

"Very good, it looks like Sasuke-kun is really good."

Opening the box, Hinata squinted his eyes with satisfaction. Inside the box were eight tubes of blood, the same as the nine-tailed blood drawn before, all with red and bubbles unique to the tailed beast Chakra, but in terms of luminosity It's far from the difference, after all, the power of one tail is really incomparable to that of nine tails.

"Then, come with me, Sasuke-kun."

Standing up, Hinata's tone also became quite strange.

"Now, you can choose a psychic beast that suits your heart. I guarantee that its help to you will definitely increase your strength greatly."

(PS1: Ugh~ I want to find a like-minded partner who can do bad things together~ It's really difficult~~BY Hei Hina~)

(PS2: Do you want to cultivate immortals tonight? Well... I still owe 22 more updates~~ Let's pay one more update~~ After all, I have got everyone's tickets and blades, so I have to work hard~)

Shrinking 'Shou Crane'

Psychic beasts are not precious creatures that can be easily obtained. Even ordinary low-level psychic beasts can only be obtained after good screening and training.

Therefore, according to common sense, it is basically impossible to cultivate an excellent psychic beast in less than a month.

However, this is only 'basically impossible', so it is still possible. For example, a delicious and powerful special food to feed these psychic beasts.


Even Sasuke, after seeing the ten iron cages in front of him, showed an expression of incomparable astonishment subconsciously. He hadn't forgotten the beast cubs that Hinata collected more than ten days ago, but what he saw now. , it really has nothing to do with the word 'cub'.

The slightly damp and spacious basement was obviously dug recently. As Miss Hinata, Hinata is now basically the authority of half the head of the family. Naturally, the secret room she requested was prepared without asking why. But now, in the basement, which is the size of two basketball courts, there are ten huge iron cages stacked on top of each other, and in it, there are ten beasts and ominous birds that can be called terrifying.

And what caused this phenomenon was the special feed mixed with fragments of the first generation of corpses. Although the celestial body cells are indeed powerful, this can only be manifested after they are implanted in the body.

If they are swallowed directly as food, then they can only be digested and absorbed obediently like the most basic meat, and the powerful life energy contained in it will be released and supplied to the body of the eater.

Therefore, even in less than a month, these ten wild beast cubs and chicks that have just been born in theory have soared to the point where they are comparable to adults. Chakra is a neutral in this world. The life energy that is closely related to the body and spirit, for these beasts, is naturally displayed on their bodies. It is equivalent to directly catalyzing their body cells, allowing them to jump through their weak infancy and directly have a strong adult body.

And not only that, these ten creatures are not like ordinary beasts at all, but they are looking at Hinata and Sasuke who came in with a very calm and wise look. This alone can explain their wisdom. It has also far surpassed ordinary beasts.

"These...are these psychic beasts that can make me stronger?"

After he was calm, Sasuke frowned and asked, but at the same time he was also secretly startled. As a qualified ninja, he can naturally feel the chakra content of those beasts, and every beast is no less than a powerful ninja! So, what method did Hinata use to make them change from weak cubs to the powerful ones they are now in just a dozen days, which is really worth scrutinizing.

"Of course, the use of psychic beasts is not only to assist in combat. Your biggest weakness now is nothing else, but the ability to continue the line is too weak. So, what you need is the kind that can help you recover Chakra, or simply In the form of a psychic contract, a type of chakra supplementation can be delivered to you."

Taking out a tube of blood from one tail in his hand, Hinata also opened his eyes and walked to one of the iron cages. In this cage was a fat civet cat, the size of this fellow. It is the largest, and that round figure is almost comparable to Dingji, and this means that the chakra content in its body is impressively the highest.

"No. 7 is the one with the largest chakra content, and it is also the one with the largest appetite. If the chakra content is required, it is the most suitable."

Xianglin, who was in charge of taking care of these psychic beasts, added, and apparently she could see what Hinata meant, and asked Sasuke to choose these beasts as her own psychic beasts.

"Since that's the case, let's do this one."

Sasuke simply nodded. He had already discovered that the difference between himself and Hinata was not purely in strength, but more in vision and knowledge, so he wisely planned to accept the other party's opinion. After all, Hinata was right. , Although Sasuke has both explosive power and control, his chakra content and recovery ability are weak points, which is the opposite of Naruto.

"Very well, Fragrant, take it out and take it to the laboratory on the side."

Hinata was also very satisfied with the fat civet cat in front of him, because in appearance, it seemed to be close to the fat Shou crane, and it should be the best one.

Soon, the fat civet cat, which was so bloated that it could barely walk, was brought to the laboratory. Although it was huge, the first one was a person who specially fed it, and the second one was that its consciousness was still a juvenile after all. Therefore, there was not much resistance at all, so he was coaxed by Xiang Phosphorus and poured a glass of milk mixed with anesthesia, and soon started snoring.

"Hey, are you planning to inject Shouhe's blood into its body? Can it really be successful?"

Seeing Hinata's actions, Sasuke couldn't help but speak in a little stunned manner. He had already seen the powerful strength of Shouzuru, but is Hinata's approach really possible? After all, the fusion of bloodlines is definitely not that simple, especially the rare tailed beast on the opposite side.

