

Although it is to ensure the minimum needs of this body, the daily food is only ration pills and water. But perhaps because of the immortal human body, this body did not feel sore back from sleeping for too long, but was still full of energy and vitality.

Moreover, because of the kind of **** practice she did with Shikamaru this week, although Hinata's body still failed to master the skills of returning to the sky, her consciousness has greatly improved her ability to manipulate chakra. After entering the body of this immortal human body, which is extremely excellent in itself, the feeling of improvement is like doubling, which makes her look light and airy.

"Then~ Well, it shouldn't be necessary..."

He subconsciously stopped and glanced at the area above his head where the main body was located. Hinata thought for a while, and then shook his head. After all, this is in the mansion of the Hinata clan. If there are still enemies who can come in, there is nothing that can be done. You don't need to take precautions against it.

Picking up the last thing that Shiro left behind, that is, the mask of the Kiriyin Chasing Team and putting it on his face, Hinata raised his hand and launched the magic mirror ice crystal technique. After the completion, it has been greatly improved, enough for Hinata to fly directly from the Hyuga mansion to a remote corner outside the mansion.

And as one of the things obtained from the transaction with Danzo, it is how to avoid the Konoha Barrier and the secret information of the sentry, so Hinata also knows how to avoid the Konoha Barrier and enter and exit Konoha Village.

Soon, in a very secret corner outside the Konoha City Wall, an ice mirror suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and Hinata's figure clearly appeared in it, like a magic, the white-eyed girl was satisfied from the ice mirror. He stepped out and completed the action to leave Konoha this time.

After possessing the white ice escape, Hinata knew how powerful the magic mirror ice crystal is. This unique ninjutsu can be regarded as turning the caster into a being similar to 'light', and creating it by himself. The outgoing ice mirrors are reflected back and forth at super high speed.

There are basically two conditions for this casting.

First: There should be no obstacles between the two ice mirrors used for teleportation.

Second: The area to be shuttled must be an area that the caster can see.

The first one is obviously easy to achieve, because the ice mirrors are not strictly based on the principle of light reflection. As long as there are ice mirrors, the entrance and exit directions of the mirrors can be set at will, so it is only necessary to set the ice mirrors at different angles to ensure that the ice mirrors are between the mirrors. It can be reached without obstacles.

But the second one is obviously a bit tricky. Because the ninja's combat environment is generally very complex, if the line of sight is blocked and it is impossible to accurately locate, then it is natural that the technique has failed. Therefore, the magic mirror ice crystal that Shiro used to besiege Sasuke and Naruto is an independent environment area. Without any obstacles in it, Shiro can maximize his combat effectiveness.

However, now with Hinata's white-eyed blood and the bonus, the magic mirror ice crystal's casting range has undoubtedly reached MAX in an instant. Because for Baiyan, the field of vision is almost the full range, which means that for Hinata, she can easily set up the ice mirror behind the obstacle, and then refract her through an intermediary ice mirror.

For example, the way Hinata leaves Konoha from the Hyuga mansion is like this: First, she sets up the first ice mirror in the window area of ​​her basement, and then sets up the second ice mirror dozens of meters ahead. Teleport herself into the air, and then continue to set up an ice mirror to teleport forward. Using this leap forward method, she teleports her body to a small corner outside the city wall of Konoha Village.

This process is difficult to say, but in fact, it only took Hinata less than three seconds, and she crossed the entire sky above Konoha Village, and then came outside Konoha Village.

Although it is still a pity, because the magic mirror ice crystal is not space ninjutsu anyway, otherwise, it does not need to care about the obstacles in the middle, and it can come and go freely by directly opening the opposite ice mirror. Tian's white eyes are really a random door that ignores any physical obstacles. Unfortunately, Bai's Bing Dun Xue Ji is still a little bit worse, so it can only be regarded as a regular ninjutsu.

"Very good~ I succeeded in leaving, then, it's time to meet up."

Satisfied that the wings of ice formed behind her back, Hinata quickly left the area where she was, but just after she flew out of the area about 30 meters away, without warning, with a light rustling in the air. Hibiki, a kunai with a detonating talisman suddenly appeared in her field of vision, and according to her prediction, this kunai would explode right on the route she was flying! !

In the blink of an eye, Hinata realized a very serious fact!

not good! ! been discovered! !

(PS1: Hmm~~ It took me almost an hour to analyze the magic mirror ice crystal, and I checked the data and flipped the original book. I finally understood that it is just a 'refracting' secondary ninjutsu. This ninjutsu is not space ninjutsu. What a pity~~)

(PS2: Thank you for the things you took out of the lucky bag~~ Well~~ Anyway, I am a salted fish, and those who are salted fish can come to find comfort~ those who are seals can come to the superior~~ um~o(* ̄▽ ̄* )o, I'm used to it anyway~~)

(PS3: Having said that, I also posted a handsome picture of Naruto and Sasuke in the first two chapters, so it seems like I should post a photo of the two of them today, right? Like... like this?~(≧▽≦ )/~)


Frost day (2)

not good! ! been discovered! !

Although it is not clear who launched the attack, according to Hinata's thinking, the Kunai with the detonating charm is definitely used to attack her, and it can not only use the explosive power of the detonating charm to kill her. , the biggest effect is to quickly warn the surrounding with an explosion sound, so that the nearby enemies are also summoned!

Between the lightning and flint, the Ice Wing behind Hinata suddenly accelerated. Before the detonating talisman exploded, the white-eyed girl grabbed it in her hand and stopped on a tree trunk in front of her.

