
WLS: Dungeon Lovin (Interlude)

Also if your following me on Illusion Ai make sure you have your safe search filter off to see all of my posts there, it's that thing that looks like a shield in the Art Lab area of the App, having that off should let you guys see the posts that were too 'spicy' to be posted anywhere besides my profile there.


"You want to know who's down here? Well it's just the girls that you can find up on the surface usually." Toto said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I don't exactly who is on this island, all I have seen so far are Asurobes and well your girls so I know at least Grizzbolts are found on this island." I say with a shrug, though I now had my armor back on as the flower scent couldn't reach deep into this dungeon.

"Well besides us and the Asurobes who prefer to stay in the water even during all this so they won't be down here, and well us, their are Petallias, Valets, Eiphidrians, Pengqueens, Eikthyrdeer Terra's and…. Her…." Pauline lists off all the people are here but seems displeased when mentioning Her.

"Who's Her?" I ask looking at them as they shake their heads.

"She's the Queen Bitch of the dungeon along with its boss as well." They said with clear distaste for whoever she was.

"Is she a Pengqueen?" I ask but they shake their heads.

"Nope, that entitled bitch is worse than that she's….." Toto says as she stops for dramatic suspense.


"…. A Chikipi…."

"...…. That's it?"

"Not just your average Chikipi but a Queen Chikipi, the only one of her kind and she thinks she's better then all pals because of that thought, she believes herself to be the next legendary pal, what a load of shit." Hel says as she spits at the ground with clear disgust with how she describes her.

"…. Any reason she could think herself that way besides being the only Queen Chikipi?" I ask them as they don't seem happy thinking about it.

"It's because she can speak like how humans speak so she thinks she's really special as a result, I still don't understand how you can speak or even understand how pal languages or how it's related to you being our mate so you can understand us which seems more impressive in our opinion, but what I want to see more than anything is that haughty bitch being put in her place." Pauline says while she punches her fist into her hand showing clear animosity to this Queen Chikipi, which in my head all I imagine is just a giant Chikipi with a crown on her head for her looks as no Queen Chikipi appears in the breeding Manuel so she must really be the only one of her kind.

"So you want to get the rest of those girls who need a good fucking Master?" Toto said as she decided to change the subject away from the Queen Chikipi.

"Well yeah, it was the main reason why I came to this sanctuary, though the fucking part wasn't necessary but I didn't know that those flowers would begin to bloom this time of the month." Since I found out this was a monthly occurrence on the sanctuary's to boost the endangered pals populations after all.

Well if you want an easy way for you to have them except you as their mate is all you have to do is eat them out while their presenting themselves, all the girls down here are masterbating to try and calm the heat so if they see you naked master and they don't run but shake their ass back and forth as they keep masterbating then that means they don't mind breeding with you, and you eating them out means you except it, it's actually the same for all pals everywhere that go into heat, though it does depend a bit on the pals personality after all." Toto said as she went to explain an important aspect of pals that I personally had no clue of.

Though if I found an actual professional Pal Breeder I might have learned that in advance but I have no clue where one is in the first place, but if I had to guess they must be somewhere on the central islands or possibly some of the other weaker side islands similar to the plateau of beginnings.

"So just go to them, let them see me naked, if they shake their asses at me they want fuck, got it." I said summing up what ToTo just told me as I stood up and stretched.

"Just know this isn't going to be the case 100% master, so call us out if things get dicey." Hel says before she and her sisters return to their spheres.

I scratch my head and think about this, "I don't know how many of them are down here though, and if there's a lot this could take awhile, I'm not worried about using up all my spheres as I have well over a hundred so I doubt I'd run out, the problem is time." I mutter aloud.

I just got extremely lucky I came here when I did or else I would have had to have carefully done plenty of different things while battling the strong wild pals of this sanctuary.

Though knowing this I could do the same thing for the other sanctuary's but that's a double edged sword as I was lucky I was found my Toto and her sisters instead of a male pal who could have attacked me as he might have seen me as competition or even worse….

I feel my ass clench as I shiver at that scary thought, 'Nope, not doing this a second time if that is even a remote possibility, I'd rather just deal with them like normal, even if they are tough and dangerous to fight I'd rather take my chances then deal with That possibility…' I think to myself as I shake my head.

So trusting my pals I decided to go through this area nude, well except for the pair of underwear I left on not to feel to cold, and my old sandals when I appeared in this world as I began to delve into the depths of this unknown dungeon full of lustful pals.


To those who do follow me on the Illusion Ai app most of my posts become visible in the public around midnight American Chicago Time for those ouside my country so that's when they show up for everyone usually.

Also can you guess who the Queen Chikipi is going to be? Because she is based upon another certain bitchy bird character from another series, has the same looks and everything but will be Beeg compared to her orginal version, and I got plenty of pics of her from that app already to go for you guys to see.

Also if any of you guys want to make a discord for my storys that would be fantastic, I'd make one but I did it before and it basically got no real traction and so I scrapped it altogether, so if anyone wants to do that just tell me here or on the Illusion AI app and we can get to it.