

"Just think about it, what are the women we've seen so far? Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and my mom... They're the first type of women, so~ you know what I am Do you mean?"

Shrugging, Shikamaru obviously didn't want to stay here any longer: "Okay, let's go, it's almost time to go back after walking around for a while~"

On Hinata's side, obviously there is nothing worth mentioning next.

As the one who supplies the figures, Nami's profit is indeed astonishing, one of which is the free **** of Konoha Ninja every time it is delivered. After all, this kind of product is very beneficial, and Konoha Village is the first of the five major Ninja villages. It is not an exaggeration to send special escorts.

And the country of wave needs to provide a fixed amount of figure products every month on time, in order to supply the sales of goods in Akihabara. Konoha Publishing Factory will hand over the new-style figure model albums that need to be made to the country of Wave on time every month. If the remuneration is paid, 40% of the country of Wave will be given in addition to the cost of **** and copyright fee. The amount of income is generally decent.

"Then, I have arranged a place for you to stay here. If you want to play, you can call the person who arranged it at any time."

After negotiating the business, the third generation naturally does not intend to stay here for a long time. After all, the Chunin exam is imminent, and he also has a lot of things to deal with. It is also because he can take time to personally talk with Shui Jingji about the profit sharing of the figure industry. This is just as important.

"I wish you and Konoha Village's martial arts prosperity. My concubine will stay here for a day and return to my country tomorrow, so please don't worry."

Although Konoha Village directly took 60% of the profits, Hinata does not think that this is impossible. After all, after borrowing the sales platform of Akihabara, you must be mentally prepared to pay the price. After all, channels and platforms are what The most valuable hardware in large-scale commercial activities.

After three generations were sent away, Hinata and Xiaonan were also respectfully invited to the interior of the hotel where they were staying. It could be seen that the hotel had put a lot of effort into it. Not only was the interior decoration extremely gorgeous, there were even specially dug out. The indoor hot spring, and the guards around are several specially selected female Anbu, obviously they have achieved a very careful level.

"As expected of Konoha Village, I'm a little flattered to be able to arrange such a luxurious place to stay."

Lazily shedding the heavy weight sheets, Hinata threw her body into the warm hot spring. It must be said that maintaining that gentle and dignified princess attitude is indeed quite tiring, but the work of shaping the image itself is very tiring. That's it.

"You must be tired, so get ready to rest after you soak."

Although Xiaonan's words and expressions were still flat, her hands were very considerate. The beautiful blue-haired woman carefully peeled and sliced ​​one side of the pear, and then placed it on the shore of the hot spring within reach of Hinata, and turned it in the water. After getting up, Hinata also said lazily: "Okay, rub my back, this body has been lying for several days no matter what, and now it needs to be cleaned well."


There was no objection to Hinata's request. Xiaonan calmly took off her kimono, wrapped in a bath towel and entered the hot spring. Her gentle fingers ran across Hinata's smooth back, almost imperceptible. A pair of hands that can easily kill people.

"It's so boring, say something. For example, why did you join the Xiao organization? Is it because of Payne?"

Closing her eyes comfortably and letting Xiao Nan rub on her body, Hinata asked maliciously. Although she knew everything about Xiao Nan and Payne was true, it was obvious that the information could not be leaked. Moreover, using this kind of dialogue to confirm Xiaonan's thoughts is also a kind of intelligence gathering.

"Payne and I were orphans since childhood. During the Ninja World War more than ten years ago, our country was involved in the war. My parents and relatives also died at that time, and so did Payne. So, Payne and I hope that there will be a better way to end the strife and unrest in this world."

Xiao Nan's tone was calm and natural, which meant that she didn't think there was anything she couldn't say about these purposes, but on the other hand, it meant that she was willing to sacrifice everything for herself and Payne's purpose at any time.

"That's it... Speaking of..."

Raising her hand and grabbing Xiao Nan's right hand, Hinata looked at the ring on the blue-haired woman's right index finger. The 'white' mark on it made her frown slightly.

"I met a woman who happened to be called 'Bai' before. Like you, she lost her family because of the war. I had hoped to keep her by my side, just as she hoped to give her a stable life, but..."

Turning around to look at Xiao Nan who was close at hand, Hinata's tone also rose slightly: "She was obsessed with the partner she followed before, and rejected me. So, I want to confirm, Xiao Nan."

Raising his hand to hold Xiao Nan's cheek, Hinata's eyes shrank slightly: "Tell me, if there is a way to achieve your and Payne's goals, but if you need to sacrifice Payne, how should you choose? ?"

"Is it for the sake of my comrade, like Shiro, willing to give up the fulfillment of the wish that is close at hand. Or, to sacrifice my comrade without hesitation in order to fulfill the wish of my comrade?"

With Hinata's palm holding her cheek, Xiao Nan's expression and eyes did not change at all, and those pale golden eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest like a calm mirror.

"Our wish is above everything else."

It seemed that there was no hesitation, Xiaonan answered like this, but this did not surprise Hinata, or agreed.

"You said it like that, Xiao Nan. Then, I think I can test a little to see if your thoughts are firm."

