
You Have Always Been Mine

She doesn't remember me.......She promised that she would not forget me...but she did. Something happened....but what?? "Flower, why did you forget me? We're the memories we made together not of any importance to you?" .................................................. "I will get you back. I will make sure u remember me. I will imprint my name in your heart, body, mind and soul so that you will never ever forget who I am." You will be mine again because you have always been mine.

MYMA · Urbain
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"Zora, please don't go. Whom will I play with when you're gone?" a little girl about the age of ten sobbed while hugging him.

Because of how tall he was, her head reached his stomach. He didn't say anything. He let her say all she had to say. This would be the last time he would see her for a very long time.

"No one ever wants to play with me at school. They don't wanna be my friends. If you go, I won't have anyone to play with," she said. His shirt was already wet by all the tears that came out of her eyes.

He pushed her slightly away from him and knelt down to her level.

Using his thumb, he carefully wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks.

"I will be back. Don't cry anymore, okay?" He spoke so gently.

"Promise?" She asked and he nodded. She smiled.

"Now go to your mother," he told her.

She smiled and ran to the woman who was just standing a few metres from them.

The woman, who looked like an older version of the little girl, carried her and made her sit on the side of her hip as she looked at the boy in front of her.

The boy whom her daughter had gotten so attached to in all the years they have spent together.

"Don't be gone for too long, my dear. I don't think my little one will take it," she said.

"I will be back, Jemimah. Take care of her," he said.

"I will."

He slowly reached up and removed a silver chain that always hangs around his neck and walked towards the mother daughter pair. Making the little girl look at him with curiosity about what he was going to do next.

He placed the chain around the little girl's neck making her giggle when his hands touched her neck.

He smiled and looked at her.

"Keep it safe for me, flower. When I come back, I will want it back," he said.


He kissed her forehead.

"Don't forget me, flower"

"Never ever," she replied with the biggest smile on her face.

He left.

Hey guys, I am a newbie here.

English ain't really my first language but am gonna try minimizing the mistakes.

please support my work.

I am not totally professional but with time, I am positive I will get there

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