

Chinwem and Clement OUT OF ORDER SERIES: BOOK SIX * * * * * _ Clement Ugwu springs upon Chinwem Chloe Nwabuagu out of nowhere. He is hell-bent on getting her to be his, persistent and there is nothing she can do to dissuade him. * * * * * 'You will never be able to run away from me Chloe,' he told her, their faces inches apart. Then, from his hands on her shoulders, his left hand travelled to the back of her neck in the speed of lightning, arched her neck back a bit as his lips descended on hers, hot and urgent. * * * * * _ He wasn't her father, the Nwabuagu tiger. He was not one of her three exes, John, Collins and Chima. Clement loved her. Well, the others had claimed to love her too until they had seen, beheld all that was her, her true form, unlovable, repulsing, twisted and void. What made Clement different? _ She couldn't find a solid reason to set him apart from his predecessors. They all pursued her relentlessly, tirelessly, claiming to want her, desire her. They all made her theirs, later falling in love with her, building and planning a future with her. Then, they all fell out of love with her when they saw the truth of her form. _ Therefore, when Clement had come into her life, she had raised her walls higher, been thrice on guard. Yet, he had slipped past all of her defenses and straight into her heart like cupid's arrow, melting it along with her walls and barricade. She had had no idea of when all these had happened for he had been as swift as an unexpected tide. * * * * * _ Will Chinwem open her heart to Clement or will she hang on to her past, allowing the darkness of her past to haunt her away from him? * * * * * I hope you enjoy @ OmaPhinaPhire

OmaPhinaPhire · Urbain
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45 Chs

Chapter 16

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They arrived at the cool beach in no time. She had excitedly jumped out of the car, not bothering to wait for him, her havarti flay gown being blown around her hips by the breeze. She took off her sunglasses, throwing her hands up in the air as she screamed excitedly at the sky and the blue expanse of ocean water.

'Does it really feel good to do that Chloe?' he asked her as he hurled their properties out of the boot. She smiled and nodded in affirmation.

'Come, join me,' she said to him, going to him and pulling him by his arm for his palm was full of their properties. 'Here,' she said, 'you can scream from this spot. It's very refreshing to do so.' He smiled at her and tried a shout. She followed suit. They did it about six times before relenting, going into fits of laughter while people stared at them as if they were actually mad.

'Let's go,' he urged. 'Let's find a good spot my sweet Chloe,' he said to her. She blushed slightly and followed him. They found a nice somewhat secluded spot. He handed her bag to her. 'Go change into your swimming trunk,' he told her. 'I am wearing mine underneath my clothes,' he informed her.

'Cheeky,' she said to him.

'I like to be prompt,' was his retort. She laughed as he smirked.

'It seems like you have once been in the boy's scout. You came prepared,' she noted. He laughed at her words.

'Yes my sweet, I have been.' She shrugged and went away to do as he bid her.

When she returned, in her swimming apparel consisting of a black and yellow high necked jumpsuit that stopped halfway down her thighs with a zipper in the front, he was done setting up their necessities. He was in nothing but swimming tights that hugged him pertly and there was a blanket. The blanket was big enough for both of them to lie on and do many other things that she didn't wish to think of lest she redden in the face. He had set up a picnic of lively food. Music was playing softly from a portable stereo and there were flowers on the blanket, rose petals to be precise. It was a nice undercover subtle romantic setting. She laughed softly in appreciation. He turned to her then, an appreciative smile on his face as his eyes roamed her body. He held out a hand to her.

'Come to me Chloe,' he said to her, 'Come sit beside me mon Amour,' he ended with a lazy smile. She took his hands and as he helped her sit on the blanket. Her eyes surveyed his well sculptured masculine chest, her mouth watering secretly. It dipped lower, turning on his not so subtle bulge. She blinked severally before she began to look away. He smiled at the movement of her eyes. He cleared his throat to bring her out of whatever thought was running through her mind. She looked at him then, their gaze locking intensely. She reddened in the face, embarrassed as always. 'Your eyes,' he said to her, 'I love them. They remind me of a healthy field of green grass. It is beautiful mon precieux, dazzling.' His compliment made her warm all over. How could he do that? She wondered, affect her so.

"I…Ummh, thank you,' she stammered. He smiled radiantly at her.

'You are welcome,' was his reply. 'Now, let's enjoy our date. Shall we mon Coeur?' she nodded and they did so, happily.