
You're MY perfect omega

Kirishima struggles to be himself due to the weight of expectation that pushes him to become a good Omega to the family. In which Kirishima is imposed into a courting that puts relationships in shambles, aka Just a group of confused boys trying to understand their feelings and severely misunderstanding it.

Yaoigobbler · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Be punctual

Weary. That's what he felt when he woke up that morning, his movements were sluggish, and the sun managed to offend his swollen eyes upon greeting. He rubbed the sleepiness out of it, finally regaining his vision to function normally, Kirishima then laid there for a minute. Dazed – fingers thumbing the smooth rubber of his collar to the small indent in the middle of it, the chip. Had he been more careful he could've avoided this situation, he sighs.


"I'll be going mom, see you." Kirishima calls, albeit with less vigor.

"-Eijiro wait,"

Kirishima froze, apology ready on the tip of his tongue.

"I know you're mad about- this..." His mother stroked the collar, "But you have to understand that we're doing this for your own good, we only want the best for you Ei," her eyes conveying deep rooted concern.

Kirishima smiled despite the grating displeasure in his heart, he itched to rebuke her words, but stubbornly bit it down – be obedient, be obedient, he chants.

"I know. I'll be going now, I'll see you later." He bows before exiting the house, breathing a lungful of air as soon as he left. Be obedient, he chants again.


"Yooooo, Is this a new fashion trend?" Kaminari eyed the black collar in awe.

Kirishima faked a laugh "Yeah~ something like that."

"Edgy! Are you friends with Jirou now?" Sero cackles, Kaminari gave an eye-roll at the comment, too drained to support him this early in the morning.

A sudden gasp brought their attention to a surprised Momo, who was eyeing Kirishima with apparent dread "K-Kirishima…" she stammers.

This only meant one thing. Kirishima quickly steered Momo out of class.

"Yaoyorozu, please tell me you don't know…" He watched her surprise turn solemn.

"Sorry… but my father trains my sister the same way." she chokes, face contorting to that of pain "Kirishima, are you boding well?"

He gave that question a thought – clearly he wasn't and he never will, but— "What can I do? I'm just an omega," he bitterly laughs. It pains him to say it, but it's truly the root of all his problems.


Kirishima jumped at the tone, glancing to meet Bakugo's glare "B-Bakugo…" he stutters, unsure if the alpha had overheard their conversation.

"You're in the way." the blonde grumbles, eyeing the doorway currently blocked by him and Momo "OH! Sorry man- we didn't notice," he gave a sheepish laugh, stepping to the side for Bakugo to enter, he bobbed his head in a small apology.

"Tch, stop doing that, It's so fucking unnecessary." Bakugo growls before entering the class, leaving Kirishima dumbstruck.

He let out a sigh.

"You know we're of age to have a mate right? If you have one, automatically the authority goes to your alpha. You should find an alpha you trust, that way, you won't have to deal with this anymore..." Yaoyorozu whispered.

"Huh? What did you say?" he questioned, not quite listening.

"I said if you find a strong alpha like- say, Bakugo… Your parents would undoubtedly let you go and rely your safety and independence solely on Bakugo."

"Wh… What are you saying?!" he stutters, blushing madly at her suggestion.

Momo giggles, "To get a mate Kirishima, that's the goal right…? To train you senseless to become a perfect candidate?"

Kirishima nods. That is true, but he doesn't just NEED a mate, he wants them too! He thought about it every time a heat strikes; imaginations of what it'll be like to have an alpha that loves him unconditionally for who he is, not as a trophy, but as Kirishima. Being a love virgin doesn't help the situation either, he liked some guys in the past but he never really made a move on them before, so truly, he's going blind at this whole mating thing… does he decide on just the scent? What about their gender?

Yaoyorozu suddenly poked his chest "Trust your instinct." She simply states before returning back to class.


"So like, what did Yaoyorozu want?" Kaminari curiously asked, stealing karaage off of Sero's plate.

"Oh! Nothing… she just asked where I got this manly choker." He points at the rubber collar.

"Hmm… Never piqued Momo to be a choker fan, thought that was Jirou's thing." Sero comments, slapping the blonde's snitching palm.

Kaminari pouts, clutching at his stinging fingers "Well never mind that! We got a history homework due on Friday, let's do a study group and help me- I mean each other out!"

