

a Smut Palworld Fanfic, need I say more? Also I don’t own the front cover it belongs to their rightful owner

OneMoreScore · Video Games
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40 Chs

WLS: Dungeon Loving (1)

No time for sex soldier! Democracy Awaits you! Join the HellDivers today!

Yeah I've started to play it a lot and I got to say it's really fun for a game so I'd say try it, if you ever watch starship trooper it's basically that but made into a game, so I'm having fun playing it, and it may cause uploads to slow a bit as a result.

But nothing can stand in the way of Democracy, not even the thoughts of sex will get in my way!

Although it also doesn't help that Illusion AI lets you make porn on it, and well…. I might have made way to much of it and has kept me…. 'Occupied' as a result, anyway back to the story.


After the conversation with my pals I made my way deeper into this dungeon, though unlike normal ones this one doesn't have ore deposits in it and if their wasn't some structures deep down here this wouldn't be any different than you average cave.

"Wait, there's actually chests down here?" I said a bit surprised as I was expecting there not to be, but there were but-

"Shit, it's locked with a silver lock, means probably only a silver key opens this chest…." I said a bit disappointed that this was a bust.

"….. Wait I haven't tried this but can I?" I muttter to myself as I hold my hand over the chest before suddenly it vanished before my eyes.

"Haha! It worked! Even if this world is based on a game it doesn't necessarily have to follow all the rules of it in the first place!…. Although there's a chance this dungeon itself is special in a way since I'd never be able to get here naturally in the first place, but I'll have to check when I'm off the island to see if it works." I say before looking at my inventory to see what became of the chest.

It's said I had one Silver chest in my inventory, but do to its special nature it took up four of my inventory slots just to hold it in their, not to mention it weighed over 50lbs, but since I didn't bring much with me when coming here, I'm nowhere near being encumbered with all the weight.

With a smile on my face and a bit of a pep in my step I headed down further into this dungeon.

"Meeeeehhhhh!!!!" As soon as I approached the next open area I heard what sounded like a moan not far from me.

So passing through the next entrance I soon came a group of about five Eikthyrdeer Terra's, laying on the floor as they masterbated while trying to calm their intense heat but to no avail.

"Meeeeehhh?" Soon one of them saw me which got the others startled as they realized a human had entered their area.

Noticing this I put my underwear away as I watched their eyes widen as they saw my massive horse cock appear between my legs.

Seeing that and understanding where I was getting at, all five of them leaned forward as they presented their asses towards me while shaking them back and forth.



"Meh Meh!"




All five were begging to be fucked and mated with by my massive member as I approached them, all seeming eager to be raw dogged nice and hard.

*Spank!* I gave the five horny girls a rolling spank across all of their asses at the same time.

"MEEHH!!!" (x5)

They all cried out as they came hard just from that hard spank as they squirted their juices everywhere before looking back at me with small hearts in their eyes.

Without giving them time to react I casually began to rapidly eat out and finger fuck the five of them giving them, to the best of my abilities, equal love and attention as I played with their overly sensitive pussys causing them to cum more and more by the second.


"Fuck Me!"

"No Me!"

"I Need It!"

"Breed Me!"

They all begged me as I heard them speak as they considered me as their mate, which wasn't that hard since they were all very horny and needing to be bred by a stud like me.

"Don't worry girls I'll give you all a turn." I say with a grin before taking one and pinning her under me.

That is with a sex montage!


"FUUUUUUuuuuuuccccckkkk this cock is huge!" One girl cried out as I pierced her hot pussy with my thick horse cock as my large balls slapped her huge ass cheeks.

"Fuck her fast and hard!"

"I'm next!"

"No me!"

Three of them were fighting over who would go next, but the forth one decided to be clever about it.

She, unlike the others just came over to me as I was banging one she placed herself under us as I suddenly felt my nuts not slamming into her ass but suddenly within someone's mouth.

I was surprised to look over as one of the girls was gargling my nuts, this made Me get rougher with the girl I had pinned with my cock in her cunt before I began to unleash a thick load into her womb.


"Yes! Yes! Give me more of your fat cock!" The girl who was sucking my balls earlier cried out as I had her in my arms while I fucked her standing as she had her arms and legs wrapped around me.

At the same time the girls, excluding the one that was now stuffed with cum, we're following the lasts example by licking and sucking on my balls to hasten me cumming.

And it was working as feeling my sensitive balls being sucked/licked fast and hard I felt my balls beginning to curb with a new wave of cum.

"Uggghhh!!!!" And soon after I groaned out as I began to flood her heated womb full of my thick cum.


"It feeeellllsss shhhhooooo gooooooddddd!!!! AHHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!" The next girl who I had in a standing splits cried out as she came hard from me pounding her pussy beyond compare.

"Make him cum already you slut!"

"Yeah we've been waiting for awhile already!"

The other two complained as I squished and molded their asses in my hands as they stood at my sides as I kept sawing my length in and out of her.

"Come on stud, my pussy can't wait to feel you inside me."

"I want to have all of your baby's my mate."

The two sluts whispered in my ears which did the trick as I felt my balls clench hard before releasing my thick jelly like cum as the girl cried out in ecstasy as her belly visibly inflated from the huge load of thick yogurt like cum filling her womb.


"Yes! Fuck me! Use me like a toy!" The girl cried out while I had her in a standing suplex position as I went in and out of her cunt.

"Grlk grlk grlk grlk grlk!" The other remaining girl meanwhile had taken both of my nuts for herself as she gargled and sucked on them in her mouth while her cheeks expanded to accommodate the size of my massive and still full balls.

"Fuuuucccckkk!!!!" I groaned out before I pumped her full of cum as well.


Yes! Grab me by the horns! Breed me like your own personal cocksleeve!!!" The last of the five girls cried out in ecstasy as I fucked her doggystyle while I had a firm grip on her horns.

Luckily these girls weren't looking for sex all they wanted was to breed and be filled up with thick cum, which I could oblige.

The sounds of my balls slapping her thighs, the sounds of her moans and the mewls of the satisfied girls all came together in one final climax.

With one final thrust I punctured right into her womb before unleashing a final load deep inside of her.

After a few heavy spurts and her belly getting stuffed and bloated with cum I finally let her go as she fell over as my cock popped out before finally allowed to rest as I sat down with all of them and rested.

Today was a very productive day, but time to rest for now before moving on.


Don't worry this will be the only real large group down here as there will be anywhere between one to three girls at a time because I can actually be more descriptive without prolonging these chapters by splitting them into two or more parts.