
You're Courting Death!

Co-Posted on Scribblehub under the same name. Crappy Synopsis Below..... It was a bright sunny day when it happened..... When Yun Xie arrived in that other world. A world of flying cultivators and ancient ruins. A world, unlike any other... The one where the Dark Crow flew across the Nine Realms, and that one filled with more young masters than you could count. Where cliche tropes were a new reality, and no one had a inch of common sense or logic. Good thing he brought with him some overpowered (Albeit a bit cringy) cheats. It would be good fun. Some parts are sort of copy and paste, I really can't do much about it because I want the MC to be part of the main storyline, as that is fun..... If you wanna get to the actual story, go to volume 2. Update: When I feel like it.... Disclaimer: For the most part, many of the characters and such don't belong to me, besides OC''s and such. I can't write these types of stories...... A haven for Plot Holes......

HatefulAutumnBreez · Livres et littérature
Pas assez d’évaluations
57 Chs

Chapter 11

Yun Xie looked at the "grand" stage. It was pretty impressive actually, built from what seemed to be huge meteoric stones.

Each stone was encrypted with from what he had heard, were the encryptions of Virtuous Paragons.

The crowd of disciples whispered, looking at Yun Xie and the rest of the Cleansing Incense Crew…

Nan Huai Ren stared in awe. This was a battle stage on the Virtuos Paragon Level, quite the feat.

Disciple Zhang smiled and started bragging about his sect. "This battle stage was created by our Great Elder. Even if a few Virtuous Paragons were to fight on it together, it would stand steady!"

Yun Xie walked forwards, disciples making way for him.

"Oh…. Forgot about the Haki…. Sorry guys." Yun Xie apologized to the crowd and deactivated it. 'But honestly…. Would these guys fall over and die if I used like, Whitebeards Haki?' Yun Xie was a little disdainful, as the amount of Conquerors Haki he was emitting was pretty small….

"To think that the trash sect had such a powerful disciple…."

"Even senior brother Reng Tong stepped back…."

"Really? That strong inner sect disciple?"

"Is he the prime disciple?"

"Apparently, from what I have heard, he is a rogue cultivator, who happens to be friends with the trash prime disciple."

"He should come to our sect!"

Yun Xie stepped through and onto the giant arena.

In the far front of him, were four giant statues. They were each probably over a hundred yards tall, and each was unique and detailed

Looking over, he noticed a certain figure trying to climb the easternmost statue.

Li Qi Ye.

Sighing, Yun Xie jumped up, a wave of fire flaring outwards, as he sped through the air, and grabbed Li Qi Ye, throwing him higher onto the statue.

Li Qi Ye nodded in appreciation, stepping onto the head of the statue.

Nan Huai Ren rushed over, looking up in a panic.

After all, it would be quite disgraceful for their prime disciple to climb the statue of a much more powerful sect. That would be the same as irritating the whole entire disciple population.

Yun Xie sighed, patting some smoke off his body, before walking back over to them.

"Well….. He is gonna be causing a ruckus….." Yun Xie laughed a little.

"Are yo-" Nan Huai Ren was about to retort, before remembering. This guy could burn him until there were only ashes left.

"You bastard!" An angry chorus of yells echoed across the stage.

They did the classic insults. Third rate sect. Trash. Toad trying to dine on swan meat. But honestly, toads are not really carnivorous…..

"Honorable Senior, please! This isn't a place where we can say and do whatever we wish. Take a step back and appreciate the high sky and deep sea. Please keep yourself under control." Nan Huai Ren really had his work cut in for him…..

Li Qi Ye nonchalantly replied to him. "A general shall stop an incoming army, a dam will deter the incoming current!

"Welp. There goes your sect's nonexistent reputation…" Yun Xie patted Nan Huai Ren on the back, who was as frozen as a statue.

An Hour Later…

A lot of people were completely outraged. The disciples had it in their right mind to completely castrate and murder Li Qi Ye, which Yun Xie found funny. Reading about the event was different from being there for the event. Unlike in reading, where you might get a little annoyed and cringe due to the main character's arrogance when you are there and know that the guy is not all talk, it creates a sort of comedic feeling.

A dude, Duan Guang Ye, was pretty pissed off because he was apparently a fanboy for the Seven Gate Saintess it was?

"Du Yuan Guang….. And Nine Saint Princess…." Na Huai Ren sighed, sort of scared. Disciple Zhang had distanced himself from them, and Nan Huai Ren was on the receiving end of many glares.

As for Yun Xie, there were also a few arrogant gazes full of contempt, but the majority of the normal disciples had kept their distance, and avoided provoking him.


Yun Xie yawned, he got up, kicking his blankets aside.

Yun Xie and the rest of them had been temporarily given a small guest villa on a peak that was pretty near to the battle stage.

Stretching his joints, Yun Xie walked outside, creating a kebab to eat. As he munched on a piece of salty grilled chicken, a commotion seemed to be happening on the giant battle stage below.

"Oh….. I might miss it!" Yun Xie remembered that around now, his good friend Li Qi Ye would be chopping someone to pieces or something of the sort…

Walking to the edge of the cliff, he directly jumped down, wind whistling in his ear as Yun Xie finished the kebab while in mid-air, licking his lips and burning up the thin wooden stick.


He slammed down into the battle stage, sending a giant cloud of dust outwards.

"Sorry guys…." Yun Xie apologized to the people he had accidentally bathed in dust and walked over to a giant crowd.


"Did you just see that?"

"He actually jumped from that far up? Even with my cultivation, I would have been flattened!"


Making his way over to the source of the commotion, Yun Xie watched, as a one Du Yuan Gang faced off against the Crow, Li Qi Ye….

