

Not what I'd expected when this all started. In the cold fighting a red Hulk, Hawkeye, and Dr. Strange with Iceman, Psylocke, Angel, and Magneto. Yeah, definitely not what I expected.

" No sign of Hope." Angel shouted

" She's not? She's gotta be here somewhere. This location came up on Cerebra." Iceman replied ' Rachel we got nothing. Any luck on your end?' Iceman asked Rachel telepathically.

' Ugh, I hate this Link shit.' I cursed. For the sake of making communication easier and so that the Avengers couldn't hack us, Rachel and the other telepaths connected everyone mentally from one of the globe to the other.

' Hope's obviously figured out how to scatter her signal. She might not be at any of these locations. But we don't actually have to find her.' Rachel explained.

' We just have to make sure the Avengers don't get to her either. Right?' I asked.

' Right.' Rachel replied.

' Right, sounds simple enough.' Iceman responded.

' Ugh, Iceman you've got an angry Hulk on your back.' I told the man.

Bobby turned and there he was, Red Hulk heading straight for Bobby.

" Hi there." Bobby spoke.

" A man made out of Ice. After I break you apart what's next? A man made out of glass?" Red Hulk asked the man.

' You're gonna wanna get out of my head now, Rachel. It's about to get- AHHHH NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!' Bobby shouted. I grabbed my head and cringed at his screaming. I ran to help Bobby with the brute. I leapt into to air and speared Red Hulk just before he attack Bobby. The moment I touched him, I felt my body burning. His skin is hot. So, is mine. I raised my body heat in response to his touch. The moment we both landed on the ground the snow began to melt.

" HAAAAH!" Red Hulk and I both growled at each other as we fumbled around for control over the other.

" Hang on kid, I'm coming." Iceman shouted as he chased after us.

" Two on one? That doesn't seem fair." Re- Hulk taunted.

" Who said it was two on one?" Iceman asked. " Icemen Smash!" Bobby raised multiple clones of himself and we all attacked the Brute.

" Keep it up, pal. You're only making me angry. And the madder I get the hotter I burn." Red-Hulk told the man.

" I'd be mad too, if was you." I told the man. I punched him in the back and in his side, my fist burned as I connected with his skin, and his punches were definitely harder than She-Hulk. " What are there, like eight different Hulks now? They must be giving those powers out like game show prizes." I joked.

I lunged at red-hulk again, but this time the giant caught my arms. " Yeah? So what?" He asked as he punched me in the gut. I raised my other two arms to block the attack, but I was still sent flying.

" Well, last I checked." Bobby spoke. Red-Hulk looked up and a giant hand of Ice slammed him into the ground. " There's still only one Iceman." Bobby told the man.

" Ugh! You couldn't have done that sooner?" I asked Bobby as I hopped back to my feet. I hate to admit it, but that punch hurt. It hurt more than anything I had felt until that point. ' Leave it to a hulk to be my toughest opponent yet.' I thought to myself as I rubbed the dark red mark on my chest.

" Hey, better late than never, right kid?" Bobby asked.

" How long are you all gonna call me kid? I do have a name and a field name. You can use it." I told the man. Honestly, I was getting tired of the kid remark. I wasn't much younger than some of the teachers. However, before Bobby could reply the ground started shaking and the Ice giant's hand started melting.

" Guess, it was too much to ask for a hulk to stay down." bobby exclaimed.

" Yeah. You got my back teach?" I asked the man.

" Yeah, kid." Bobby replied.

" HAaaaaaaaah!" Bobby and I both rushed the glowing red Hulk and attacked


Meanwhile at the Jean Grey School

The students were currently in Ms. Pryde's class.

" Thus concludes my five-part lecture on the physiology of space dragons. Now, who can tell me any part of anything I just said?" Kitty asked. " Class?" Kitty asked again as no one in the class replied to the woman as they were too busy watching the fights happening across the globe on their tablets.

" I never thought I'd say this. But Iceman is kind of cool." Santo exclaimed.

" Why does Angel get to be out there? I thought he was just a student now." Victor asked.

" Same reason, Shiva does I guess." Julian replied.

" Where is Hope? has anyone seen news of Hope?" Idie asked, more worried about her friend than any of the actual fights.

" No watching X-Men battles in class!" Kitty shouted. " Everyone pass their tablets to the front of the room! We'll be quietly reading from our textbooks for the rest of the period!" Kitty told the class.

The students all groaned in annoyance as they passed their tablets up to the woman.


" Ugh! This guy is ridiculous." I shouted.

Red-Hulk jumped at me and before he could hit me, Kid Gladiator showed up out of nowhere and punched the man in the face.

" Now it's a fight! Step right up, Avengers. And taste the fury of Kid Gladiator!" Kubark shouted.

" Kubark?" I was stunned by the boy's appearance. But shook it off, nonetheless. We had a job to do. And I wasn't about to be showed up by him. I dropped all defensive actions and rushed Red-Hulk with Kid Gladiator. We uppercutted the man together, forcing him to stumble backwards. I followed it up by punching the man in his chest repeatedly.

" No, he's mine." Kubark shoved me out of the way and started blasting the man with his heat vision.

" That's not gonna work you idiot." i shouted at Kubark. I got back to my feet to attack but I along with everyone else got the message to pull out.

' Everyone get back to base. We know where Hope is.' Scott's voice rang clearly through all of our heads. And judging from the way the Avengers started retreating, I assume they know as well. " Kubark! We're leaving!" I shouted at the boy still chasing the Avengers.

" What? Why?" He asked.

" Because I said so. Let's go!" Bobby told the boy.

Bobby, Magneto, Angel, Psylocke, Kubark, and I were all teleported away by one of Magik's portals and landed back on Utopia. Where we would wait until the main forces got back from the moon with Hope. Hopefully.