
Wrestling Royalty

A steamy story of a goth bad-girl turned princess, Bella is the out-of-control royal who has a love for rock music, skateboarding, and pro wrestling. When she meets her favorite wrestling icon, Jett Flynn, the strict laws of Mecca island threaten to rip the relationship apart. Jett must find a loophole in royal law to keep her out of an arranged marriage. Yet, nothing is as it seems when a dreams fade into reality.

LorettaKAuthor · Urbain
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Chapter 26

In front of parliament, Bella stood addressing them about the laws on the underprivileged not being welcome to come to the castle for events. She wanted to throw a huge charity event to raise money for the local orphanage. Once parliament agreed that the old ruling was outdated, they agreed to the community event. After they addressed the pressing matters, they turned the floor over to the public asking if there were any other topics of discussion.

Bella sat in her chair, ready to listen to the people's concerns. A loud bang on the parliament doors startled everyone. A hush came over the crowd and chatter waved across the room, questioning what was the noise coming from the other side.

The doors to parliament swung open and Jett entered wearing a striking three-piece suit, with Scarlett behind him join by her father's lawyer.

Bella rose from her seat. "Jett?"

He spoke loud and confidently as he approached. "Ladies and gentlemen of parliament. I ask to address the council."

Jett stepped forward to the podium.

The duke and his nephew stood up instantly, ready to intervene. Kendrick was furious, yelling, "This man is not a Mecca Island resident. He has no business here."

"In fact, I do. My business is that woman. The queen. The love of my life." The crowd gasped as Jett went over, kissing her hand and a playful wink. "Hello, my queen."

The duke screamed, "Stop this! Where are the guards? Arrest this man."

The archbishop stood in a rage, watching the duke trying to interfere in parliament once more. He was becoming a nuisance, and everyone was sick of seeing his face around Mecca. "Quiet, Duck Arden! Let him speak. Mr. Flynn, it has been a long time, my boy. Welcome back. Mr. Flynn is a friend of the Mecca Island people. I suggest we allow him time to speak. Go ahead, son. Say your piece."

"Thank you, Archbishop. People of Mecca Island, three years ago I had the pleasure of meeting your queen, Arabella. At her princess coronation, I escorted her through the most important transition of her life. I also met the love of my life that weekend, only to find out that I could never be able to marry or have children with her. For three years I have studied Mecca Island laws, to figure out some way to make her happy. The one thing she always told me she wanted in life was the freedom to love. She said she would never marry for anything else but true love. Is that correct my Queen?"

Bella smiled with pride, "It is."

"She could have the love she seeks with me. I made her a promise I would never love another woman. I kept that promise. In two weeks you will force her to marry a man she doesn't love. Not by choice, but because you, her own people, are forcing her to."

The duke stood forward, pointing at Jett. "He has no rights here. My nephew is of true royal blood."

The archbishop scowled. "Duke Arden! Sit... Down! I will not tell you again."

"Thank you, sir. The Queen has made it quite clear to Mecca Island that love and compassion for your people is her number one priority. Arabella changed laws that your women have equality, the less fortunate have places to sleep and food to eat. She took an effort to show that royal families and the wealthy can fellowship with the people in celebration. Just as she did today, like many others. The poor are no longer discriminated against for their financial situation. She brought your people together. But you still deny her the one thing she desires most. Love."

Scarlett spoke with confidence beside Jett. "I know Bella well. As her friend, I hear almost daily how much she sometimes regrets giving up her freedom. Stepping away from her life back in the US to help keep your traditions alive was not a simple choice. She built a happier life for you all."

"Scarlett is correct. Knowing this, we address Mecca Parliament asking you to consider her rights," Jett said, straightening his suit. "I'm here to ask you to change royal law. Allow Queen Arabella her happiness. Allow her to marry me."

Stunned, Bella stepped out from her cubicle, down to where he stood. Her mouth agape as she looked at him in awe. "You want to marry me?"

"With everything in me. I love you more than words can say. I'll step away from wrestling if that's what it takes." Jett got down on one knee and pulled a ring from his pocket. "Marry me, Bella."

He put it on her finger with a kiss, and the room went into hysterics. Everyone in the room started yelling and gasping at the drama before them. She looked at parliament with tears in her eyes as the yells in support, and some in anger, filled the room.

Arabella looked over at Cora for the answer.

The prime minister stood up to stop the commotion. "Enough of this! Arabella, you know our law. You will marry Lord Kendrick. We will not go over the subject again."

Jett stepped forward to speak and Bella stopped him. "It's over. You tried." She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. "Prime Minister. I revoke my title? I step down as Queen of Mecca Island."

Everyone in the room went into a panic. Even Jett.

