ignoring the teacher yet one of the students found it kind of irritating. So the student stopped halfway and glared at the teacher.

"Get back to your seats? Run for your life should be the best thing!" and thus the student who spoke ran away carrying his bag.

"R-Right! Maybe they'd take care of everything. W-We should calm down, right? RIGHT?!" the female student said as she shook her female friend who's so calm and quiet.

"Ugh, I don't care anymore, Bree. I'm a human... I'm going to die anyway."

Her friend was heartbroken in an instant. She didn't know what to do anymore, whether to run or stay inside. She was forced to choose between two options. But in the end, she stayed with her friend.

As of that moment, the teachers immediately had their plans. They forced the students to assemble in the auditorium and informed them to don't get panicked.

"Guards! Don't open the doors and always close the gates! All of the openings should be closed! No student shall exit this school!" announced one of the teachers to the guards through the microphone.

After that, the school grounds were locked up and everything was shut off. None of them were able to get outside, all of the Bihira International High School students were confined to the auditorium, screaming, crying, and yelling for help.

The teachers, despite their best efforts to calm everyone down, were sensitive and horrified as well. Some staff members rushed outside the school and fled, leaving everyone inside. Because all of them believed they were being terrorized, some of them became paranoid, collapsed, and even lost hope that they wanted to commit suicide.

Now that some of the students were able to get back to their seats, some of the teachers too were calling the local police for an emergency. One of the teachers calmly contacted the NP or the National Police, "This is Bea Rix, a teacher from Bihira High speaking. There is currently a terrorizing attack happening right now in the school... Please help us right now! IN AN INSTANT!"

"Coming right now, Ma'am."

Currently, the station received several reports about the school being terrorized. Some of the calls were coming from the students and some were from the school staff. The police then immediately took action.

The Bihira International High is an exclusive school and ranked as the most famous institution in the country. This school will serve as the number one role model in each school present in all places. Of course, all of the people will be alarmed if they knew about intriguing happenings occurring in this school.

After a few seconds, local reporters, SAF (Special Action Force), military helicopters, and National Army, were surrounding the entire area of the school. The professionals were all in action, planning to rescue each and every single person in the school. In case the bomb would explode, they've sent firefighters on their way too. This was to avoid having casualties.

They quickly opened the door of the auditorium where the students were locked up, they've discovered all of the students were not in a good shape. And so then, they evacuated all of the students outside the campus.

Reporters and news media from different channels were scattering outside the school too. They were prohibited to go further inside the school, thus sojourning outside was the only option.

"Here we are currently in front of the Bihira High. Countless of the report says the school was being terrorized and a bomb was placed in some portion of the school..." stated the reporter to the news.

"As you can see, students and staff were slowly evacuating. The owners of the famous mall were also in here, trying to find their child. Countless concerned parents coming from different famous companies are here as well..." another reporter announced.

Teachers and students were relieved when almost all of them got safely evacuated. Students rushed to their frightened parents, clung onto them afterward crying as if there was no tomorrow.

"Oh, my girl! Now, you're safe, my baby!"

"Are you all right, honey? You're not hurt, right?"

"Oh. Jesus! You're safe, my darling!"

After a few seconds, SAF members proceeded to question the teachers after all of the people were done evacuating. They asked one of the teachers who had any knowledge who began it all.

"A student of mine said it all began after a guy carrying bags. He went towards the...the..." the female class teacher from earlier was hesitating.

"Where, Ma'am?"

Even if she knew, the teacher was still having a hard time speaking about the location of where the guy carrying bags went to. "H-He went to the classroom of... o-one of our elite classrooms..."

She said one of the biggest lies in the whole universe. And sadly, the professionals believed it.

Every member of staff at this institution was told never to discuss Class 11-5's name again. They were coerced into it, and it's for the best. If they mention the class' section name again, they will be sacked and their teaching license would be revoked, according to the rule. The school will do everything possible to ensure that these teachers will never teach again if they'd go against this rule.

Mentioning the class's name brings up the school's name. No one knew, not even the students' parents, that they had isolated one specific classroom from this school. And this particular classroom was designated as an outcast class.

