
Wrong preys

I killed my mother and I don't mean it was a mistake. She deserved it, I thought until I .... a serial killer falls in love with a cop. _________ Andria smith's dream of an easy and free life was shattered the very moment her dad stepped out the door never to return. Blessed with a careless or rather irresponsible mother, Andria knew better than to care for herself alone - with quest for revenge buried deep inside her soul. Then she falls for a cop ( one destined to haunt her). What? Love? ...... definitely not what she planned.Would she be able to handle the disaster that Followed? Andria is thrilled as she discovers the reason behind her mother's cruel nature. what happens next? Let's explore the complicated world of an innocent sweet loving child who turns out a serial killer....

Philia_Hilz · Urbain
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21 Chs

First prey

Andria's pov

Getting a taxi to Las Vegas wasn't easy due to the wet ground- the heavy rain last night and this morning. Something that almost made me loss my sanity.

I sighed deeply, hoping I'd get a taxi any time soon, taxi drivers were out of sight. I made reservations too but all turned me down saying 'the weather broadcast was effective'.

I sighed severally as I received every 'NO' from them - if only they knew I had no time to waste, I was longing to meet my prey, to take my revenge.

I looked at the heavens and hissed this time around, wondering why it was still cloudy. Bloody hell - I have an appointment for crying out loud - a revenge appointment.

I looked around the city, the rain had stopped but the grounds still wet, I looked up to the ceiling of the store I sheltered myself in - cranky and old. I imagined it collapsing over my head. Oh no ! Wait till I take revenge first - that's right, I was hungry, hungry for blood.

A kid walked up to me, drawing my black palazzo with her soft hands. Looking down at her, I noticed she looked haggard - probably homeless. She was cute too and had asked for money. Smiling at her, I tusked some notes into her hands. She smiled brightly giving me a peck as I lowered my self to receive one. Then she left happily, I watched her till she was out of sight. Her action reminded me of dad - how he normally pecked me before leaving for work. He said it brought luck and his day was usually successful. I smiled. For sure this evening would be successful.

I looked at my watch again - almost the hundredth time, a frown on my face. The event did start soon and Marie..... a taxi should just arrive. I demanded. And it did. A taxi pulled over right in front of me, making my face flush.

'las Vegas' I replied to the black driver who asked for my destination. And to seek revenge.....I wanted to add too.

'a new city? More money then.' he replied looking at me through the rear view mirror. I didn't look back, just watched the road from the side window. The city looked quite and noisy at the same time - the usual thing.


The TV show was held in a hotel and the host being Marie cutty - an enemy, my prey.

It was a normal show with less security protection. I smiled - things would be easier then.

I wasn't going to take the front door due to ticket. Yeah, I didn't buy a ticket - that would be risky. I had learned to calculate and analyse with my brains and a whole year in police school wasn't a waste. I could support myself through part time jobs too.

Walking towards the back door, I paused on sighting to security guards. They stood there, chest out as though they were guarding a palace.

I shook my head deliberating on what to do. Then I continued walking changing my moves and adjusting my shirt, Exposing the upper part of my breast. I hoped it worked on them. A distraction was just the perfect idea.

I danced seductively, acting like a drugged bitch who had lost her way and made a mistake coming here. I shook my head severally covering my face so they wouldn't see it. The stupid guard got amused by my dance steps and made his way towards me. I rubbed my body on him, making him dance to my tunes. His partner just watched arms crossed, chuckling. He shook his head and walked towards me too.

'take me home' I whispered in a drunken state as I danced with them. They got too close and I made them unconscious with my smart moves. I kicked him with my boot and his face was bruised, blood gushing from his lips. His partner tried twisting my arm but I was too fast and held onto his neck- the sensitive spot and he dropped on the grass - not dead but unconscious.

Then his fat friend, the one I slammed his lips got up - fury in his eyes. 'Bloody bitch! ' he groaned. But his fatness wouldn't let him move. He was only good at dancing with me. I kicked his thigh so hard that he fell on his knees bowing before me.

He tried pulling his gun but I grabbed his fist. Punching him so hard that he fell, his head landing on a rock. He groaned and slowly fell unconscious.

I whispered something crazy into his ears. And then dragged him behind the grass - to join his partner.

No one messes with me.

I entered after stealing the key and along the hall way, I tried so hard to avoid cctv's. 20 minutes more and Marie would be on tv. I sighed, I had to find my prey fast.

I figured out she did be in the dress room getting ready and applying makeup - to cover her evil face, probably.


Luckily, I didn't have to fight her PA - I saw her leaving the room just before I entered. I slammed the door behind me, making Marie jerk in fear. She looked like she was staring at a demon since my hair covered my face.

'who are you?' she asked facing me. I saw the fear in her eyes as her voice trembled.

I let out a nasty chuckle moving towards her. Each step meant a lot to me - a day I waited for all my life. She stood up from the chair in fear, leaving the mirror. Her hands trembled and sweat ran down her skin, ruining her makeup. I smiled, just what I wanted.

I grabbed her arm and a painful scream escaped her lips. I pulled my hairs behind my ear, showing my pretty face to her.

'recognize me now?' I asked still pressing her arms tightly. She'd better recognize my face - the face of the girl whom she destroyed. How could she forget me ? Asking me who I was.... arghhhh....

Tears escaped her tear ducts as she tried absorbing the pain, looking so innocent. It broke my heart and I only thought of spilling her blood.

'your death!' I replied looking into her eyes. I saw her sudden change of expression like she didn't know what I was saying. Really? I pushed her, making her fall on the floor. She scattered the makeup kits as she fell - her leg now bleeding.

'please let me go. I don't know who you are. I haven't done anything wrong' she pleading. Weak woman. Can't even fight - probably spent all her life in the spar, receiving massages. While I spent mine in trainings - she being the cause of it.

Let you go? Hell no!. I've waited for this all my life. Don't know who I am? You should! I'm the one whose happiness you took, how can you forget the face of one you hurt so bad. Most people remembers their enemies. Haven't done anything wrong? Liar! You deceived mom and practically shattered my dreams by taking dad too. You made her neglect her daughter!

I was furious- my eyes ached from seeing her.

'please let me be. I don't even know you -' she repeated her hands on my leg. Looking at me with questionable eyes. I frowned, if only those eyes seeked forgiveness rather than answers - I did make her death less miserable.

'well, tell that to my mother' I grabbed her hair . 'your friend' I added.

Her eyes glittered. And I sliced her throat with my nail cutter. I still had it.

I watched her struggle with death, her evil blood flowing towards me, cursing me like that of Abel. She deserved to die. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Pathetic. Even almighty tv star can't escape death. Marie cutty, born of a silver spoon, went to a good college, had a wonderful life - which I don't have, became popular. Now she did be six feet below the ground - covered in dust. Paying for her crimes and soon to be forgotten. Really pathetic. No one escapes the predator.

I gazed sternly at her ring finger - she didn't deserve that too. A marriage breaker shouldn't be married. I cut it off and glanced at the ring - diamond.

I left the room instantly after wiping the blood from my nail cutter on her coloured dress.

I pressed the fire alarm switch close to the hall way and exited. I had noises behind me and I cared less.