
Chapter 11: Seed

Imagine a seed. It's small and rough. But if planted and grown with care, it can become a beautiful flower.

Although you can not grow a rose from a sunflower seed, you can grow a sunflower(obviously).

But, all sunflowers are different. Some may be larger, some may be longer, some might mutate and have an extra 20 pallets.

If you want to grow a very specific plant you must have a very specific seed. Which is nearly impossible, since there could be billions of seeds with trillions of small differences.

So, you just create a seed with the wanted features, after which you leave everything to luck.

Fil knew that. He wanted to create a new world. But, with not enough information it was just a gamble. It wouldn't be that different from the manga, but some things might get in the way of others.

Well, Fil didn't care about such things. At the end of the day, what was there to fear.

Fil: "I see. So it ended with a draw. I should get to work"

Fil's first world would be the Ninja world. He thought it was worth his time mainly for two reasons. First he would handle his immense energy better, if had practice in that world and second, the 'Shadow clones' technique. It was what he needed. He wanted to make clones that would destroy all of the black holes. It would make his life much easier. Also the ninja world looked fun.

Fil: "I should come back here after I am done with my objective"

Fil got surrounded by light and flew into the space. He flew at a speed that was a little bit slower than light. Approximately 50 million meters per second.

Fil: 'This is too slow. I should get as far away as possible from this universe'

Fil connected to the 'storage sphere' and started gaining energy. His speed increased. Slowly he reached an incredible speed and size. Now he disassembled his vessel and yet again became a fog like existence. His size could be compared to the Earth's Sun and the speed was on the other level.

He got out of the universe. Now his size was comparable to the 'core'. There was still a lot of energy inside the 'storage sphere'. Everything was ready, but there was still one thing that bothered Fil. With his level of energy manipulation, he couldn't even create a species, forget the universe. The vessel that he created was based on humans. He still couldn't ' create ' things that were this detailed.

'Ummmmm....I messed up. Well, that was a waste of time😑'

Fil might be the most powerful and strongest entity in the entire multiverse, but he certainly wasn't the smartest.

'*Sigh?* Now what am I supposed to do?'

'Left, right, up, down. Left, right, up, down................. Left, right, up, down. I know. The multiverse structure might have a universe where there are ninjas. I just need to search for it.'

'Found it. It is surprisingly really similar to the Naruto manga. It might be an identical copy. Weird. Well, I do not care. Good for me'

Fil flew towards what seemed to be a green blue planet similar to Earth. On his way he was becoming smaller and smaller, at one point he transformed into his human form(still naked). And entered the planets orbit. He descended like thunder and landed in a forest.

Fil: "A forest. I must search for that village. The hidden Leaf village"

Then Fil started walking in an unknown durection.

I am bored.

ZeTaaTcreators' thoughts