
Young Master And His Demon Army (BL)

Waking up as a noble baby is not what Yuta expected after falling down the stairs. His constant wishes are to have an exciting life, but he didn't mean this exciting! His peaceful life went south ever since. One mad father that is feared by most people, seven other older brothers, villains that are trying to kidnap him, and one pet demon. The only good thing about his new life is his kindhearted mother. Can he get through those tiring days every single day? ──────────────────────────────── Hello ladies and gentle-lads, before proceeding I would like to mention a couple of statements. This content has an LGBTQ+ content. Yaoi, BL, GL. If you're not up for it, simply just don't proceed reading the story ^-^ Thank you!

coffie · LGBT+
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116 Chs

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( Hello everyone-- ;'') There are several things I would like to mention. First of all, I'm not that much of a writer. Like what I mentioned in later notes, I solely write here to practice my English writing- and just to kill time. My book isn't that good, my writing is meh, and I'm not expecting any profit from this. I'm just happy that there are some people that enjoy my book regardless, that's all. What I'm trying to say is, I will only upload when I FEEL like writing. If I don't, then I won't upload anything :) Thank you! )

"Christopher, you're going to crush me..."

"... Just give me two more minutes,"

Christopher sniffled. I sighed.

"Hey, I wanna hug Ezra too," Edgar nudges Christopher.

"No, it's my turn!" Leorys stepped in.

"Hey, not it's not!"

"..." Juno silently tried to pull me away from Christopher's embrace. But Sylvester slapped his hand away with an innocent smile on his face.

"Be patient Juno. It's my turn after Christopher,"

"I'm the oldest one, so I have the privilege to hug him next," Raphael said.

"Shut it!" Leorys and Sehan snapped at Raphael.

I couldn't help but giggle at their bickering.

Today is the day where I'll be off to school. For three whole years. Finally, I can go out! Have an adventure, meet new friends!

All of my family is standing outside of the mansion to watch me off. The twins cried, the same as Christopher. Sylvester looks very proud, Juno tried to kidnap me and lock me up somewhere so I can't go to school, same as Edgar, and Raphael seemed okay with it. In other words, my brothers are too clingy.

Father only smiled at me.

He seemed quite calm now. At first, I noticed how he's debating whether he should send me off or not. He sent Arden to watch over me and report to him everyday.

... My family, they're too overprotective.

"Don't forget to write!" Christopher sobbed.

"Hm, hm!" The twins nodded their heads.

I rolled my eyes playfully and grinned at all of them.

"I will, don't worry!"

I looked at my family's faces before going into the carriage. My brothers, they're all grown. It seems like yesterday that they're all just some clingy brats. Now they're all adults. And soon I will become one.

I wiped the tears off my eyes and say our goodbyes.

"I love you guys," I said.

My family's faces looked surprised.

One by one everyone smiled happily. Christopher bursts into tears again.

"We love you more!" He exclaimed.

"We love you Ezra!"

"Send lots of letters!"

I waved at them as I entered the carriage.

My heart is beating so fast. This will be the first time ever for me to travel far away from home. I'm excited, and at the same time, anxious.

"You're worried?"

"!" I blinked when I heard Io's voice from beside me.

Io is sitting beside me while playing with a strand of his hair with his index finger. I smirked.

"Of course not. I have my army,"

"That's right. A man with power shouldn't be afraid of anything," Io pointed out.

"Yes, yes," I rolled my eyes.

"A man with power should've just relax and sleep,"

Callisto, who also appeared out of nowhere, is sitting from across the seat. He yawned loudly.

"I-I'm sorry master! I-I should've prevented them on appearing without being summoned,"

Then Lilith, who appeared while looking flustered.

"We're master's friends, it's alright," Callisto said casually.

"Hmph!" Lilith immediately smacked Callisto on the head. Callisto looked at her in disbelief.

"A-A low-leveled demon dare to hit me?!"

"I let her do it," I shrugged.

Lilith smiled brightly. "Yup!"

"Urgh," Callisto muttered something before disappearing. Lilith looked at Io.

"You too,"

"Fine," Io sighed. He looked at me. "Call us when you need us,"

"Of course," I nodded. Io and Lilith then disappeared into another realm.

When it suddenly goes quiet, I automatically looked outside through the window. The scenery; it's magnificent. The forest, merchants, townsfolk, and farm animals. I mean, I've seen people in my previous life, but this is another world we're talking about!

All of this is new!