"Die!" Was the first thing Yun Xie heard, as the other dude charged at Li Qi Ye.

"Well, there goes one supposed genius…" Yun Xie laughed, as the two fought, blades clashing violently.

Then out of nowhere, Protector Mo appeared in a panic. "Please lower your sword and spare him!" He yelled to Du Yuan Guang, who smirked, viciously going in for the kill.

"Shck! Shck!" Suddenly, Du Yuan Guang fell, his body divided into pieces. Falling to the ground, blood splattered everywhere.

Li Qi Ye was completely indifferent, casually removing the sword from his shoulder.

"It seems like my blade technique is still missing something; I had to trade a strike, and now, I am hurt." That was what he said….

Protector Mo regained his composure and covered Li QI Ye's wound. "Go now." He spoke gravely, as there would be consequences to come.

Yun Xie followed them as they left the area, towards a more secluded place.

Nan Huai Ren did the normal, shocked at mc routine that most bystanders did, with Li QI Ye spouting some wisdom of sorts, well, Yun Xie was not listening so….

Instead, he was thinking about some other things. Like his resolve to roleplay. Yun Xie liked Ace's personality and wanted to portray it well….. But the Naruto incident was still fresh in Yun Xie's mind…

Yun Xie had thought that he could make himself sound like Naruto if he just said a bunch of corny positive bullshit, but….

One Year Ago….

"Dattebanya!" Yun Xie screamed, brushing his bright yellow hair. Transformation Jutsu was pretty handy…. He looked exactly like Naruto, whiskers and all.

"Rasengan!" He smashed a whirling ball of chakra into a bandit's heart, who let out a horrid scream.


"I am no devil, I am Uzumaki Naruto, and I am going to become Hokage!" Yun Xie screamed loudly.




"Tailed Beast Bomb!"


In a few seconds, he had annihilated half of the bandits, which were quite many in number. Previously numbering in the thousands.

Soon, Yun Xie had realized that….. Naruto really did not have many moves… He had used a suppressed Tailed Beast Bomb, which wiped out a good portion of them.

He had already used the Rasenshuriken, and honestly, he probably could not, not use it….. It was too fun honestly

But…. Yelling Rasengan and charging forwards gets sort of… Meh. And he would not be Naruto if he did not charge and yell Rasengan at the top of his lungs.

Quite the dilemma indeed….


"Big ball Rasengan!"

"The power of friendship!"


"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"I love ramen!"

"Uzumaki Barrage!"

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto!"




"Katon: Fireball Jutsu!"

"Still Naruto okay?"

"Tailed Beast Bomb!"


"Gum-Gum Stamp!"

"I am Naruto! I love ramen!"

"Cloven Rose!"


"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"I am..."


After that, some more cringe happened…..

Back to Present….

Yun Xie sighed. He would have to really immerse himself, and not yell some random quotes. But…. Occasionally using Star Platinum would not be too bad right….? Also Hadouken? Maybe add-in Detroit Smash…..?

He was already breaking character…..

His attention turned back to Li Qi Ye and the rest.

"This is terrible! The trial is over! We must return!" Protector Mo seemed to be sweating, he was definitely terrified.

" It is only a small matter, what need, do we have to run?" Li QI Ye replied, arrogant as ever.

"But-" Nan Huai Ren tried to argue, but it was no use. Li Qi Ye, was, after all, a being that had seen everything and done everything.

Suddenly, the building they were in shook, and the door was blasted open.

Leader Fu and a group of disciples charged inside, clearly angry.

"Brrr-other Fu, there seems to be a misunderstanding." Protector Mo trembled in fear.

"You call this a misunderstanding! You can explain it to this junior, Xu Hui!" Leader Fu barked at the group angrily.

At Leader Fu's side, a young man stepped forwards. He wore a golden and white robe, with silky long hair. A bloody aura rose up around him.

"Killing must be punished by death. A blood feud will be paid in blood, nothing more." Xu Hui snarled, unsheathing his sword. Glaring murderously at the indifferent Li Qi Ye, who was not at all affected by the pressure.

Protector Mo was dying inside… "Junior Xu, there must be a misunderstanding, our disciple did not mean to kill him!"

"Hmph! If you hand over the criminal, then we will let it be. But otherwise, it will result in your sect's demise!" Xu Hui…. Another arrogant young master eh?

"The Nine Saint Demon Gate has become too arrogant. If there was a danger of a sect's demise, it would be your sect!" Li Qi Ye stepped forwards casually as if he was on an empty street in midmorning.

Xu Hui charged forwards, sword flashing forwards, going for the kill.

At this point, Yun Xie decided to just leave. Spare the cringe for later.

"Shunpo." He completely disappeared from sight, leaving even the Sectional Leader behind.

"Terrifying." The disciples and Leader looked around, sort of wary, with Xu Hui stopping, and looking around. This guy... Should be at the Mysterious Fate foundation or more if he could suddenly disappear like that…

"To think a backwater sect would have such a disciple…." Leader Fu looked around, but soon, after a few minutes, they came to the realization...

"He actually just decided to leave…." Protector Mo scratched his head. This guy… Well, Yun Xie did look bored so…. Well, some cultivators were just like that. COuld not be helped.

Li Qi Ye chuckled a little.

Xu Hui turned his attention back to Li Qi Ye, sort of embarrassed, and even more pissed off….

"Now die!" He swung his sword forwards.

"Stop!" A great voice boomed across the landscape. Protector Mo trembled. This was the first elder!

They talked about some more trial stuff and such….

[A/N: NEXT CHAPTER THE Main Character will actually do something…. Right now, I can't really bring the plot along, so it seems like copy and paste, but I did not just copy and paste it… Most of the lines of dialogue are my own words….]