
You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

In the 20th year of the imperial calendar, the traveler Qianyu unified the ninja world and became the emperor of mankind. He launched an imperial expedition to other parallel worlds through the dragon vein. As the advance army, Runtu (Obito variant), Kakadong (Kakashi variant), and Zhihuo (Uchiha Shisui variant) came to the new ninja world. They found that this world seemed to be a bit confusing? Runtu: "What? In this world, my big Uchiha is gone? Which bastard did it! I want revenge!" Kakadong: "Oh my God, my father in this world actually committed suicide?" Zhihuo: "I thought the emperor was already a tyrant, but I didn't expect Konoha F4 in another world to be even more beastly!" Sasuke: "Destroy the tyranny of the Ninja Village! The world belongs to the Empire!" Qianyu: "I, a villain and tyrant, suddenly became a savior with the support of my peers?"

Buejessi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The Will Of Fire? Do You Want To See My Name?

Kakadong first sealed the Chakra of several people, and then tied up the four people with ropes.

Dazna, who had been following everyone, hesitated to speak.

He wanted to ask what to do with his mission, but now it seems that all the ninjas in Konoha have been wiped out.

That's not right either, another one just threw it where he was.

Thinking of this, Dazna inevitably felt a little sad in his heart.

Is the Country of Waves really hopeless?

After tying the rope, Runtu clapped his hands and asked, "What should we do next?"

Kakadong said: "Let's find a way to find traces of Nine Tails from this brat first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Runtu nodded after hearing this, and then pointed at Sasuke next to him and said, "Then let me teach this kid by the way. The Sasuke in this world is so bad. He only opened a Magatama when he was almost 13 years old."

Kakadong couldn't help but glance at Sasuke after hearing this.

Both are Sasuke, so the gap seems a bit big.

Facing Kakadong's humiliating look, Sasuke finally became famous.

Angry Sasuke blushed and retorted: "What do you know? I started Sharingan when I was 7 years old, but I was hesitant and my body strength couldn't keep up at the time, so it didn't show up!"

Faced with Sasuke's retort, Runtu was even more surprised and said: "You are still a magatama after 6 years? Isn't your talent even worse? Why are you bothering with this?"

Sasuke: "..."

Sasuke, who had always thought he was a genius, was silenced and even a little depressed.


Fire Nation.

After breaking away from the refugee team, a group of people headed towards the country at ninja speed.

While passing a small village, Zhihuo happened to bump into the bandits who were looting the village.

Most of these bandits are ordinary people, but they are led by two Genin.

Seeing the tragic situation in the small village, while Zhihuo felt angry, he also felt infinite pity for the victims.

"Is this the security of your Fire Country? Is this what you call peace and prosperity for the country and the people?" Zhihuo turned to Jiraiya and asked.

Jiraiya: "..."

Naturally, I also want to explain that such things happen almost every day in the ninja world, and it is not just the land of fire.


"Let's go rescue people first."

Embarrassed, Jiraiya could only change the topic.

Upon hearing these words, Shizuka disappeared instantly, and over the next few minutes, Shizuka showed off an art to Jiraiya.

An art about speed and killing?

In less than a minute, more than a dozen robbers, including two of them, Genin, were lying in a pool of blood.

Apart from the women who were still sobbing softly and whose faces were ashen, there was no one alive above the pool of blood.

"What a fast speed! I definitely can't keep up with this speed. It seems that I have to be careful about this guy's speed in the future."

Jiraiya, thoughtful in his heart, hurried up to comfort the abducted women.

In order to quell the flames and gain favor, Jiraiya generously spent more than half a month of his royalties to compensate and resettle these women who had lost their family members.

This money is definitely a drop in the bucket for them, but at least it represents his attitude.

Zhihuo frowned and watched this scene.

The empire has been established for nearly 20 years, and no such tragedy has occurred within the empire in the past 10 years.

An entire village of innocent civilians were killed. If it happened within the empire, it would definitely be a big event that would shatter the sky.

But this kind of thing seems very ordinary at this time?

Zhihuo didn't expect that he would encounter such terrible things one after another not long after he came to this world.

Refugees who have left their homes, villagers whose homes have been looted...

Is this world really not right?

Thinking of this, Zhihuo was a little confused.

Ziran also patted Zhihuo on the shoulder and comforted him: "The world is like this, we can only help the people we can help."

"The world shouldn't be like this." Zhihuo shook his head blankly, and then asked, "What's going on with these ninjas?"

Jiraiya replied casually: "Either they are wandering ninjas or rebel ninjas. Anyway, one thing is certain that these people are not good people."

This kind of existence is not a rare species in the ninja world. As a native, Jiraiya does not find it strange that there are so many wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas in this world.

But Zhihuo doesn't think so.

Zhihui, who came from a more peaceful world, couldn't help but ask: "Can't you Konoha restrain the ninjas in your own country?"

Jiraiya retorted of course: "How is that possible! Our Konoha Village and the Daming Prefecture only have an employment relationship. Within the Land of Fire, unless we are in Konoha, we have no law enforcement power, legislative power, let alone governing power."

Zhihuo: "???"

Three question marks slowly popped up in Zhihuo's mind.

The strongest ninja organization in the Fire Country, and also the largest military organization, doesn't even have this right?

No wonder the Fire Nation is in such chaos.

Shisui asked very strangely: "You have no desire for power?"

Speaking of this, Jiraiya instantly became energetic, looked at Zhihuo with burning eyes and asked: "Do you know what the Will of Fire is?"

Zhihuo shook his head.

Jiraiya explained enthusiastically: "The will of fire is our unique spirit of Konohagakure.

The specific description is that wherever the wooden leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and allow new leaves to sprout.

The meaning of the Will of Fire is that young people are the hope of the future, and the older generation must trust and protect them.

The sacrifices of the older generation are not meaningless, but will inspire young people to become the pillars of the future.

The burning flames of fallen leaves are a metaphor for the heroic sacrifices of the older generation, while the new leaves are a metaphor for young people. "

"Is it the spirit of dedication and sacrifice? I probably understand." Zhihuo nodded calmly, without even a trace of confusion in his heart.

Zhihuo asked doubtfully: "But why do you only emphasize dedication and sacrifice?"

"Then what else should we emphasize? The spirit of being willing to sacrifice to protect the bond, isn't this great enough?" Jiraiya, who didn't know how serious he was, asked.

Jiraiya felt a little uncomfortable with Shi Hui's lackluster response to the Will of Fire.

Stop the Fire Test: "For example, harmony and friendship, prosperity and the rule of law, etc.?"

Jiraiya: "???"

"Ninjas are just tools when performing tasks. Why do you need these?" Jiraiya looked at Zhihuo in confusion.