"Tch, who wants to group up with an idiot like you?" Bakugo scoffs.

"OH c'mon Bakugo~ have mercy and help us disabled students,"

Bakugo gave a glare "The only thing disabled about you is your fucking motivation dumbfuck."

Kaminari whines at that "Kiri~ help a bro out hereee, use your omega magic and tame Bakugo for me."

Kirishima coughed, not expecting that flippant comment "But that's harassment…" he shyly refused, cheeks warming up at the thought of influencing Bakugo like that. On some cases omegas ARE capable of manipulating alphas to compliance, though the act alone is somehow frowned upon. Kirishima never understood why… Isn't it less violent than alphas dominating them to submission?

"Yeah, that is… but now that you think about it, don't you think omegas have just as much effect on alphas as we do to them?? It's weird that they're going through endurance test when the education system can just you know… Support their ability to a certain extent or something?" Sero mused, eyeing Bakugo in question.

"Yeah I know. It fucking sucks that they get shit for it huh? Our authority figures consist of mostly alphas & betas that get their prideful dicks in a twist over the idea of an omega having control for once, even if it's for a greater good.. Seriously fucking idiotic how fucked up the system is." Bakugo bit the words like bile as he passionately munched on his curry.

"Eh?? Are we talking about politics now?" Kaminari weasels, not able to keep up with the topic.

"More like omega equality Kami," Sero fondly huffs at the clueless beta.

"Watch the news more fuckface, it's a fucking travesty out there," Bakugo growls.

Kirishima raptly listens with a light heart, relieved that his friends are knowledgeable enough and thankfully are supporters towards omega equality.

"Sooooo, study group??" Kaminari sheepishly brought up.

"I'm in, I'm stuck on number twelve." Sero shrugs.

"Fucking whatever," or- sure, I don't have anything better to do anyways in Bakugo lingo.


Punctual. He can do that.

"Kiri~ we're going to Sero's house to study, you coming?"

"Ah... Sorry bro, I cant. I gotta go home, heat season-" he whispered that last part. He doesn't think his friends would be THAT informed about an omega's heat month, it's a safe excuse until he gets his father's trust back.

"OH! Right, sometimes I forgot you're an omega…" Kaminari whispered back.

The alphas watched their silent exchange in confusion.


"Where the fuck is shitty hair going?"

"He said he has some omega stuff to attend to~" Kaminari brought his index finger to his lips in a universal gesture for 'shhh'.

"Hm. Well our ruts aren't for another month." Sero stretched his arms, bumping someone in the process "Oh crap, sorry!" he turned to the soft squeak.

"-Ah…it's fine, I wasn't looking myself, I'm sorry." Midoriya rubbed his temples.


"DEKU?!" Bakugo growls at the mention of that name.


Dammit, he's been trying to avoid Kacchan for the past few days now... Ever since he found out about his quirk; he's been exceptionally cruel to him than he usually was "Kacchan! S-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you…" he stutters, Midoriya can feel the all too familiar tingle of distress pulsating, his body immediately acknowledging danger right away.

"What?? Now you've just found your eyes?! Fucking get your shit together Deku."

But I bumped him- Sero whispers in the back.

"I heard unnecessary screaming, is everything alright Midoriya?"

"Todoroki-kun! Y-yeah, everything's fine.. just having a conversation with Kacchan!" He laughs, a steady blush gradually accentuating his freckles at the alpha's attention.

Bakugo sneered, glaring daggers at Todoroki "Mind your own business ya' half and half bastard!"

"Well we are in hero grounds, so technically I'm minding my business as a hero. I'm responding to Midoriya's distressed scent," Todoroki monotonically replies, his Heterochromia eyes holding Bakugo's own fiery red ones.

Midoriya smelt the clash of Kacchan's domineering scent along with Todoroki's own commanding scent, the cocktail of pheromones rapidly ringing alarm bells in his head. He gripped Todoroki's arm, earning the alpha's undivided attention "Todoroki-kun, it's fine. Let's just go, we'll miss the train."

The slight tremble from the omega's touch didn't go unnoticed by the alpha, Todoroki's scent promptly muted to a warm blanket of 'safe' that has Midoriya boneless.