The white eyes, which had been closed carelessly because of the completion of the jump, were opened again at this time, allowing her to quickly see the enemies around her. Judging from the various animal masks on his face and the clothes on his body, there is no doubt that it is Konoha's patrolling Anbu.

"Really... It seems that today is a special day, so the guards and patrols have been strengthened? Everyone, Konoha."

Hinata unhurriedly stood up straight, and following her words, several Konoha Anbu also carefully showed their figure from the surrounding posture, they should have just happened to see Hinata appearing here That's why he threw away a hair of Kunai with a detonating talisman in a hurry. Otherwise, if he had known that Hinata would appear, it would have been a trap on the ground to deal with him.

"That mask, why did the people from Hidden Kiri come here?"

The head Anbu obviously knew the mask on Hinata's face, and he could feel a sense of tension from his demeanor. After all, strength and weakness can sometimes be seen. Like Hinata, a ninja with the ability to fly, Generally not easy to deal with.

Moreover, another thing is that the detonating talisman that was supposed to explode, after being caught by the white-haired girl in front of her, seems to have gone silent.

"Ha~ a boring question!"

Hinata's voice contained a hint of ferocity, and her right hand tightened slightly, accompanied by the sound of ice cubes breaking, and the kunai that she grabbed was directly crushed into pieces wrapped in ice slag. It was scattered all over the place, and the detonating talisman above was naturally completely frozen.

Even if the detonating talisman is something that can explode, if it is completely frozen before the explosion, it will not even reach the critical temperature point, and naturally it will not be able to explode.

"Exactly~ Let me see how many kilograms and taels of Konoha's Anbu!"

The wings of ice behind Hinata suddenly enlarged. With the support of the immortal body's surging Chakra, Bing Dun's bloodline limit completely showed the fierce power that the previous owner could not do, before the leader Anbu could shout a warning. , the overwhelming white ice feathers have already hit all the dark parts around! !

Under the powerful chakra control and sufficient total chakra bonus, these ice feathers shot by Hinata through the wings of ice are sharp and thin, although the shape is in the shape of a feather, it is like a feather knife. , and because of the bending and curvature of the feathers, their flight orbits are extremely chaotic, so almost when Hinata's round of ice feathers was displayed, at least three Anbu around were planted with blood in the screams. The tree trunk fell to the ground.

Ha~! It's no wonder that mercury lamps like to shoot feathers everywhere, and it looks like this trick really works!

It was confirmed with white eyes that the three Anbu who were hit had lost their ability to move, and Hinata had a clearer understanding of the combat effectiveness of his body. After all, it was formed after the perfect fusion of the three bloodlines. It's not surprising that it has such strength.

"Stand still and don't move~~ Otherwise, it's uncertain who will die next~~"

Spreading out the wings of ice behind her, Hinata raised her hand to make a seal. Since she was wearing the mask of the Hidden Mist squad, she might as well deepen her impression: "The Art of Hidden Mist!"

With Hinata's low drink, the surrounding environment that was clearly visible was quickly covered by thick fog, and even the entire fog appeared out of thin air, but it completely blocked the surrounding vision in less than a few seconds.

"Damn! Come to me!"

The leader of the dark unit was obviously a little anxious. Although the Hidden Kirijutsu was only a C-rank ninjutsu, it was undeniable that it was indeed very practical. Except for dispelling it with the wind escape ninjutsu, this ninjutsu was almost flawless.

Of course, if it is the type who is familiar with acting in the fog, he will naturally not be afraid of the fog.

Not to mention a type like Hinata who has white eyes and can see through all obstacles. In her eyes, this fog is about zero.

It's a pity, if the Hinata clan can abandon the old-fashioned tradition of not using ninjutsu for life and death, even if they just use this kiri-hidden technique, they will be able to make a higher leap in their role on the battlefield.

After confirming this, Hinata was not in a hurry to leave, but cautiously checked the surrounding environment with her white eyes. When she ran out, she ran into the current wave of Anbu patrols because she relaxed for a while. Now she does not intend to be negligent again.

At this time, the dark army commander who had spoken out before made an astonishing scene. I saw the other party raised his hand slightly, and with the surging of chakra, a huge wooden shell suddenly emerged from the ground, taking him and Several Anbu around are protected in the middle! !

"This is... Wood Dun, Wood Ingot Wall?"

Looking at the wooden shell in front of him rather unexpectedly, Hinata was still certain that the leader of the dark army should be none other than Konoha in the original book after the first generation. He was also the only successor of the wooden escape in the original book, and also helped Naruto suppress it. Yamato, the one who ran wild with nine tails.

I didn't expect to meet him here, but forget it. When Naruto couldn't get along with Kyuubi in the early stage, he really needed a wooden ninja to help him suppress him. In this way, Yamato's existence value is still very high.

After all, there is not much reason to kill the Konoha Anbu, that's enough.

After making sure that the surrounding area did not notice other people here, Hinata unfolded the wings of ice and flew away from the area silently. Now is not the time to fight. Anyway, it has been determined that this body is enough to kill ordinary people in seconds. Anbu Ninja, this is enough for now.

Soon, according to the guidance of the clay bird, Hinata found the Nami team slowly driving on the road. Because it is a small country, the honor guard team is not large, but there is indeed a large vehicle pulled by cattle, which is obviously a tool prepared by Xiaonan to help Hinata cover his whereabouts.

"Sorry, I'm a little late."