"So, I'm also very curious about this question~"

In response to Sasuke's question, Hinata just smiled slightly, and conveniently stabbed the syringe in his hand into the body of the fat civet cat on the experimental bench, and slowly pushed the blood of one tail, which shimmered faintly, into it. in the body!

It stands to reason that the failure rate of this attempt to fuse the blood of the tailed beast with ordinary beasts must be quite high.

Because the blood of the tailed beast is equivalent to their chakra, if you want to put this powerful chakra into other organisms to fuse, it must require the organism to be extremely powerful, at least the chakra that can accommodate the tailed beast. Row.

To put it simply, it is basically equivalent to finding some "beast pillars" among the beasts that can accommodate the tailed beasts. The difficulty can be imagined.

After all, even if it is a human, it is extremely difficult to select a qualified person for Zhuli. Since the establishment of Shayin Village, only a qualified person like Gaara who can accommodate Shouhe has been selected. The other people are also Pick one out of a thousand. Even though Hinata is only injecting part of the chakra of the tail, the difficulty of fusion is still outrageous.

But, after all, this is just an ordinary situation.

The fat civet cat in front of him is not an ordinary beast. It is a special breed that has devoured the cells of the first generation of celestial body since it was a cub, and has now become extremely fat. More than a dozen days ago, it was just a civet cat cub that was less than the size of a slap, but now, it has become a giant beast that is almost the size of an adult.

This huge change means that its entire body has been transformed and strengthened by the energy of the celestial body it has eaten. The energy of the first-generation immortal human body is beyond doubt.

And what kind of people were in the first generation? That is the reincarnation of the second son of the Six Paths Immortal. With the Six Paths Immortal Human Body, he can treat all the tailed beasts as a ball, shoot, seal and play at will. His Chakra energy is almost a weapon that can unconditionally accommodate and control the tailed beast Chakra.

Therefore, this fat civet cat with the weak energy of the first generation must not be able to accommodate the real One-tailed Shouhe, but there is no problem in accommodating part of the blood and chakra of the one-tailed Shouhe.

Therefore, shortly after Shouhe's blood was injected into this fat civet cat, a clear chakra reaction came out from its body. Although it was indeed weak, it was undoubtedly Shouhe's chakra aura.

This practice of implanting the chakra of the tailed beast into the organism and using the energy of the organism to warmly cultivate it is similar to the process of making a pseudo-human pillar, just like the pseudo-human pillar in the original book.

Visible to the naked eye, several lavender stripes appeared on the fur of this fat civet cat, which were very similar to the stripes on Shouhe's body, and its chakra response improved again, there was a faint sense of The feeling of qualitative change. From this moment on, it is no longer an ordinary civet cat, but a powerful psychic beast similar to Shouhe's clone.

"Very good~ Done."

Satisfied with the white-eyed confirmation of the completion of the fusion of chakra in the civet cat, Hinata knew that her thinking was indeed the right one. After all, with the perfect combination of first-generation cells and tailed beast energy, even if the level of the experimental body was originally a shit-eating level, it can be abruptly upgraded to an epic level.

However, I am afraid that only Hinata can do this. Another person, even if he was as ruthless as Danzo, probably wouldn't have the courage to feed the first-generation meat to the beast, so he just racked his brains to fuse himself with celestial cells.

But even if there are celestial human cells, there is a prerequisite for cultivating such a perfectly fused tailed beast container. That is, the individuals who are fed with celestial cells must have just been born. In this way, the celestial body cells can perfectly transform their bodies from the inside out, so as to maximize the fusion with the energy of the celestial body cells.

That is to say, even if you want to use this method to cultivate the perfect human pillar force, you have to start from infancy, but the individual cultivated in this way will inevitably skip childhood growth and it will be difficult to define its good and evil cognition. If it masters the power of the tailed beast, it is a more terrifying disaster.

Therefore, Hinata only intends to use this method to cultivate some half-hearted psychic beasts, and definitely does not intend to go deeper.

"Very good... Now I believe that you are indeed hiding many secrets."

Looking at the trumpet Shou crane clone in front of him, Sasuke subconsciously inhaled slightly, even though he had long expected that the white-eyed girl in front of him had a lot of secrets, but the one he came into contact with still made him feel unexpected. and feeling.

Even if he doesn't know the specific importance of the tailed beast, Sasuke knows how powerful this tailed beast is from the power shown by Shouhe, and now, Hinata is able to use this seemingly simple method. , to make this kind of psychic beast that can possess some of the power of Shouhe, it has to be said that it is still far beyond Sasuke's psychological expectations. Moreover, he firmly believes that behind Hinata's seemingly simple approach, there must be a more terrifying secret hidden.

"Power is not only superficial brute force, but also includes supreme knowledge and insight."

Raising the corners of his mouth a little madly, Hinata raised his right hand with one hand on his hip.

"So, you can slowly learn as you go, Sasuke-kun."

"I believe that when you become the new patriarch of the Uchiha clan, you will need these insights and knowledge very much."