"Nice meeting you Bakugo," Todoroki held his glare one last time before steering Midoriya out the school gate.

"Tch- It's only been a few days and he's already tailing that little shit?"

"I'm not even surprised, it's common for people to find their mates in high school." Sero comments, looking at the two figure walking closely to each other "Yeah, since its our prime time and all." Kaminari adds on, clinging to Sero's arm.


It's just his fucking luck to have a delayed train now. Seriously! He has approximately twenty-seven minutes to get home, and his train is currently ten minutes late, he won't make it. His ride home takes ten minutes alone, not to mention the walk back.

He could sprint the walk back home, but that's too risky... Seriously does the manufacturer not think about natural causes when they made this collar? Though there's really no time to ponder that now, every second is dire to his situation - The best option he has now is to catch the train on the neighbouring station. It takes maybe 15 minutes to walk there, But maybe less if he ran? It'll also be closer to his destination, Yeah that sounds like a plan.

Kirishima took upon his feet, unaware of the fear leaking out his glands.


He was passing through a neighborhood when somebody started following his pace. Late buddies? Kirishima laughed at that. But then he felt somebody abruptly yanking his neck, "Your fear smells delicious omega." the alpha took a lungful sniff at his nape.

A villain? A rapist villain?! A squeeze near his scent gland elicits a whimper out of him "F-fucking get off asshole..." He tried shoving the weight of the man off of his shoulders "Mm~ a feisty one." The alpha laughed.

Using a quirk to engage in public without a hero license is illegal— but at this point he doesn't care, it's self-defense. Kirishima swiped his hardened elbow at the alpha's face, rewarded by a satisfying crunch and a yelp .

"SHIT!" The alpha male hissed "Ok that's it!" a torrent of bullets flew off the man's tapered dreads.

Dammit he doesn't have time for this! "Look man just let me go! I don't have time for your shit." Kirishima hardened, the bullets successfully ricocheting off his skin, tearing circles through his shirt and pants. Dammit it's only his first week in UA...

"Damn you're strong. Look, I like foreplay, but I'm getting impatient... Let's get this over with yea?" The alpha steadily pumped an aggressive domineering scent, the vile smell was thick and it quickly permeated around them. Kirishima felt it coat his nostrils down to his throat, choking him. His fight or flight instinct screaming- Alpha danger, quick submit, safer. Kirishima tried fighting it back but his body unfortunately betrayed him. Frozen in place, as his head bowed down in a sign of submission.

There's no way this is his way to go... He needs to do more in life! It can't end like this... He should've done better on his endurance test shit, shit, shi-

A loud explosion and a gush of wind brought him out of his daze, the suffocating scent steadily diminishing with the wind, bringing air back to his greedy lungs. Kirishima felt his knees wobble at the sudden rush of air before buckling.

An arm quickly caught him in time before he touched the ground. He leaned on the body to support his weakened one.

"KIRI! Are you alright?! Hey man, Please respond…" a hand tapped his cheek, Kirishima followed that hand to a familiar face.


"Kami??" he rasped, Kaminari's face lit up at his response before calling for the others to come over.

Bakugo and Sero entered his vision "Shit… It is you." Bakugo comments, face showing dare he say, worry?

"Holy crap Bakugo, how'd you know?" Sero looked at Kirishima in disbelief.

"That doesn't matter guys! Let's get him in the house and call the police," Kaminari frets, worry evident in his tone.

"Fine, give him to me." Kirishima felt his body being hoisted up, an arm wrapping itself around his back and thighs as his head slotted over strong shoulders. Kirishima saw ash blonde hair and red eyes bore back at him "Breath deep shitty hair, you need it."

His heart lurched, thudding loudly at Bakugo's sudden calming scent. It smells…safe. Like a well-protected nest. he clutched Bakugo's neck, nosing his way deeper into the scent. He wants this scent bottled into a perfume, anything to keep it on him.


"The fuck… you guys smell that?"

"Smell what Bakugo?"

Shit. Is it just his imagination then? It must be something, his instincts are never wrong.

"Ok dude, what's up? You look like a ballsack." Kaminari huffs.

"Fuck you zappy. Did you invite shitty hair at the last minute? Cuz he might be downstairs," he sniffed, the smell is getting stronger, but there's something else polluting the sweet scent.

