
You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

In the 20th year of the imperial calendar, the traveler Qianyu unified the ninja world and became the emperor of mankind. He launched an imperial expedition to other parallel worlds through the dragon vein. As the advance army, Runtu (Obito variant), Kakadong (Kakashi variant), and Zhihuo (Uchiha Shisui variant) came to the new ninja world. They found that this world seemed to be a bit confusing? Runtu: "What? In this world, my big Uchiha is gone? Which bastard did it! I want revenge!" Kakadong: "Oh my God, my father in this world actually committed suicide?" Zhihuo: "I thought the emperor was already a tyrant, but I didn't expect Konoha F4 in another world to be even more beastly!" Sasuke: "Destroy the tyranny of the Ninja Village! The world belongs to the Empire!" Qianyu: "I, a villain and tyrant, suddenly became a savior with the support of my peers?"

Buejessi · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

This Is How The Knife Works, Kakashi!

"I hope the other teams have gained something, otherwise my Eternal Mangekyō will really be hopeless."

Runtu prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the other variants of the parallel ninja world were still alive. Of course, he still hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Thinking of this, Runtu suddenly felt envious of Kakadong.

Although the Kakadong of this world has gone astray, at least he is still alive! How unlike his own variant that died so early.

But unfortunately, Kakadong is not Uchiha, and the need for the variant is not that unique.

"I got it, kid! You stay with me from today on, and I will help you activate Mangekyō." Runtu, who was not in a good mood, announced directly.

Since his own transformation is gone, he can only protect the remaining Uchiha, especially those with Mangekyō activated.

Just like the Sasuke in front of me.

Runtu asked curiously: "Little devil, how old are you this year?"

Because of Runtu Uchiha's identity, Sasuke was not as hostile to him as before, so he did not refute Runtu's words.

Having a senior who initiated Mangekyō teach him personally was something Sasuke could only dream of.

Sasuke immediately replied: "13."

"Has Sharingan been opened?"


"Three magatama?"

Sasuke: "..."

Being silenced again, Sasuke almost became red again. He felt that the bastard in front of him was mocking him.

"It's a magatama!" Sasuke gritted his teeth.

A magatama at 13 years old?

This time it was Runtu's turn to sink.

No...what's going on in this ninja world!

His own transformation died young, Kakadong's transformation went astray, and then Sasuke's transformation...

How to put it, it can only be said that it is difficult to describe it in one word.

Sasuke in the Imperial World started Mangekyō at the age of 13.

Fortunately, Sasuke has a brother who doesn't need to rely on this method to advance to the Eternal Mangekyō. Otherwise, Sasuke would be so angry at his transformation after knowing this news?

Thinking this, Runtu glanced at Sasuke with some disgust.

However, at this moment, Runtu didn't know about the whole family's sacrifice to heaven. Otherwise, he would definitely have a myocardial infarction.

"Is your name really Kakadong?"

Kakashi was curious to see the man in front of him who looked exactly like him.

"It's no use talking more. Broken bones are the best textbooks."

"Next, let's watch and learn!"

Kakadong pulled out the Short Sword with an expressionless expression.

"This is..."

Seeing the Short Sword in Kakadong's hand, Kakashi's pupils shrank, his eyes full of disbelief.

"White Fang Blade!"

Kakashi spoke in a low tone, gritting his teeth and said the name of the knife.

But how is that possible?

Wasn't this sword broken by Rock Shinobi Jōnin's flaming blade during the Kannabi Bridge mission battle?

Kakashi looked a little dazed, as if he was looking in the mirror.

Suddenly there was a flash of sword light, and a few white hairs slowly fell down.

"You actually fell into a daze during the battle? Your combat quality is lower than I thought. This knife is a warning!" Kakadong's deep voice recalled, waking up Kakashi who was still dazed.

Kakashi gritted his teeth, and then stared at Kakadong.

Kakashi, who was holding a kunai in both hands, looked wary.

Kakadon didn't speak anymore, and the two of them fought directly.

Kakadong deliberately used the Hatake sword technique, but he was merciless.

Kakashi held the kunai in both hands and was like a lonely boat in the rough sea under Kakadong's attack, looking like he was in danger of being overturned at any time.

Such a familiar sword technique, such a sharp technique...

In a trance, Kakashi seemed to see his father.

"It's actually the Hatake sword technique..."

Kakashi forced himself to suppress the fear in his heart, and kept thinking about the origin of the other party.

Could it be...

Is this guy the illegitimate son of an outsider? My half-brother?

The two of them look so similar, and the other one knows the Hatake family's ancestral sword skills, and he shows mercy at all times during the battle. This is not so much fighting as the other party is teaching him the Hatake sword skills.

After denying all the indications, what remains may be the truth no matter how incredible it is!

So...this guy is really my half-brother?

After forcing Kakadong back again, the panting Kakashi did not continue to attack.

The opponent's sword skills are too strong. If he hadn't opened the Sharingan, he would have lost by now.

What's even worse is that even if Sharingan is fully open, he can barely catch the opponent's knife shadow.

There was a hint of hatred in Kakadong's tone.

"Look at what you look like now. You are short of Chakra and have insufficient stamina. If you use a knife, these shortcomings will be made up for."

Kakashi: "..."

Kakashi didn't make any excuses. It's not easy to get rid of inner demons.

His father's death made him abandon the knife in his hand, Obito's death made him have to carry a heavy burden and move forward, and Lin's death made him lose the direction of his life.

How could he inherit the swordsmanship of the Hatake family under the triple blow?

"Okay, it's time to end this battle."

The White Fang blade was covered with Chakra. After Kakadong sheathed the sword, he stared at Kakashi.

"See clearly! This is the ultimate swordsmanship I created under the guidance of the Emperor!"

Guixu · Splitting Void Sword Drawing Technique!

The dazzling sword light bloomed. Even if Sharingan was turned on at full power, Kakashi was unable to capture the traces of the dazzling sword light.


Kakashi flew backwards. At the last critical moment, Kakashi used the back of the knife.

Not surprisingly, Kakashi was knocked unconscious.


The three little ones shouted loudly and worriedly, wanting to go over and help.

At this time, Runtu next to him also moved. Before Naruto and Sakura could react, Runtu knocked them out, leaving only Sasuke, who was messy in the wind.

Runtu looked at Sasuke with malice and asked, "You won't resist first, right?"

Sasuke did not take action directly, but asked cautiously: "What will you do with them?"

Runtu replied: "Don't worry, I just hate trouble, so I knocked them out."

After hearing this, Sasuke felt relieved, and then said seriously: "I just want to pursue the supreme power. As long as you can give me power, I don't mind betraying Konoha and following you."


"Then just stay with us first."

Runtu nodded with satisfaction.

This determination to pursue power is worthy of a great Uchiha!