
Chapter 5: Earth's orbit

There is a foggy entity, travelling along the Milky Way galaxy. Observing every aspect of his surroundings the figure suddenly stopped.

In front of him, there was a black vortex, unnoticeable by the naked eye. It was the figures destination.

'Okay, now what?😑'

The plan was, to find any abnormalities and observe them to create a new way to efficiently destroy black holes.

But, there are no abnormalities. Only that the rate at which the black hole consumed matter was proportional to it's size.

So, pretty much his whole journey, and effort he put into condensing his body into a smaller size, were pointless.

'Maybe, I should just mainly remove all of the black vortexes, but it's going to take so much time'

'Wait, what's that?!'

While thinking about his future plans a comet came flying past him. It's was a condense pile of rocks that had a bluish glow around it and it was travelling at a pretty fast speed. It past the figure just a moment ago.

It's beautiful colour and speed 'charmed' the figure. Never before has he seen such a bright blue 'dot'. Also it's speed was superior to everything he previously saw.

'😯Shinyyyy..... Well, it's decided then. Follow the shiny dot!'

The figure wanted to decide on a new plan, but the comet got him completely distracted.

He loves new and undiscovered things, and in this world created (mistakenly) by him, there are so many different stars and planets that catch the eye. Nearly anything can catch his attention.

[Some time latter]

The figure was still chasing after the comet.

It didn't exceed his maximum speed so he decide to just follow it on it's journey into the unknown.

The figure and the comet enter the Solar System, it consists of 8 planets and a star. It wasn't that much different from all the other systems that the figure seen during his journey. But a specific object caught his attention.

'What's that? It doesn't look as round as the dots do, nor does it look as swirly as the black vortexes. Interesting, let's see what it is😐'

The figure suddenly changed his flying course and flew towards a weirdly shaped object that he has never seen before.

Slowly, the figure started approaching the 3rd planet from the sun.

He was moving towards planet Earth.

[2 minutes before the comet arrives]

[Space Station]

???: "Heya John, ya think we'll be able to get some new data from that comet?"

John: "Don't know Kim, this time we may get lucky. The NASA predicted that this one is rich in space dust. If everything goes well we might get an award for our hard job😎"

Kim: "Hay, that would be nice🤑"

???: "Проклятие американцы, дайте поспать!!😠"

Machine Translator: "Damn americans, let me sleep."

John: "Ivan! You lazy bum, get your ass over here. You're going to miss the whole show. You don't see this everyday"

Ivan: "I am up, I am up. Damn, we better gat an award for this one. 2 years in this god forsaken place! I am pretty sure it is against the law to keep us here this long! I have freaking Natasha waiting for me and I am stuck in this piece of metal. *Smack*. Ай, долбаная жестянка!!"

Machine Translator: "Ouch, freaking tin can"

John: "Hahaha, that the spirit!"

Kim: "Guys, the comet is here"

Everyone immediately came to the space window.

This is a space station 'Gp3 Apolo'. There is currently three crew members on the board. Their primarily job is to observe space and send data back to Earth.

Every crew member is here because of their passion.

John is a Cambridge graduate. Space was always his passion, he never spoke about anything else, but the fascinating interaction between two stellar bodies. He started studying astronomy when he was 10 years old. At an early age of 16, he got accepted into Cambridge, after defending his research. At 24 he got sent to the space station to research on the space, but when he arrived everything seemed kinda boring.

Ivan was different from John. He got interested in the space industry because of his childhood hero, Yuri Gagarin, the first man that went to space. He wasn't particularly knowledgeable in the cosmos stuff, but he was a great engineer. Whenever a space debris came flying into the space station and damaged a part of it, Ivan would quickly replace the damaged parts and fix them in no time.

Kim was.... kinda weird. He didn't enjoy space and only cared about money. Originally he came from a rich family in Miami. His dad got some connection in NASA and so with a few words and couple of dollars, Kim got on the space station.

Kim: "Ummmmmmmm, am I seeing things or did that comet just split into two?"

John "No, I am pretty sure it did. Looks like something got hit by the comet and now the bigger half is coming in this direction."


John/Kim: "WHAT!?"

Everyone fell silent. If that thing, really, was flying towards the space station, it would mean bad news for everyone"

Slow but steady wins the race.

ZeTaaTcreators' thoughts