

A reincarnated YGGDRASIL player was teleported to the dc universe I don't own any of the 2 franchise. i am writing this fun

TRex · Films
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17 Chs


I slowly opened up my eyes at the sound of alarm. When opened I could see that Talia had left I already felt her presence leaving but was too lazy to open my eyes. I got out of the bed and looked around and saw a piece of paper. I slowly went near it and read the contents of the paper.

"If you ever speak of what happened yesterday to anyone I kill you myself. Also my number is 96******** call me."

I looked at it with a deadpanned expression and looked to the side where a trash bin that was full of shredded papper are present. I don't need to look inside to know what is inside it she had spend 45 minutes and 10 white paper for writing the 2 sentence. she was like a school girl writing her first love letter.

I shook my head and throw the paper in the dust bin with the rest and went to have a bath. There was not enough time to think about things as meeting will start in an hours and I don't want to have my secatary nagging if i am late. I took a nice long bath and went change into my business suit had to look good for the meeting. After changing I went to the door and opened to see my diligent secratary Mary waiting for me. I nodded and closed the she give me cup of coffee which I took and we proceed to go downstair.

"Good morning boss how was yesterday night ? Did you get a good night sleep?." My assistant asked me while looking at me with a side smirk.

"what do you mean ?" I asked confused hoping she didn't hear anything.

"well I did hear and saw a women screaming in front of your apartment and from the looks of it she spend the night in your room" she said innocently.

"Hahaha that might be your imagination. No one came to my room yesterday". I said denying it thoroughly.

"well to be on the safe side I should inform others ofcourse for security measures if any problem arises." Mary said thinking about her bosses very close female companions. I stopped for a second without any change of facial expressions and continued walking.

"Mary why don't you have a nice 2 week vacation at our new resort in London with your children this weekend."

like a man I am i bribed Mary not wanting another conflict

"Boss you shouldn't have.? well if you insist I will take upon your offer." and Mary accepted the bribe with out hesitation.

Both of us looked at each other and nodded in mutual understanding and proceeded to reach where our car is as we entered the vehicle Mary proceed to take a file.

'We shall be arriving ther in 15 minutes boss. Here look at the short description of her profile." Mary said while handing me a file.

"Read it.." I said not wanting to read the file. Mary nodded and opened the file and started to explain.

The CEO of the company Sarah Hawk a US born citizen she came from a reputable and long lined Hawk family while buisness of there was very large but after she took over buisness the company made a huge growth and can be said to best in certain areas." she said pausing for a bit "well that is the basic of the company and hut any attempted buisness relationship with them had been been shot down by her whether it's Wayne,lex corp or the government any proposal have been rejected and most annoying is that they are arrogant as fuc.. I mean they are very arrogant" Mary said correcting herself and continued. "The company is making huge progress in various feilds and as you might know the the main reason for obtaining there partnership in this new project although it will not have any value to us this will act as bridge for us to do further partnership with Hawk industries". she said closing the file.

"So how am I supposed to take the deal with them if they reject all others ?" I asked curious of why she made me do it.

"Use your charm boss and seduce her" Mary said plainly.

My eyebrows were twitching "what is wrong this women's image of me." I thought to myself.

We arrived at the company building of Hawk and noticed a person was waiting for us. He looked like a bodyguard and looking at us. Although he has a plain expression but one can feel arrogance oozing out of his face.

"Mr Raymond glad to have you come altough it will be very much appreciated if you aren't late our madam is a busy person and don't like to waste time on things that are unneeded." He said looking at me and Mary "well follow me I was tasked to take you to Miss Sarah" the bodyguard said and left without without saying anything else. I noticed Mary was glaring at the man hard

"Mary.." I said.

"On it boss I am putting a hit on his head right now." Mary said typing on her phone.

"Intresting as it is I was going to ask you to cancel my rest of my appointment for next 2 days" I said to her.

"well okay there is nothing important but what happened ?" she asked confused.

" I had other meetings prepared and forgot to remind you about it " I said not wanting to explain any further.

Mary just nodded her head not wanting to ask any further she know her boss has other secrets so she didn't pry into it.

We arrived in a office and he led us in. The office was luxurious office with different kind of paintings and extravagant design and in the middle of the office behind a beautiful wooden table one could see a purple haired beauty sitting on and to her side an another beautiful lady with brown hair. She looked

"Mr Raymond Blaze thank you for coming all the way here since you are here let's start it right awaya as I have further appointment to attend." she said in a monotone voice and to everyone who heard it sound like not at all pleased to see me.

I kept my smile but Mary although looked calm I can fell that she was going to shout in anger at the bull shit attitude everyone is giving but hold it in.

"Yes let's start shall we." I said wanting to start our meeting.

"Well before we are start the i would request non disclosure regarding intel if any is revealed during the meeting for that certain conditions are needed" she said

"Very well what are the conditions" I asked her.

"For the first condition is that due to contents of the meeting it will appreciated if you're secratary wait outside the room or downstairs. The rest of the condition will be said if the previous condition is met " she said with a clear hint take it or leave it

Mary was a second awaya from showing her a middle finger but I raised my hand to stop. I looked at her with and nodded but she looked like she was really adamant on saying "fuc** you to the girl". Mary looked at me for a second and nodded back and left not before giving the CEO a stink eye. I slowly watched as my secratary leave and she closed the door.

"sigh.... Arise." I said in a monotone voice to the 2 people to the people bowing in my side.

"We deeply apologies for the behaviour our king" They said in unison.