
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Meeting Asumoto Kenji

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I should have allowed Floch and others to finish them off. I said inwardly.

"No!" I shook my head, as I felt what I did was right. "They keep treating us like we are pawns." I mused.

I was now walking towards Kenji's direction, still deep in thoughts. And oh! That reminds me, as soon as we get out of this mess, I'll inquire from Jinoshi about the welfare of Jack and Denki.

One thing I knew of a surety was that the soul heaters were full of battle talents.

"The dust in the wind....." I muttered to myself, as I tried to remember who I had heard that statement from.

"Oh crap, I almost forgot about Kenji." Immediately I remembered, my mood soured in an instant.

I peeped to check, if Kenji was moving or doing anything suspicious but to my surprise, he was sitting lazily on the chair I asked him to sit on as he kept looking at the surroundings in a sluggish manner.

"What's still keeping him?" He sighed, before readjusting his sitting posture.

On sighting me, he got up quickly, then walked towards my direction in a relived manner.

"Thank God, you're back. What kept you away? Huh?" He stopped talking for a few seconds before he resumed, after noting that I refused to answer any of his questions. Ignoring him, I turned to take my leave. Noticing he wouldn't quiet down till I answered him, I stopped and said;

"Just keep quiet and follow me. You'll be executed as soon as we reach the barracks". Almost immediately, I continued walking.

He sighed loudly, as he rubbed the back of his head while forcing a smile.

"I knew it, you should have just done it from the start".

Huff! I never thought a bond could be formed between the two of us in such a short period.

"The centrals aren't going to use me as a pawn." I said under my breath, staring straight at the ceiling. The Asumoto lad was putting on a bold look but, I knew he was sad deep down.

I wasn't even hearing his footsteps any longer. I stopped walking, turned back swiftly to shoot a piercing gaze at him. "But, I can let you live if you will cooperate and listen to me".

Noticing his hesitation, I turned back to face the front. Still thinking of how I could convince him, he finally accepts my offer.

"Fine, At your service!". He uttered with a thin smile.

"Now then, the first thing you've gotta do is to stop poking your nose." I ordered bluntly.

"Alright, my bad". He placated, as he removed his fingers from his nostril


Mc's Pov(point of view).


It's been two days since the duel between me and William, and its been two months and some weeks since I saw my very own dad! What the hell is he doing?

Not like I needed him anyway, humph!

All I needed right now, was power! I wished I had a murderous system, or a kind of demon that I could just summon to help me fight during battles or duels.

"No!" I shook my head as I thought inwardly.

Demons were something else! The bane I faced last time was on another level, I don't think William would even defeat it in a 1 versus 1 battle. They creep me out! Who knows the next time it will appear, or we will stumble into it? That's why, that's why I have to get stronger to avoid dying in vain.

"Is it me?, or my ambitions are making me lose sanity?" I mused.

A voice echoed as I was still deep in thoughts:

"Good! Very good, only a bit more! He! He! He!" I froze on a spot at first, but a serious look followed thereafter as I turned to see if anyone was around.

To my suspicion, the silhouette of two individuals could be seen from afar as they edged closer to me.

"Tssch! This won't be easy." I whispered, as I gulped in anxiety.

I decided to move towards them before they reached me, since their aura wasn't wild like the banes or curses. As I edged closer, they started to look familiar the more. Although, I could only recognized one of them a bit.

Still walking carefully towards them, I finally recognized one of them. It was my dad, walking alongside an individual who was around my age. He had a purple hair, and a cyan blue eyes alongside an outstanding aura.

"Oh Fushi," Dad exclaims with joy as he strode towards me.

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly.

"Erm, ha ha ha ha! You see, I really wanted to stay till after everything (the test) was over but, I had no choice. It was declared an emergency. As you can see, one of the trouble is right beside me".

"I didn't ask why you missed my inauguration, I asked you the reason for being here" I said curtly.

He chuckled as he held unto my arm

"Stop being so rude to your loved ones".

"Are you scolding me or it's just an advise?" I asked bluntly.

"Oh my my, isn't it scary to see the rivalry between parents and sons?" The stranger scoffed.

I looked at the stranger very well and with my observations, I knew he wasn't the one who talked to me at first. Neither was it my father.

Perhaps I was stressed out. Everything was almost resolved with a sigh until I remembered that the cyan blue dude had interfered in our talk.

"Hey y--" A hand obstructed me from moving further, it was my father.

"You wouldn't mind to watch your movement. Would you?" My father spoke with a gentle smile plastered on his lips.


"Like I said, he was one of the problems. Introduce yourself". Dad ordered the stranger.

I didn't understand what my father was trying to say but, I decided to remain silent for the time being.

"I'm Asumoto Kenji, unpleased to meet you. And you are?" He spoke curtly, and his facial expression had no string of interest.

"I'm Kazumino Fujishimo!" I replied gently.

"Huff! I see....so you're really the general's son. By the way, your name's pretty cool". He added, before sticking his tongue out.

"Finally, someone with a bit of sense." I thought. "Yeah I am". I replied.

"Well you should be proud to have a dad like him. And yeah, isn't there a short name or abbreviation for your name?" He asked as he stroked his chin.

"No, not again!" I said inwardly, as my facial expression soured.

"I mean Fujishimo is too much of a hassle." He added.

"Fushi! It's Fushi!!!" My dad repeated proudly, nodding his head like a poultry bird pecking its food.

"Gotten from the sushi dish." He added to rub salt on my open injury.

My head was about to burst, as I seriously felt like slicing his head open, or commanding the ground to open and swallow both of them but, 'a dream was always a dream'.

"Well it still sounds cool to me". Kenji intoned.

"Does everything seem cool to you? I asked with a sneer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you". He says with sincerity.

"Then forget about it". I replied curtly.

"Hmmmmnnn...." Dad said, as he rubbed his chin like he had a plan or something similar to a plan. "It seems you guys get along like every bothers do".

"What?" I and kenji echoed more or less in unison, alongside a confused look on our faces.

"Well that solves it. Kenji stays with you as from now on, and your duty is to keep an eye on him. Simple as taking a candy from a baby". Dad concluded with alacrity.

"What? I and him?!" I asked, as I was still baffled by the impromptu decision.

"Yes, you and him". Dad replied with a smug look, before clearing his throat like a profound gentleman. "So, see ya!"

Kenji was almost drooling, to show the manner in which is mouth was agape in surprise.

I had millions of unanswered questions.... Who is this Kenji guy? Why is he one of your problems? Why does he have to stay with me? Who was the person whose voice echoed in my ears at first? And more importantly, how is this any of my business?

All these questions did I ask myself without any answers or solutions to them.

And yeah about the word 'Simple as taking a candy from a baby' doesn't work for everybody.

"Are we going to remain standing?" He asked.

"Tsk, follow me". I mumbled.


We've been walking for some minutes now, there was total silence as both of us only gave a stare at each other subsequently, with a sigh following thereafter.

"We're here". I said.

"We are where?"

"At home of course, this is our squad". I shook my head in slight frustration.

However as we edged closer, a familiar person collides with me and almost sent me falling. His grin was so familiar, I guess I've seen this face before.

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