
You make my midnights bright (BL)

Akira Matsuda left the life of being bullied back in middle school, atleast he thought so. But not every thing goes as expected. with new school, there came new kinds of bullies. His life takes a swift turn after the transfer student Haru Aoyama joins the classes. Love will bloom as enemies will stare in jealousy and defeat.

angelspyx · LGBT+
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7 Chs

A New Beginning

The cherry blossoms were raining slowly down the road as if laying down a path welcoming a new beginning. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds. It was my first day as a high-schooler. A fresh start. No one to demand my money from me. No one to torment me. No one to make fun of me now. All of them left in middle school.

After the welcome speech I moved to my homeroom with all my NEW classmates. Everyone was excited. I too was excited. I wanted to see what kinds of friends would I end up with.

'Friend'... That was a pretty hefty word. Atleast for me. A person with whom you'd have all kinds of fun, a person who'd be with you in both your good and bad times. A person with whom you can talk about anything, without having to think twice. My life was missing that person. To take their place, a bunch of people who exploit you without remorse, people who are self centred and arrogant came flooding.

After the roll call the teacher, Mr Sakamoto announced that we are to be joined by a transfer student. "Aoyama, you may come in." Mr Sakamoto called. The doors slid open, revealing a person with a smile like none other. His curly black hair bounced as he walked inside. He stood beside the teacher and adjusted his glasses before introducing himself "My name is Haru Aoyama. I'll be a part of class 3-b starting today. Nice to meet you all. I hope we can all grow together." The words were something someone would normally say while giving their introduction, but his voice and smile added an unspoken charm to it.

"Please go and have your seat."Mr Sakamoto said pointing at the empty desk beside me. 'Ba-dum' my heart skips a beat. My face blushed a little as he passed beside me. His cologne was making the environment seem more beautiful than ever.

"Hi, can I know your name?" Aoyama asked me.

"It's Matsuda Akira. Call me whatever Aoyama kun."

"Okay, Aka-tan. And don't use my last name, it makes me seem distant to the person I'm talking to."

The words "Aka-tan" make me blush. "Okay Haru chan." I say, instantly regretting it. Still blushing I turn away. This makes him crack into laughter, the most beautiful laughter I had ever heard.