
Wrestling Royalty

A steamy story of a goth bad-girl turned princess, Bella is the out-of-control royal who has a love for rock music, skateboarding, and pro wrestling. When she meets her favorite wrestling icon, Jett Flynn, the strict laws of Mecca island threaten to rip the relationship apart. Jett must find a loophole in royal law to keep her out of an arranged marriage. Yet, nothing is as it seems when a dreams fade into reality.

LorettaKAuthor · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 27

"Bella, stop pacing. You're making me nervous." Jett sat wringing his hands together in anticipation. "We can't get too excited. They may still tell us no."

"Are you kidding me? Jett, this is huge. If what you presented to parliament works, we can finally be together. I don't think I can wait three days for an answer. I'm a nervous wreck. Why can't they just tell us now?"

"These things take time babe."

"I know. I am just worried."

He went over to the couch in the formal living room, kneeling in front of her. "Bella honey, you never gave me an official answer, you know. I want to marry you." He took her hand looking at the engagement ring with a saddened expression saying, "I hope you understand why I had to break up with you before. The truth is, I never wanted to and it broke my heart seeing you cry. Regardless of what happened, in my heart, we were still together. Being with you would have been too much on us. Me working, and you trying to run the country alone, it was too complicated. I had to let you live your life. Even if it meant losing you, I thought it was the right thing to do."

"I know you did it to protect me. I want you to know, never let another man touch me. You were the only one I wanted. Kendrick tried so many times to get me in his bed. It just repulsed me at the thought of being with someone else. I would have never married him, I hope you know that. I was ready to walk away from all this if I had to. I just was hoping parliament would change their minds before the wedding so we could be together. I know you dated other women and that really hurt me. Until Scarlett told me, you couldn't even stay in a relationship with someone more than a week. She said most of the time couldn't get past the first date."

"I couldn't. I told you that I could never love another woman, and I meant that with all my heart. Bella, do you really want to be my wife?"

"Yes, of course, I do. I love you so much, Jett." She took his hand, kissing his knuckles lovingly. "Are you ready to be a king? Are you willing to give up your life for me? I know how much wrestling means to you, and I could never ask you to step away from your passion."

"They don't call me the King of XFW for nothing, babe. I don't have to let go of anything. I'm still going to be Jett "Black" Flynn, the pro wrestler. Without it, I would be a commoner here again and we wouldn't be able to get married. If I stay at XFW, I still have that title. It's an honor only given to legends of the ring. Mason has this whole new gimmick he's working on to work with this. It's crazy, right? We will have dual citizenship. We can be free to go back and forth from here to the US freely. Once I'm king, I can abolish the marriage law for good. You told me only a king can do that without parliament. Our children can be free to marry whoever they want." Jett laughed, "Mason will eat this shit up. It's ratings gold."

Bella giggled, "He's going to want to make a big story line and get that royalties money. Guess you're going to have to bring your royal wife into the mix."

"Not a bad idea. You told Scarlett you don't have as much to do now that the people can vote and parliament is passing laws. You can travel with me when you want."

"Right, it's becoming more of a democratic monarch. Things are better here now. The people have a voice, and the royal court can't dictate over them as much. My principal work now is charity and diplomacy. The way it should be."

"Since you are queen, you still have responsibility to them. I understand that. I will do whatever it takes to be a part of this. I will learn. But you have to help me. For now, we just need to pray this works."

"Well, Jett. I decided. If it doesn't work out, I'm stepping down and making Cora queen. I won't live without you again. I've talked to her, and she agreed." She laid her head on his chest. "I want a family with you. A future."

"I won't argue with that. Being without you was tearing me apart."


Three days later...

"Why aren't they here yet? It's well after noon. It's almost three now. They are going to say no. I just know it. Jett, what are we going to do?"

Scarlett, Mason, Cora, and William sat watching the couple pacing the floor.

"Arabella, sweetheart. It's going to be fine. Sit, drink your tea. It will calm you," Cora tried to reassure her.

The doorman walked in, catching everyone's attention. "My Queen. The Prime Minister and Archbishop." He bowed and let them in.

Jett stood to greet the men.

The Prime Minister spoke up smiling, "Mr Flynn, you sure have turned our little country into a spectacle, have you not? The entire world is waiting to see if a wrestler will be the future king. I think you gave us a big Rebels of Destruction style kick in the old behind. We have been dealing with the media all day."

Jett chuckled, "I am sorry, gentlemen. Bella is everything to me. I would go to my grave to make her happy."

"I don't doubt that, my boy. I'm going to get right down to the matter. Arabella, the laws of the old way are very dated. I can't deny all you have done for our people is short of miraculous. Many older parliament members are furious about this matter. It took a lot to make them understand your situation. We spoke with Mr Flynn's lawyers and consulted with our own. You are correct in the law's assessment. We recognize you as having the royal title, King of XFW. Although a bit of a loophole, it is credible. So the parliament has approved the marriage. You will be married in two weeks."

Bella jumped into Jetts arms. "JETT! I'm so happy. Oh, my gosh! Thank you!"

They both were fighting back tears as they celebrated in each other's arms.

"Mr. Flynn, off the record. I hope as your first act, as king, you will honor your wife. Abolish the marriage law for the future of your children. But I am sure you already planned to. I expect to receive an invitation to the first-born child's christening."

"Oh, yes. You will. Thank you. I will make the Mecca Island people proud. Thank you," he shook their hands.

The men left, and Bella was beaming. "This calls for a celebration. Good old American burgers and fries!"

"Arabella, your diet. You have a wedding dress to fit into."

Bella's eyes got wide with a look of guilt. "Ah-oh. Um... Yikes. We might need to talk about that dress."

Cora dropped her head, "You didn't."

"I may have dyed it black and sewed Jetts "Jett Black" logo on the train. If I ended up having to marry that douche bag, I was not going to willingly. I was going to make a huge statement. One Jett would be clear to see and know I still loved him."

Mason, who had arrived earlier with his daughter, started laughing. "That sure as hell would have made a statement. Bella, I need you on my creative staff. You sure know how to get people's attention."

Everyone started laughing as Bella blushed, knowing that she was still a thorn in the side of the royal family. She would never change. She was still the same old feisty Ohio girl at heart.

Cora hugged Bella, "All right, you little demon child. Let's go see this art project of yours. Tomorrow we will handle finding you a new dress."

"Oh! Scarlett, you're my very best friend. Without your help, Jett and I wouldn't be able to be together. You tried all this time to help keep us connected. I would like it if you would be my maid-of-honor."

Scarlett was in tears, "I would love to."

"And maybe we can work on getting you an official royal title. Lady Scarlett, Ambassador of Mecca Island," Bella smiled at her friend.


Bella nodded. "Really. Now. There are more pressing matters at hand. Cheeseburgers!" Bella reached behind the door grabbing her skateboard and rolled out of the room.

"Okay, fine! Cheeseburgers and maybe some milkshakes too. But just this once," Cora laughed. "And get off that bloody board before you break something!"

Jett just shook his head. She was still the same woman he fell in love with, and he didn't want her to change a thing.