
You again? (Katsuki x reader)

noah_cloud · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

I'm talking to you

Each student began shuffling to the back, each looking at their suits with excitement. "I hope it's even better than last year!" Momo squeaked with excitement. "Last years was so good Momo how can you hope for something even better?" a voice out of nowhere spoke. A free uniform? An invisible girl... Wow. Didn't see that one coming. I'm not too excited; I doubt they finished mine as well as every other student's uniform. The list was an A4 sheet of paper with each students photo on the left. Their numbers on the right. Why does this seem like a prison? Numbers, pictures, little briefcases full of clothes. What's next? Toothbrushes? Or do we not have that luxury. "Seventeen, o-kay," I mumble board slightly. Once the crowd mostly cleared, I began to look for my number.

Eventually finding it, a green-haired boy stood beside me, reaching up for his briefcase. He looked young and innocent. His eyes caught mine, and a moment passed with us staring at each other. I could tell he was freaked out by my eye. "U-uh Hi! I'm Izuku Midoria!, nice to meet you." his voice was high and cheerful but somehow damaged. "Y/n Fujihara." He stuck his hand out, and I hesitantly shake it. "You're from the Fujihara family the ones with some of the most powerful quirks? No matter what they are?" He spoke with excitement, his eyes lighting up. "Yea, sure," I replied. "What's your quirk?! Does it have something to do with your eye?" He asked. Strike one Midoria. "Guess you'll have to find out," I say softly before turning my back on him. "Hey, wait up! Do you where you need to get changed? I'll show you; the girls change rooms are next to the boys." He smiled. What is with these kids and smiling. Jesus.

With time the green-haired boy showed me to the changing rooms. "yea, thanks." I say dismissively before walking off into the girls changing room. Most of the 1-A girls were either changed or still changing, but most were waiting for the other. I placed my briefcase down, my back facing towards everyone. The briefcase was made of some form of metal with two clips keeping it shut. This school may have weird students, but wow, was it beautiful. It was large with ceilings high enough to have a chandelier. I feel my heart race as the two clips flick the other way; this was the moment I had been waiting for since I was six. I glance down at my now hero suit, and a small smirk appears on my face.

A black mask enough to cover my eyes laid inside on top of casual clothing. A white shirt skin tight so it wouldn't catch on anything as well as black pants and brown boots. A black belt wrapped around my hips as I pull my hair back into a high ponytail. I couldn't help but think of an old friend Dabi when looking at my hero suit. The last time anyone saw him, he wore a white shirt and black pants. Time sure does change a person, look at me in hero school. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Is that your hero suit?" The brown-haired girl from earlier asked. "Yea?" I say with a sort of distinct tone. "Oh, jeezums." A green girl sighed. "What?" I ask. "It's just very much like Bakugous," Momo replied. "How?" I scoff. "The mask, the boots, the shirt." Most of the girls said in unison. "Really?" I said, looking down at my shirt. "It's not a big deal, it's just a shirt," Momo said softly.

I decided to leave before any more of a conversation could strike up. So great not only do I sound like him, but now I look like him? Whatever. I rest my hands behind my head and walk calmly down the halls to the training arena; this school likes their windows don't they. The entire wall is pretty much glass. Suddenly my arm gets knocked and shoved out of the way by someone. Causing me to wobble to the side. "Hey what the fuck if your deal?" I growl. An ash blonde wearing a mask and black tank top turns my way. Each hand having gauntlets."The fuck you say to me, twerp?" he snarled. "Oh, it's just you." I sigh and continue walking. "Whats that meant to mean? Hey- don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." the ash-blonde yelled again. His voice was rough and had a psychotic sound to it. Almost like he was a villain. I doubt a villain could get into this school with how heavily guarded it is. "DEAD EYE IM TALKIN' TO YOU." he growled, grabbing my shoulder in anger. I quickly turn around ground and twisting his hand behind his back. "Don't fucking touch me." My voice was now low and threatening; much more than it previously was. "Hey, hey! come on Y/N get off him!" Kirishima said, running down the hall. His suit was red and had no shirt. His head almost had a faceguard with what the metal around it was shaped to be. Jesus, he was ripped, shaped like one of those ideal barbies boyfriend dolls.

Was his face always that rough? It seems to be rock looking now. "Big mistake dead eye" Bakugou chuckled from under me. I glanced towards a small clip falling to the floor then his gauntlets. "Oh shi-" a massive blast was sent my way, but I had managed to avoid it. I sat a little away from him, giving him a shocked look. "You fucking tried to cook me," I say while standing up. "Ok guys just calm down," Kirishima says. The smell of smoke fills the air, and we both turn to look at kirishima whose hair had been slightly lit on fire. "What?" he asked before freaking out about his hair. "NO! I just did it! do you know how long this took me?" he whines. "Grow up." Both Bakugou and I say at the same time, causing us to stare at each other with disgust. We begin walking towards double doors were the Number one hero stood beside our teacher. All Might is here? Actually? Is he a teacher here? I mean, I guess someone has to teach kids here. Should the number two hero also be here then? Endeavour? I heard his son went to this school. My expectations keep shifting. "Is that a fucking grape?" I scoff. The short purple guy I noticed earlier was actually a grape guy. "Yea that's mineta." replied a pink girl. "He's a pervert so keep your distance." she giggled. I watch as he and the yellow-haired boy talk and watch as any girl walked past. Jesus- Is this a strip club or a high school? What the fuck is momo wearing? A shirt with no front? That's just barely covering her chest.

"Alright, class, that's ten minutes." Aizawa spoke "Each of you will be paired up with someone random. This means it could be a fair fight or a completely unfair fight. There will be multiple fights going on at once; you must knock your opponent out of the white tape." He said softly yet loud enough for everyone to hear. "In arena one will be Y/n Fujahara against Ejiro Kirishima. Then-" Me and Kirishima, huh?

Bring it.



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