

Shikamaru, who was leaning on his arm, complained angrily, but this also swept away the dull atmosphere around him. Even Naruto himself did not seriously object, but said angrily: "Shukamaru~! I want to Become a Hokage man! Shouldn't there be a powerful master?"

"En, Naruto has indeed been working very hard. However, as expected, luck is better. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a master like Jiraiya-sama."

Dingji, who is more familiar with Naruto, also grinned and handed over the potato chips in his hand, and Naruto naturally took out a few slices and threw them into his mouth, obviously enjoying this kind of harmony. The feeling of being sloppy among the companions.

The interruption between Shikamaru and Dingji directly caused Sasuke's gloomy face to gradually slow down. Indeed, if Naruto was not lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by Jiraiya, he would not be able to defeat Hinata at all with his strength. Not to mention the next summon Toad Jian and Shou He to attack and defend.

In other words, this guy's current strength is only because he has worshipped Zilai and is also a teacher.

Although it is a bit despicable to think like this, it is undoubtedly a great psychological comfort for Sasuke now, and Sasuke, who has always had a high self-esteem, can't help but feel a sense of shame, and then looks up like a cover up. Looking at the people around, I happened to see Hinata who was also sitting silently on the side.

Hinata also didn't speak. Although she has the ace mercury lamp at the bottom of the box, even if it is a one-on-one fight against Shouhe, I am afraid it will be fine, but this is her hidden power after all. On the bright side, it was unquestionable that she lost to Naruto. Therefore, like Sasuke, she also felt an unquenchable anger.

After all, the identity of the leader has always been that the strong are respected. This is even more true in this Naruto world. Although Hinata is still able to firmly hold the position of the leader of the Hinata group with her strong business and interpersonal skills, but after losing to Naruto, her own prestige Descending is inevitable.

Even if it was because Naruto had the same title of 'Sannin Disciple' as an open hack, at most it would only weaken some of his influence.

Therefore, Hinata must find a way to quickly increase his strength on the bright side, and it is just that, what can be expected should be available immediately.

But before that, she should have another chance to test Sasuke.

Thinking of this, Hinata also stood up, and then said lightly: "Exactly, now check whether there is any other information on the two of them, Neji, look at them with white eyes."


Neji only thought that Hinata had not regained her energy and could not open her eyes, so she had no doubts about Hinata's order, but opened her eyes quickly and began to scan Gaara and Kankuro's bodies. , the white-eyed boy frowned slightly: "The puppet master is fine, but there is a very strange seal on the right chest of this man, which seems to be some kind of magic technique."

"Oh, I'm afraid it's the location of the seal-tailed beast."

Speaking of this, Hinata glanced at Sasuke casually, while the latter was slightly taken aback, but there was no expression on his face.

"Okay, take the prisoners and let's start the return journey."

"These three people are our important mission credentials and must be strictly guarded!"

(PS1: Well, as for Sasuke's use method, I really feel that I still need to reveal some secrets of Hei Hina~~ and then manipulate it as a dark chess.)

(PS2: The war is over, and a new chapter is ready~! There is one more update~ Please support me~~)

Sasuke's nomination

The Konoha collapse plan still failed.

The invading Sand Ninja and Sound Ninja suffered heavy losses, especially the sound Ninja was almost wiped out, and Konoha's active ninja casualties were close to one-half, and the biggest loss really was...

The three generations of Megumi Hokage and Sarutobi Hizan died in battle. The legendary old ninja who is known as a ninjutsu professor, in the end, he still finished his life on the battlefield.

Orochimaru, under the protection of the enchantment of the four people of Yin and Nin, started a master-disciple duel with the third generation that no one could disturb. In the end, the forbidden technique was used to seal off the ghouls, but because of his old age, he was unable to kill Orochimaru, but only chopped off the opponent's arms.

In addition, nearly one-third of the entire Konoha building was also destroyed. Fortunately, the main profit-making publishing house was not damaged, and the ninjas who went out on the mission were also urgently recalled to prepare for the sudden change of opponents who might be ready to move around. attack.

Of course, all these things have nothing to do with the people in the Hinata group. After successfully completing the S-level mission and capturing the three people of Sha Yin's people, they were put on vacation collectively, and the notification they received was Take a good rest, and then attend Sandaime Hokage's funeral three days later.

There is no doubt that the death of the third generation has made the atmosphere of the whole village sluggish, and the ninjas who died in this war seem to feel this sadness even in the sky, so that these days are all Overcast.

"What do you want to find me for?"

Sasuke quietly leaned on the door frame and looked at Hinata who had his back to him in the room. There was no doubt that, as a smart and talented boy, he took a peek at the actions Hinada had hinted to him before, and he was very As impatient, he came to the Hyuga Mansion in the evening on the day he returned to the village, and called to visit Miss Hinata, and then he was put in smoothly.

"Of course there is something for you to do."

Holding a tea bowl, he slowly sips the honey tea in it. Next to Hinata is Xianglin who is carefully serving in a yukata. However, as an authentic nympho, Xianglin is also in a daze after seeing Sasuke. There is no plot of Sasuke rescuing her in the original book, but the high value of Uchiha's family still makes Xianglin's first impression of Sasuke feel very good.

Sasuke is not a fool either. After seeing Xianglin next to Hinata, his brows slightly wrinkled. Although he is not sure about the identity of Xianglin, he had secretly observed the appearance of the candidates during the exam before, and the bright red-haired image of Xianglin was enough for Sasuke to conclude that she was a candidate .

