

Falling from the sky, Hinata's arrival did not cause panic among the surrounding guards. It could be seen that they should have received Xiao Nan's instructions in advance, knowing that their own Princess Shuijing was not in the ox cart before.

"Fortunately, we are preparing to enter the jurisdiction of Konoha Village."

Naturally, Xiao Nan in the ox cart did not wear the too bright red cloud robe with a black background. She was wearing a standard maid kimono at the moment. He bowed his head slightly: "Okay, now help the princess to decorate it before entering Konoha."

"Then please, but let me ask~ Compared with a strong princess, a gentle princess is more popular than a strong princess, right?"

Sitting on the side of Xiaonan, Hinata let Xiaonan unzip her gothic dress, and then put the heavy twelve sheets on the quilt, and looked calmly to help Hinata change clothes, Xiaonan's tone was also soft and indifferent: "Yes, Humans are fragile creatures, so they should prefer others to be gentle to themselves, rather than cruel."

"Heh~ It's a really considerate thought, then I almost know what kind of face I should show."

With a disdainful smile, Hinata had indeed considered being a little tougher in diplomacy. After all, as a figurine manufacturer, the factory in the Land of Waves is currently the only one. However, the conversations of those idiots and Xiao Nan's opinions made her think that she might still need to be humble.

Moreover, since the strength of his own body has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the character of Shui Jingji, who is a disguise, still needs to be changed, so as not to cause suspicion.

Although the roads and neighborhoods of Akihabara are still very new, Danzo is obviously not an idiot as a cunning and cunning person. He has also dabbled in the prosperity of the village, so he naturally understands how to deal with it.

For an area, if you want to create a prosperous scene, the best way is: eat, play, and lively!

A dazzling array of snack shops and barbecue stalls are almost all over the streets of Akihabara. Shops for goldfish fishing and ballooning can also be seen everywhere. In the past, this scene was a grand scene that could only be encountered during temple fairs, but now because of the tourists in Akihabara There are many, so the hawkers gathered here are also energetically opening their own storefronts to earn coins from tourists from all over the world.

"Barbecued pork noodles! Takoyaki! Taiyaki! Fried rice cakes! Oden! Hand rolls!! I want to eat them all~!!"

Holding the food in his arms, Dingji was obviously in a state of excitement, and Shikamaru and the others next to him were not doing much better. Although he was lazy by nature, it didn't mean that Shikamaru didn't like snacks. Especially these delicacies in front of us are usually seen in Konoha Street during the festivals, so it is very rare for pineapple head to let go of the belly and eat it once.

Especially now, it's not bad at all. The monthly remuneration they get from the Hinata group can basically let them eat here until they die.

"Hmm~ What a great place~! If there are so many delicious food here every day, I decided to choose this place as a walking place after my training!"

He happily shared a string of yakiniku with Akamaru, and Fang was obviously very satisfied with the environment in Akihabara, and Naruto, who had several meatballs in his mouth, stuffed his mouth even more. This kind of experience of being able to go shopping with his friends is undoubtedly rare for him, and it is more worth cherishing.

"According to the number of people gathered here, the grand scene here should last forever. After all, as long as there are many tourists, there is no reason for these shops to leave."

Shino, who was also holding a pile of snacks, also ate while talking. Even mysticism did not affect his baptism of food at this time.

"That's right~ Then let's just come here to play together often in the future~ It's a pity, that guy Sasuke didn't come. Besides, Sakura and Ino didn't know where they went~"

As soon as the ball in his mouth stretched his neck and swallowed it, Naruto quickly threw aside the friends in his mind, and turned to look at the street that had been laid out in front of him with great anticipation: "I heard that Shui Jingji I'll come out of here later, I don't know what kind of person she is."

"Heh~ I think it's best for you not to set your expectations too high. It's not like you haven't seen the Lady of Fire Nation's daimyo, just like that kind of princess, do you think it's worth watching?"

Shikamaru, who was chewing takoyaki, opened his mouth to attack everyone's minds very evilly, and subconsciously shivered, Naruto and Toba glared at Shikamaru: "Shut up~ You guy, don't talk like that when you are eating now. Appetite guy, okay? Besides, we just want to have a gentle and lovely princess, can't we?"

"Well~ Speaking of beauty, isn't Hinata a rare beauty? Haven't you seen enough?"

Facts have proved that Shikamaru is also very talented as a bad embryo. The pineapple head with a smirk looks at Naruto and Toya with a dark face, and he has a dark and refreshing feeling. That's right~ I always get caught Tian's threat of telling his mother about women's clothing should also make other people a little more alert.

"That's why! Hinata's character... uh..."

Halfway through speaking angrily, Naruto stopped his words abruptly, and then blinked his eyes. Obviously, he remembered one thing: it seems that the white-eyed female companion, the last time around the pond, behaved very well Strange... When Hinata didn't have the usual hostility and ruthlessness at all, but had a very familiar sense of weakness and dependence...

"Hmm, what's up?"

