
Request From A Demon

"Was it normal if I have this tingly feeling for a friend?"


Julean started to cough when I asked that so suddenly. Julean, who just finished cleaning my room, looked at me with wide eyes.

"... T-To who, Young Master?"

"It's just a friend," I said casually.

"Well," Julean cleared her throat. "When that happens, usually that means you like that friend,"

"But I do like my friend, he's kind," I raised one of my eyebrows.

Julean cleared her throat again. Her face is bright red. "I-I meant, like... Like,"


I have a crush on Arden?

But it can't be. It must be just a feeling of admiration...

"Young Master, your face is bright red," Julean said, smiling in amusement.

"N-No, It's just hot, the temperature," I mumbled.

Julean giggled.

Just when Julean about to tease me even more, Io appeared in front of me.

"Little master,"

"Huh?" I blinked. "What's wrong?"

"Hm?" Julean tilted her head a little.

Right, she can't see Io.

"Jul, you can go outside," I said. Julean smiled and bowed her head. She walked out of the room and closed the door.

Io floated down to the floor, then let out a sigh.

"A report,"

"You already gave me the daily report this morning," I pouted.

"It's a new one," Io shrugged. "Half of the demons are starting to doubt you,"

"Doubting me?" I blinked.

"Yes. They are indeed submitting to you because you have Balam's seal, but you haven't used them that often,"

"That's because I don't have the reason to use it," I said. "There's no danger,"

"Little master," Io gave me his usual sly smile. "You don't have to wait. You have to discipline your demons that are doubting your power,"


Io's unique eyes turned sharp. I looked at him sarcastically when I saw his devilish smirk.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Torture them with your power,"




"No. It's your job as a Coordinator to make your demons submits to you. You're not a true Coordinator if your own demon disrespects you," Io pointed at my forehead.

I blinked several times at Io.

"... Fine,"

I'm the boss, but Io kept bossing me around.

Not that I'm against it... I'm already used to it.

"How do I torture them?" I asked.

"Oh," Io blinked. "That's right. You never went to the other dimension yet,"

"Other dimension?"

"A dimension where your demons are stored," Io said happily.

"... I-I can go there? why you never told me this?"

"You're the one who never asks. You're so busy meditating,"


I facepalmed mentally. "So how do I do that?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I'm not a Coordinator," Io said. "Go ask your father,"

"He's busy,"

"Your mage brother,"

"He's busy too,"

"Then figure it out yourself,"

"... You're useless," I muttered.

Neither father nor Christopher ever mentions anything about going to another dimension where my demons are stored. Then again, Io has a point. I never asked! And they probably don't remember either.

Then, I decided to figure out how to do it myself.

"Go to another dimension!" I exclaimed while pointing my finger up in the air.


Nothing happens. Io muffled his laughter.

"Shut up," I yelled at him.

"Mhm," Io nodded. He bit his lip, but his body is still trembling from holding his laughter.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I started to focus. I imagine a dark place, a dark, murky place with Callisto, Pyumo, and the other demons in it. That must be the dimension.

I tried to let the energy flow within my body.

A minute passed, then two minutes, then three minutes.


"You've made it!"

Io's voice made me open my eyes.


T-This place. I'm really here! And it fits my description really well.

The demons that I've gathered, they're all here.

This place is empty. The demons are just roaming around aimlessly. But when I appeared, all of them approached me.

"It's master,"

Callisto yawned and floated toward me.

"Pyu!" Pyumo greeted me as well.

"Greetings Master,"

"Hello, Master!"

Some of the demons greeted me. They're all low-leveled demons. There's a small goblin bowing their head, and an ugly orc grinning.

I never see them up close like this.

This truly felt like having my own army.

Then, I realized it was the mid-leveled demons who didn't greet me. They're only staring at me. I could see the uncertainty in their eyes. I glanced at Io, and I saw him smiling at me.

So, these demons thought I'm not strong enough, huh?

I'll show them my power.

guys, i wrote 10 chapters today from 3am, and it is currently 6am. I'm not sure if there's any mistakes in my writing (prolly yes), so i hope all of you understand. have a good day. imma pass out. love yall <3

coffiecreators' thoughts