The students were also forced not to mention the class' name. They all agreed to this since no one likes to mention the class in the first place anyway.

"Where is this located, Ma'am?"

"I-I'll show you."

The school was too big for them to walk all the way to Class 11-5. So what they did was take the shortest route up to the class. Helicopters were also there in the skies, observing everything from above.

Each and one of them, even the teacher who led the way, were all being circumspect. They didn't know where or when would the bomb explode. And if there are any hostages inside, they have to be warier of it. This could trigger the terrorist's ego.

When they've arrived at their destination, they all questioned why there was a large glass covering a certain space. It appeared to be dividing a certain place. Some professionals were staying outside the area while the others seemed to want to get closer.

It wouldn't be a problem since they have firearms in them.

"Hey, are we really in the exact location?" asked the police.

"O-Of course, sir," responded the teacher, nervous.

A few seconds had passed, they decided to step a little bit closer to the classroom to see what's going on. Nothing happened... not until they heard voices of chattering people. Some were groaning and some were whispering. It made them take action.

"Why--- Are there any students in here?" asked one of the forces to the teacher.

The teacher gulped, marinating her lies. "I-I don't know. All I know was that... everyone in the auditorium has already evacuated."

"Then why are we hearing several voices?"

"M-Maybe they ran all the way here... maybe they were too frightened that they rushed here at once...?"

After a few moments, they heard someone speaking, "My dear students, Just stay calm. There's nothing to be worried about..."

And thus everyone outside was all alarmed. They thought that maybe this class was really terrorized, even the voice they heard advised the people inside to remain calm. Something is very wrong in here.

"Announcing! We've surrounded the whole area now! Reveal yourself peacefully. We can talk this out!" spoke one of the SAF members using the megaphone.

They waited a few seconds yet no one responded or even surrendered. So they decided to attack the terrorist since none of them wanted to waste any more time.

The crew leader broke out the door and so they barged inside the class. "NBI! Raise your hands and..." the police froze in his spot after they saw the students, "...terrorist... surrender..." Words almost not coming out of his mouth.

"What's the problem?" the second army in line asked. When he glimpsed everyone in the class, he was also too stunned to speak.

"What the heck?" While holding UNO cards, Peter glared at the troops who barged inside. "You're destroying our moment here, goddamn!"

"Oh, aliens are here!" said Monika as she saw several forces barged inside their classroom.

"O-Oh! That! That guy! He has the bombs!" the teacher shouted, almost running away from feeling too much fear.

The forces then pointed their guns at where the teacher was pointing to--- it was the guy sitting on the chair, playing UNO cards too. It was Calix. They perceived he had the bombs. They faced his back so they couldn't see his face clearly so they went to him closer.

Mr. Travis smiled, coming after the troop's leader, "Now, now. Why don't you lay down your weapons first? Let's talk this out. You're pointing your firearms at this young man after all."

"You had no idea what you've done... you terrorized the school!" shouted the teacher, pointing at Calix.

Calix, on the other hand, then slowly turned his eyes onto them as he spoke, "What? Me? Terrorizing the school? Wish I could do that... but, you got some proof?"

"Where is the bag? The bag that you brought here!"

Some of the forces went after the students and held them in case something happens. Mr. Travis just observed each one of them as he silently recorded everything. He had to take every chance as his evidence.

"What bag?" Calix yawned.

"Don't pretend! Some of the students saw you bringing huge bags containing bombs! Surrender now!" the teacher was so irate. She then turned her eyes to every student in the class "... all of these students are taking part in this terrorizing attack I suppose. They just sent someone like him..." he pointed at Calix.

"...and the class made him bring the bombs! They might be preparing to detonate the grenades while everyone is already inside the auditorium!"

HELLO, EVERYONE! Kindly take note of the disclaimer noted above. It's really important, guys.

One more thing, if you'd like to access more of these chapters, you are free to join my P. a. t. r. e. o. n. Thank you!

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I really wonder why Webnovel won't censor the cursed words and profanity on my novel, but the word p.a.t.r.e.o.n, they'd censor it.

Anyways, just type https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/GallantLassGL on chrome without the dots between THAT word. THANK YOU GUYS!

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