Showing a strange smile, Hinata raised her head slightly, and with a very slow approaching motion, printed her lips on Xiaonan's lips with a hint of coolness.


Undoubtedly, Xiao Nan's body suddenly trembled, and Hinata, who was paying attention to her behavior, abruptly raised the corners of her mouth, released Xiao Nan's lips, and the white-eyed girl spoke maliciously.

"It looks... different from Shiro at the time..."

"You lied, Xiao Nan."

(PS1: Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~ Xiaonan likes it~~ I really think she and Bai are the same type, especially her ring text is 'White', I strongly doubt that the original author put these two females are set to the same type.)

(PS2: Tsk~~ No way~~ The resistance to this kind of gentle female character who has experienced misfortune and is full of loyalty and dedication is negative~~)


lie (2)

A few Konoha Anbu with scars all over their bodies were carefully placed on the hospital bed for first aid. The injuries they suffered were all flesh and blood injuries, but they were not out of danger because of the blood loss due to the severed blood vessels.

"Are you saying that a single-handed enemy not only broke through Konoha's defensive barrier, but also injured you both easily?"

The three generations of Hokage looked at the Anbu in front of him with a serious look. The reason why this incident would alarm him is because this was the worst attack on Anbu in the recent period of time. After all, he encountered some spying at most The hostile ninja of intelligence, it is enough to be thrown away or run away.

This time, it was the other party who directly crushed the patrolling Anbu team and swaggered away. To put it in concretely, think of Konoha Village as the Pentagon. The usual hacking and espionage activities are still acceptable, but this time, it can basically be seen as a super criminal who killed a team next to the Pentagon. The guards on patrol, and the incident that he left unscathed is of a nature.

Although it has long been known that there will be a large number of spies trying to spy on the information of Konoha Village during the public examination, so the third generation deliberately increased the patrolling of the Anbu post, but I did not expect to encounter this abruptly.

"Yes, it's the subordinate's incompetence, it's too late to stop her."

The masked dark corps commander's voice was full of shame, but the three generations just shook their heads slightly: "It's not your fault, I'm not old enough. If it wasn't for you to lead the team, the other team members and these people would probably be the same. There's no way to survive."

It is rare for a group of Shangnin to gather here at this moment. This is different from those who are spying on the intelligence. It should be said that it is the first time in several years that the Anbu team has been injured collectively, which means that this 'visit' 'The guests are at least shadow-level ninjas, so the appearance of a strong man who has no good intentions towards Konoha can't help the three generations not to be nervous.

"This is the murder weapon, right?"

Looking at an ice feather enclosed in a glass box in front of him, Kakashi frowned slightly: "Looks like she's still a pretty gorgeous woman. Using something like this as a weapon shows that she may have retained considerable strength at that time. ."

"Yes, and she does wear a mask of the Kirigakushi chasing troops on her face, and the ninjutsu she uses also has Kirigakura's jutsu."

The captain of the dark unit cautiously said what he saw, but this only made Asma shake his head slightly: "This is meaningless. If she is really a shadow ninja, then using such a water ninjutsu is simply a matter of convenience. Masks and the like can also be seen as illusions that cover up their true identity."

This makes the surrounding ninjas frown slightly. An enemy who can instantly kill a group of Anbu ninjas is suspected to have something to do with Kiriyin Village. There is no famous and powerful person in the world to match it.

"No... Maybe, I've met this person before, not necessarily..."

Kakashi frowned and looked at the glass box in his hand. The ice feathers in it were crystal clear, and even the hair feathers were clearly visible. It was hard to imagine that such a delicate and delicate object would have the power to kill the human body, but at the edge of it. The frozen blood-red color indicated that it was taken out from a wound in the dark part.

"Oh? Are there any clues?"

The three generations with a serious face also turned to Kakashi, and the latter nodded respectfully: "Yes, just when we arrived in the country of waves last time. At that time, the Kirigakushi seven ninja swords that we met at that time would not cut the peach land again. , there is indeed a young man who can use the ice escape beside him, which can be determined to be a special blood follower limit. Judging from the appearance of these ice feathers, he wants to quickly condense the ice into this specific appearance, and also makes the It has lethal power, and this ability is definitely not something that ordinary ninjutsu can do, most of it is some kind of special ice escape and blood follower limit."

"Well? Are you saying that this time, it's very likely that the Ice Escape youth followed you to Konoha for revenge?"

Hong on the side frowned slightly. After all, in this ninja world, the accumulation of hatred is easy and clear. Momochi Zabuzawa indeed died at the hands of Kakashi. If the opponent's comrades came to destroy Konoha in order to avenge this, it would be quite understandable.

"No... I just suspect that although the two may use the same ice escape. However, that young man does not have such a strong strength, and it is only a month before we leave the country of waves, such a short period of time. She couldn't have grown to this level within the time limit."

Kakashi hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head. After all, if the boy named Bai had such shadow-level strength at that time, the result of the battle would definitely be different. Moreover, in this ninja world, although strange secret techniques are everywhere, there is no way to make a person reach shadow level strength in a month.