"No. Bella. I won't let you do that." Jett reached for her hand, begging to stop her. He stepped up to the podium and raised his hands to get everyone to quiet down. "Bella. I can fix this. People of Mecca Island. I didn't want to do it this way. I thought it better for the future of Mecca Island to allow you to make your own decisions. But you force my hand. I ask the representative of Xtream Force Wrestling, Scarlett Archer-Wilson, to please address the court once more."

Scarlett pulled paperwork from a box with her as their lawyer stepped closer behind her.

Jett continued, "For the past few weeks... no, years. I struggled to come up with an answer to all this. As I stated, I have studied every inch of your laws and history. I remembered in my studies what it says about marriage and royalty. The queen must be married to another royal. It didn't say how long the person who married the king or queen needed to be royal. Nor did it say anything about how that person attained their title. Just that their title alone makes them royal.′

'As a wrestler at XFW, we get many opportunities to gain titles. World heavyweight, intercontinental, tag teams, but one specific one popped up in my head. Scarlett and I were talking, and I was distraught, thinking I may lose Bella to another man. Scarlett reminded me we had forgotten something very important. She reminded me of a specific title they awarded me just this past year. Now, Prime Minister. Is it true that the title alone allows the person the right to marry a royal? No matter how they got said title."

Bella looked surprised, shaking her head in disbelief. She knew what he was doing. The biggest moment of wrestling kayfabe in wrestling history was about to become Mecca law.

The Prime Minister agreed, "This is true. You are wasting our time, Mr. Flynn. Get on with it."

"I'm almost done. Please bear with me. Scarlett's known worldwide as XFW's Ring Royalty. She eventually became known as Lady Scarlett of XFW. In its description alone, it is a form of a royally appointed title. Would you say that since she is a world known celebrity, the title given to her is valid? Scarlett's known the world over and you can't deny that they know her as such."

"That's very different."

"But, why? You yourself set that role in place. Bring us here allowing Scarlett to be friends will Bella. The people dubbed her this name because of her connection to your queen. It honored Scarlett that the fans started calling her that. She is the Royal Family's biggest fan."

Scarlett blushed. He was right. Since she met them two years ago, the entire castle had become her closest friends.

Jett smiled over at Scarlett. "Does Mecca Island not recognize XFW's own leaders as one of Mecca's diplomatic connections with the US? You welcome us back every year for a major event, and we made your US trade possible, with the help of Mason Archer's government connections."

"Agreed, we recognize it for diplomatic reasons." The Prime Minister couldn't argue. It helped bring good relationships with the US in trade.

"So in your own words, the title Lady Scarlett is recognized. Correct?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

Duke Arden stood up once more, stomping his foot. "Why is parliament still talking to this commoner? Have him arrested."

Bella spoke up, "You're not a Mecca Island resident. You have no say here. As queen, I demand you sit down or be removed. Guards!"

The Duke sat down slowly, seeing the royal guards closing in around him.

"Mr. Flynn, continue please," she smiled at him, so proud of him taking a stand for her.

"I spoke with our lawyers, and from your own statement, you recognize XFW as a viable state under your government. XFW headquarters is, in a sense, Scarlett's castle grounds, known worldwide. If you recognize Scarlett as a Lady of the court, you must recognize me, as well."

Jett took the box from Scarlett as she helped with the content inside. A robe, a belt, and a crown. She put it on him, smiling in approval.

"A year ago they titled me King of the XFW. One of the highest titles in our company presented yearly to only our top talent. Few wrestlers have held this title, and I am the reigning king. XFW owner Mason Archer officially has made this title a life long award. Only I can pass it down to my successor. Making me, under Mecca Island law, a world-renown king. Making it legal to marry Arabella, Queen of Mecca Island."

The room erupted as they realized the loophole that Jett had just presented.

The prime minister sat down, rubbing his eyes. "Silence! Silence!... He's right. Our hands are tied. Lord Kendrick stand, please."

The man stood in shock, trying to stop this. "Honored people of the court. You can't seriously be considering this?"

"Lord Kendrick. I deny your arranged marriage certificate until we look into the matter. Queen Arabella, we need three days to deliberate. If we find this to be valid, you are free to marry Mr. Flynn. You will hear from us by noon on the third day. Counsel is dismissed," the gavel banged.

Bella threw her arms around him and Jett whirled her around. "Jett, you did it! I love you. You crazy man! Scarlett! Group hug!"

Cora and William ran to them and joined in.

The lord and duke headed straight for them as the people left the room. "You have not heard the last of us."

Jett smirked, "Actually, since XFW lawyers are on this, I say in two weeks, I will be king of Mecca. Not you, Kendrick. I've spent enough time away from her. I also know why you have been fighting to get the Mecca crown. Your family is broke. Funny what the media finds out when you ask them to do some digging. When I marry Bella, I will ban your family from the castle and Mecca Island. Take your fake ass back to your own homeland and never come near my fiance again."

Bella hugged him, sticking her tongue out at the two annoying men with a giggle.

Jett was going to be a great king.