
The Assassin

Andria's pov

At home, I took a hot bath washing myself off the guilt. I cried too, being terrible was never something I craved for. But I was hurt and only seeking vengeance. Was that wrong? Maybe someone did understand.

Drying my hair, I pulled up the red curtain - the one sealing the board. I gave a red x on Marie's photo - my first prey had been eliminated. I sipped my water, watching the other women with hunger - for blood.

They made me this way, so they did better prepare for my wrath. I took out the bloody finger from my palazzo and placed it inside a glass case - mother's finger was there too, sprayed with preservatives to avoid decay and odour. I was going to get rid of the box after my finger collections.

I scooped some milk, adding it to my bowl of popcorn, then I sat on my stool - I usually did that whenever I wanted to view the world, through my small but mighty TV.

As anticipated, there was News - about me. An unknown killer. There was also news about injured fans due to the false fire alarm, I created. I sighed, that wasn't meant to happen.

The FBI considered the false alarm as an escape plan by the criminal and they also...

I sighed turning off the TV. Now I was in news too. I took out dad's photo and my nerves relaxed as I gave him a victorious smile.

'Dad, Marie has paid - for her crimes'

'others would pay too and I don't mind joining them in death - if that is required'


Grato's pov

I've lived My life alone - till the extent I can't remember anymore. Live was meaningless but mine wasn't. Ask me why? I killed people and watch life flee from them.

Even the most wealthiest couldn't buy life, so what's so precious about it? I enjoyed my job and believe me I wasn't sure if I loved it. Weird right? You enjoy doing something but then not sure of how you feel about it. You can say I'm pathetic. But I don't care. Not at all.

My hands ran through my hair as I watched the news. Something new was up. Homicide lived in my veins. I couldn't even rain curses or abuse as I watched the murder scene - most people would do so.

I sipped my coffee quickly since I had somewhere important to be. Boss called earlier.

I drove into his estate. It was big - very big. Tall trees, shrubs, water fountains etc. I'm good at stuffs but describing isn't one of them. so....blah....blah...blah. just know it - he was a billionaire, a multi billionaire. The gate was guarded, as usual but I entered freely since the guards knew me. Not like I'm one of them anyway.

Both the interior and exterior parts of the main building were wonderfully crafted. The designs magnificent and sculptures captivating.....Fuck ! Fuck ! It really needs description but nah... I'm not good at it. Sorry.

I walked past the guards or rather security officials - as they demanded I call them, as I exited the elevator.

The room was right in front of me with Wilson always staring at me whenever I wanted to enter. He stares were intense scary but I can't be afraid of a frog. Should I? I had given him a big scar, something permanent - a broken arm. That was how dangerous I was, I mean am - since I'm still dangerous. Right? What did he do? Now let's not digress on that.

Old drake sat on his expensive couch sipping alcohol, cocaine in his mouth. I watched his back figure - very old yet young. His almost bald head shone like he had applied oil on it. He has grey hairs around his chin down to his jaws, with a perfect grey mustache almost covering his lips. His eyes had that powerful aura but still filled with loneliness. He has a ..... Fuck ! I did say I wasn't good at describing people. So please let it just past, just imagine how a man in his late 60s would look like.He is a business tycoon and has high influence on people.

Most government officials contracted him to solve issues- dirty issues.

What the Fuck am I doing with such a man? Jeez... Don't get me wrong. I don't work for him, it's more like partnership. My late Dad was his partner in crime and I followed his foot steps even though mum was against it. My dad was an assassin and he did jobs for Drake. That means I'm also an assassin. Surprise? I did tell you I was dangerous, didn't I?

Old drake stared at his enormous television, an odd expression on his face. Wrinkles formed fist on his forehead. That was anger. What in earth was he angry about?

Then he smiled on sighting me - his grey mustache parted with his lips, exposing his not so white teeth. I took a sit without letting him offer me one. Was that rude? I don't know what rude is.

" I have a job for you"

That's right. You heard him right - no pleasantries attached. No greetings or handshakes. Just straight to the point. That's business.

He puffed out smoke through his mouth and nostrils, eyes glued to the murder scene on tv, the one I watched earlier.

"Find out the murderer" he ordered. I frowned, no one orders me. He should at least know how dangerous I am. But I let it slide, he is my boss right? No my partner? Nope my boss sounds better. I don't do dirty jobs, I only kill people for him. You can say I'm proud too.

"That's ridiculous. You don't expect me to find someone I don't have a photo of." I refused. Not like I didn't know what to do but I wanted to play stubborn.

"Come on, you always have your ways. It's a huge sum this time around" he replied, still puffing.

A smile escaped my lips. I loved being praised. "Why do you need him?"

"That lady he killed is my prey. I'm meant to kill her myself. I just want to know if I can be partners with him, he could be of help." Old drake replied a scornful stare on his face.

I smiled - a devilish smile. It sounded fun - finding the killer of his prey so that he can do business with him. Really? Does he think I'm a fool? This old man!

"What's the pay?" I asked

" 3 bags of diamond" he replied sipping alcohol this time around.

I tried not to act surprised. The pay was huge, could buy lots of things. But I'm rich too. I don't need lots of things. I had something else in mind.

"The speed boat" I replied back standing up. It wasn't close to the amount but I just wanted it. Like I said - I'm rich, I have money lots of money for many speed boat but I wanted that one. that particular one. Why? Dad loses it in a bet with him. The boat was meant as a present for my mum but he foolishly used it in a bet - stupid bet. My mum was devastated when she found out. I just wanted it back for my mum.

"Alright then" he replied disappointed. " And this should remain a ..."

"Secret. I'm not foolish drake." I answered leaving but I also noticed the angry look on his face when I called him 'drake' he had warned severally that it's 'Boss' .

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