"What? No. He went directly home, he said it himself…"

"Maybe it's Kami?" Sero leaned into Kaminari's personal space, sniffing for traces of Kirishima's scent "Nothing.. The scent's already gone, maybe you're mistaking somebody else's?"

Goddammit— "NO. I know what shitty hair smells like…" it's different than other omegas, it's sweeter, warmer, and it fucking stands out.

"Well you're dreaming things Bakugo, never thought you'd dream about Kirishima though, I was thinking something more like… World domination, or you beating Midoriya to a pulp." Kaminari snickers, nibbling on the edge of his pencil.

"Fuck you zappy, go downstairs and ch-" his heart leaped, his nose smelling a spike of distress weaving in the scent. shit– Kirishima's in trouble. His body quickly moved to chase the scent, Kaminari and Sero staggering to follow upon his abrupt escape.

"Bakugoh- [pants] seriously hah… We ran at least one block," Kaminari pants, "There is hah... NO WAY! You smelt something this far…"

"We're close asshole, the scent's getting stronger."

"Hold on Kami, I can smell it too, and it's not good…"

They turned a corner to witness a male alpha harassing a male omega with fiery red hair, the omega is wearing UA uniform littered with bullet holes.

"Wait. Is that Kirishima?" Kaminari whispers, but Bakugo and Sero were already on it. Sero shooting tape to immobilize the alpha while Bakugo gave a mild explosion to the guy's back, effectively knocking him down. Kaminari saw the omega wobble, the blonde quickly ran to catch the omega in time.

Bakugo growls, lifting the alpha up to his face "Who the fuck do you think you are preying on this omega huh?!" the alpha whined, baring his neck at Bakugo's potent scent of pure wrath.

"Oi Bakugo quit it. Just knock him down, he's not worth it." Sero hissed, giving off a scent of disgust.

A call had them turning to Kaminari, who was holding onto the redhead - Bakugo gave one last growl before punching the alpha to unconsciousness.

They walked up to the beta, eyeing the omega in the blonde's arms which is now confirmed to be Kirishima. His body gave off a soft tremble in Kaminari's arms, red eyes hazy with shock "Shit… it is you." Bakugo felt a flicker of rage for not ending the alpha.

"Holy crap Bakugo, how'd you know…?"

"That doesn't matter guys! Let's get him in the house and call the police."

"Fine, give him to me." He lifts Kirishima up, arms securely wrapping around the omega "Breath deep shitty hair, you need It." Bakugo needs to turn off the other alpha's scent out of Kirishima's mind.

He felt weak arms wrapping around his neck, the omega's nose burying closer to his scent glands - Kirishima took a fitful of his scent and Bakugo instantly felt the tremors ceasing. Leaving the other pliant in his arms as he steadily pumps a sweet odor of pleased omega. Shit it smells amazing.He tightens his grip on Kirishima.


Sero ended up turning the villain in to the police with Kaminari accompanying him as a witness, Bakugo stayed inside to watch over Kirishima. The omega has been softly dozing on his lap when his collar suddenly started beeping, a red light emanating from the centre of the smooth rubber. Bakugo can hear a light buzz before Kirishima jolted awake, body convulsing in his arms as he let out grunts and screams, hands seemingly clawing at the collar. Bakugo panicked at Kirishima's bitter scent of pain, pain, emitting off of him.

"SHIT. Kirishima what's wrong?!" he gripped the omega close, hands searching his body for any signs of injury.

"K-Kuh, B-AGGH!!! col-" Kirishima taps at the collar, tears streaming down his face. Something inside him wilts at the display.

Bakugo touched the collar only to retract back at the electrical shock. "Kirishima what the fuck is this-?!" Kirishima whined in response, sobbing as he continues to convulse.

"What's going on?!" Sero burst through the door, Kaminari following behind.

"Sero! This collar is shocking Kiri, and I don't know what the fuck to do." He can smell his own scent spiking in distress.

"Kami is there anything you could do?!" Sero turns to Kaminari "I-I can try…" Kaminari stutters, uncertain. The blonde touched the collar, unaffected by its low frequency shock, he activated his quirk and attempts to conduct the electricity off of the collar, thankfully ceasing the shock.

"[GASP] S-Shit, I'm so dead…" Kirishima coughs before passing out.