Looking at Naruto who was suddenly silent, Shikamaru just wanted to continue to ask when he suddenly heard a gong in front of the street, followed by a long voice: "His Royal Highness Princess of the Land of Waves, Mizujingji is here. Visit~ Please let the people clear the way~"

The visit of the foreign princess was not kept secret from the public, so the two sides of the street were already filled with Konoha people who wanted to see the princess' face just like Naruto and others. The guard of honor also jumped into the eyes of everyone, and an ox-drawn cart representing the identity also appeared in the back.

"It's a pity, is it actually sitting in the carriage? You can't see it this way."

Ya opened his mouth in disappointment, while Shikamaru on the side shook his head amusingly: "Of course it is like this, it's the princess, so how can you let people look at it casually... eh?"

Before Shikamaru could finish his schadenfreude sarcasm, the pineapple-headed boy got stuck himself, and the reason was very simple.

The curtain of the carriage of the ox cart was gently opened by a slender snow-white palm, and a weak figure also appeared in everyone's sight. A set of twelve kimonos with a black base and inlaid snowflakes perfectly set off her noble demeanor, and her long white to spotless hair filled her with a kind of stability and temperament that ordinary girls do not have.

It seemed that she felt a little shy about the sight around her, she subconsciously raised her right hand, and covered the lower half of her face with her wide sleeves, only those pink-purple eyes, looking forward like jewels, turned everyone around. His mind also moved up and down.

"This is... Shui Jing Ji..."

Subconsciously muttering to himself, Naruto was indeed attracted to the white-haired beauty in front of him. Although he had no evil intentions, human beings naturally like beautiful things, which made him unable to look away.

At this moment, the blond boy's body trembled slightly, because those pink-purple eyes seemed to have sensed him, and then turned around abruptly, colliding with his eyes!

(PS1: Well~~ After all, the character of the black chick is already very strong. If Shui Jing Ji is the same, it is too easy to be substituted~~ So~~ Yasasishi is a little bit~~)

(PS2: Two chapters of 4000+ are presented~~hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~~ In addition, I really can't find a picture of Chairman Shui wearing a kimono, so don't worry about clothes and hairstyles. , the demeanor is the picture below~~ Gentle and quiet feeling~~ After all, if you don't know the Virgin, it's not a good black heroine~ No problem~)


lie (1)

"Oh oh oh~~ it's Princess Shui Jing~~ she's looking at us~~~"

Tooth with heart-filled eyes was so excited that he bit off the wooden skewer of beef skewers in his mouth. There is no doubt that the beautiful and elegant Shui Jingji in front of him perfectly fulfilled all of Tooth's fantasies about the princess, and even Still more than that. And Shikamaru also said with some puzzlement: "Indeed...she is a beautiful woman with a temperament...it's not what I thought."

"Indeed, what I saw was a beautiful princess, but I can't see her personality now, right?"

Shino also raised his hand and pushed the sunglasses on his face, and then gave his own evaluation in a fair way. There is no doubt that as a very cautious person, Shino will not make arbitrary decisions because of superficial things.

"No no no~~ Look at her gentle eyes, the pink and purple color is so beautiful~~ She is definitely a gentle princess!"

Naruto and Tooth holding their hands on their chests are obviously an aesthetic concept. There is no doubt that the appearance and dress of this Princess Shui Jing, at least they are very satisfied.

And seeing the expressions of Naruto and the others, Hinata, who was sitting on the ox cart, also subconsciously showed a slight arc: Yes, since these idiots have been deceived, it means that his initial disguise was very successful.

"Are they your companions?"

Sitting behind Hinata, Xiaonan asked softly, and nodded nonchalantly at her question, Hinata lowered her head slightly reservedly: "For the time being, at least, it's a group of guys who are easy to use. Although, in Sometimes they're not very obedient."

With the advance of the bullock cart, he soon arrived at the office building in Akihabara. This should have been the office building that Danzo prepared for him, but now, as a secret leader, he is not qualified to show up. Therefore, it is still three generations who are standing here to welcome Princess Shuijing.

After getting off the ox cart, Hinata maintained her appearance of serenity and weakness, and then put her left hand on her right and bowed to the three generations in front of her. Since she wanted to be a gentle and peaceful princess, her etiquette and manners must be To be the best, as the saying goes, don't blame many people.

"It's really hard for you to come from afar, His Highness Mizujingji, I am the third Hokage Sarutobi Hizen, and I am honored to be able to meet you here."

The third generation is obviously very satisfied with the courtesy of the princess in front of him. After all, apart from being the leader of Konoha Village, he is definitely the grandfather of the princess in front of him, and it is not an exaggeration to be given a big gift.

"Hokage-sama, you are very polite. I have long heard that you are a kind and hard-working elder. It is my honor that you are willing to condescend to receive a junior like me who takes the liberty of visiting."

Hinata's answer was obviously flawless, and the deliberately slow and light tone also showed a gentle feeling like winter sunshine, which made the surrounding people who watched the fun couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Easier to gain favor.

"Hello~ Did you hear it? Shikamaru, her voice and answer are indeed gentle and polite, Her Royal Highness~"

Naruto, who had followed along, said to Shikamaru with delight: "How? Am I right? You lost this bet~"

"Cut~ I don't remember when there was a bet on this matter, well... Anyway, I finally met a second-class woman."

Raising his hand and clasping his ears, Shikamaru replied rudely, causing Dingji on the side to turn his head in confusion: "What is a second-class woman?"