If you think about it this way, there is no doubt that it contains quite a lot of information. Hinata used to act alone in the forest of death for a while, but now Xianglin, who was supposed to be a hostile candidate, seems to have become her servant. The information that this thinking extends is undoubtedly quite complicated.

But in the same way, since Hinata has let Sasuke see Xianglin, it means that she is not worried about Sasuke knowing this at all, or she deliberately let Sasuke know this part of the information, thus expressing a clear meaning of cooperation, after all, only sharing secrets, It is the best form of cooperation.

"I need you to get something."

Hinata waved his hand slightly, and Xianglin who got the signal also stood up quickly, and then came to Sasuke with another cup of tea on a tray, knelt down humbly and raised the tray above his head. Sasuke, on the other hand, snorted slightly, but didn't even look at it. He directly reached out and took the teacup and drank it. His tone was firm: "Just tell me, what do you want me to get?"

Just as Hinata showed Sasuke the incense phosphorus, Sasuke knew very well that the tea handed by Hinata was also a code word for him to express his intentions, so he simply drank it directly to show his sincerity in cooperation.

"One tail's blood, the specific way to obtain it, is to extract it from the seal of the human pillar. I think you should have heard the exact location before."

Seeing that Sasuke fully understood her meaning quite intelligently, Hinata also turned slightly, and there was a strange smile on the corner of her mouth: "Though those three people, Sandin, are temporarily locked in Anbu Prison, but now in the village There is a serious shortage of manpower, and the most important thing is that this matter should not be difficult for you, right?"

"Hmph~ Do you want to see my current skills?"

Sasuke's thoughts turned around, although he didn't know what Hinata was going to do with Izui's blood, but her actions were undoubtedly not intended to be known to the people in the village, or even to the rest of Hinata's group. In addition to using him, it is also conveying another message, that is: the two can truly cooperate, instead of passively accepting it unilaterally as before.

"I only have to wait for two hours. I need to see at least five tubes and one tail of blood."

Seeing that the other party had already understood what he meant, Hinata's tone also became quite straightforward, which made Sasuke squinted slightly, and the arrogant Uchiha-san snorted, but the figure disappeared instantly, obviously intending to use Speak directly as a result of your actions.

And watching Sasuke leave, Hinata just squinted slightly in thought.

There is no doubt that Sasuke is the best 'ninja' who can better execute orders compared to Naruto, the guy whose thinking is off-line and whose three views are solidified into order and kindness. Just reject some black-tone orders that must be done.

It's like this kind of mission that might have to fight against Konoha Anbu. According to Naruto's character, he must first express his incomprehension with a loud voice that can be heard by everyone, and then he can't pull it out with ten cows. The stubbornness of movement expresses rejection.

As a person with a wide range of ways of doing things, Hinata currently has quite a few forces on the line, from senior Konoha, Konoha Gennin, to Akatsuki, who can speak, so this is doomed to her She needs some henchmen ninjas who can share these secrets and perform these tasks on her behalf when the time is right.

Now it seems that even within the entire Hinata group, the only person who can currently hold this position is Sasuke, who can accept most things for revenge.

Although Shikamaru and Shino are smart enough, their own loyalty to Hinata is based on the fact that Hinata can give them a higher status within Konoha Village, although it is not excluded that they will become adults, or Hinata After being recognized by the top officials of Konoha for a higher official status, they can also accept Hinata's orders to do some dark side tasks, but for now, their determination is still a little too weak.

So, if Hinata wanted to do it himself, he could have taken Gaara's blood long ago. The reason why he specially instructed Sasuke to do it was to beat the rebellious Uchiha Erzhu.

Gaara, as the main force of Sandyin Village, was naturally held as an important hostage inside Anbe Prison. In order to prevent it from suddenly erupting, a seal was attached to the body to block the flow of chakra, but relatively, there are not many people around to defend.

After all, at the moment, the Konoha Village is fighting, and if nothing else, the hole in the city wall of Konoha Village that was broken by the three-headed serpent is enough to allow malicious enemy spies to enter and exit easily, plus clearing the casualties inside the village The corpses of the personnel and the fish that slipped through the net. In fact, the Anbu, who can stand guard in the prison, are not full, but have suffered some minor injuries, but because of the scarcity of staff, they have to take the injured to stand guard.

So, according to Sasuke's current strength, it's absolutely fine to get a few tubes of blood from Gaara after avoiding those traps and knocking down the injured Anbu, but this task is more of a symbolic meaning.

Represents Sasuke's mentality and decision to accept Hinata's orders, and to do so without hesitating to attack his comrades around him. Regardless of whether he will kill those Konoha Anbu guards, as long as this precedent of doing something to his own people is opened, it will be impossible to go back.

Only in this way can he be qualified to see the real capital that Hinata has painstakingly built up so far, so that he can also obtain the power he has dreamed of.

Hinata didn't wait too long. In fact, she only waited for less than 70 minutes. Sasuke, who was full of dust, returned again. No scars or stains could be seen on the black-haired boy's body. Obviously, there was no such task at all. any pressure on him.

After all, the main traditional position of ninjas is still in espionage and infiltration. In this regard, Sasuke has always scored full marks, so it is not surprising that he can do it perfectly.

"What you want."

Pushing a small box to Xianglin, Sasuke's tone has completely calmed down, and he can even see a hint of excitement in his eyes. Obviously, in such a dangerous infiltration mission, he is more able to Experience your own growth.