
Welcome to Houten

"Cool!!" That what the first thing I thought when I see Houteb gate. The gate itself pretty normal I think? With height around 4 stories tall it surrounding Houten. But seriously looking at a big stone wall streching out for 6 km, is just wonderful. It bigger than those fort on Earth!

"Cool? It pretty normal tho." Said Klein as he pouring cold water in my excitement.

"Hahaha Sir Klein, don't you remember he wasn't from here." Continued by Drat.

"I know right Drat, he really love to pour cold water on me!" I said complaining like a kids. Well I love medieval structure, I even got a book about medieval age castle and Knight. Still looking at the real deal is really made me excited.

"Bah, don't act like kids. You're too old for that! It easy too build those with magic." Retort Klein.

"Tsk... You won't get it since this world got magic." I reply his retort.

"Huh? Your world doesn't have those?" Klein asked me, while Drat look at me disbelieving. The other 3 basically still in deep thought.

"Yep, from where I come there is no magic... Or maybe there is a magic but it not known by normal person." I mean there so many myths on Earth. There might be a magic... Or supernatural power I guess, what more in my country there so many of those shit. Even my father know some of those thing, since his grandpa was a shaman before. If you want to know yeah my great grandpa which born on 19th century somehow could used those shamanism. I only know from my father, since he told me stories about how theirs house never got searched by soldier on world war. So I kinda believe it or not about shamanism and ghost on Earth.

"Really?! How the heck they defense from monster then!"

"There is no such a things! At most there is a ghost and evil spirits but there is no monster from my world."

"What ghost? You mean like those undead or specters?"

"No undead too! Specters... I don't know, I don't even know what specters look like. While ghost from my world basically human spirit that lost it way, or vengeful spirit... Or that what I heard. Never seen the real deal."

We keep walking to the city, and as we arriving at the gate. The other 3 finally regaining the awareness with the gate keepers words. They watching at us with fearful look... No it more like they watching the things I am carrying.

"Ho-hold there sir... Ple-please show us your identification." Said one of them politely while stuttering... Well the other trembling, as they grip their spear so it won't fall off. When Glen and the other gonna took out their Identification, Klein step up.

"Ah, here." Klein giving a card that he took from the his back pocket. When they see his card they all goes over to us then saluting. Then one of them running to inside the wall, and in haste a figure come out. He is a big man with different attire then the other. With a brown hair and beard.

"We-welcome back Sir Klein. I apologise for not knowing your arrival." Said the man respectfully.

"Oh it William. I guess your already a guard captain now?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then can I goes in?"

"May I know whose this gentleman and lady behind you sir?"

"Ah, the four is Zilver Ondiep, and this guy doesn't have identification, but I can assure you that he is clean."

"If that so then he must through process to make temporary identification."

"Alright then."

"Please follow me sir, and you can put down... The Earth Drake here for now...."

Said the man which named William, so I put down the corpse. Well it really heavy, around 3 tons I guess. But with my stats now, I still got plenty power to spare for that. Then afterwards he guide me inside.

"Sorry about this, but it my work. So can you assist me sir by fill-in the form?" He give me a forms and a ink pen.

"Sure."It basically name, race, age, birthplace, and job. So I fill it in... Then that was the time when I realized...

"S-sir please don't tease this one... Can you write a normal letter?"

"What do you mean?"

"Thi-this.. I apologise but we can't read ancient words..."

Yeah, I just realized that Latin letters is an ancients letter. Danyummm... poker face... I should keep my poker face.

"Then you write it for me. Since I can't write other letter." I said it truthfully but somehow it made him gaping his mouth. Then when he sees my gaze with my poker smile, he immediately pull out another form.

"Ce-certainly sir. What is Sir name?"

"Charavgi Evlogia. C-h-a...." I answered as I spell my name. Then like interview, I keep answering the questions from the form. After he fill it in, he then pull out a crystal ball.

"Now sir, please put your hands on this." Then I put my hands on, the crystal didn't do anything as I do those. He then nodded, then pull out a bronze plate.

"With this the inspection is done sir. All sir need is to deposit 10 silver–"

"10 silver?!" I am surprised as I heard his words. But when I shout the words, somehow the guys trembling.

"No.. no.. for sir I'll paid it. Please return the plate when sir renew your identification. At that time the deposit will be return." He said that as he waving his hand. Whoa, this guy is really a good guy.

"Then I'll thank you for that. I'll return the plate later on. So can I return now?" He nodded as he gesture me.


(Pov: Certain Guard Captain.)

Today start usually, as a guard captain I go to my position in West gate of Houten. All morning nothing bad happened, our inspection for visitor goes without a hitch until my subordinate spotting an Earth Drake, that been roaming around here, going slowly on the highway. But as I prepared myself the same subordinate come back to me and said it wasn't alive, but only a corpse. It mean a high ranking adventurer coming to the city while bringing an Earth Drake corpse. While hearing those I give them order to greet them politely. I mean this guys usually speak roughly to visitor, the guy run back at once while I still put my attire on. I didn't usually used my attire properly since it bothersome and when nobles coming they usually send a messager in advance.

When I am done putting all my attire. I walk to the front immediately, but on the way the same guards coming once again.

"Captain William! It a high tower!" Tower mean someone that has reach Rank A. Which mean high A Ranker?

"High tower?! Which one?"

"It the devil!"

Darn... From all people it was Sir Klein! All my memories being tortured by him in pretext of sparring come back. Shit.. I immediately running to the front gate, if he got dissatisfied all of us will goes through a hell training. Well I am thankful for him, since I can reach this position as guard captain due his guidance. Still I don't wanted to get beaten up! Then as I reach the place, I can see his figure.

"We-welcome back Sir Klein. I apologise for not knowing your arrival." I said politely.

"Oh it William. I guess your already a guard captain now?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then can I goes in?" He ask me. Sure things but I need to inspecting those behind you. It still my work to inspect any visitors.

"May I know whose this gentleman and lady behind you sir?" So I ask him politely. But one man take all my attention. Seriously that one guy can lift up an Earth Drake by himself?!

"Ah, the four is Zilver Ondiep, and this guy doesn't have identification, but I can assure you that he is clean." He explained to me calmly.

"If that so then he must through process to make temporary identification." I said those since that is the procedure to get in. Well I can see Sir Klein also agreed with this.

"Alright then."

"Please follow me sir, and you can put down... The Earth Drake here for now...." hearing his agreement, i said those words to the guy which carrying the Earth Drake. He then put down the corpse, and followed me to the room inside the wall. Then I gesture him to sit down as I preparing the procedure and ink.

"Sorry about this, but it my work. So can you assist me sir by fill-in the form?" I said those to him respectfully, it kinda scary thinking that he is someone that can carry an Earth Drake.

"Sure." Fortunately he didn't seems dissatisfied with the procedure. He even fill-in the form fastly, before returning it to me. But when I see the form it completely filled with Ancient letters! The heck is this guy, I thought he wasn't dissatisfied, but he definitely did. He even tease me with Ancient Letter when I ask him to filled the form...

"S-sir please don't tease this one... Can you write a normal letter?" So I once again ask him respectfully. Please don't make it hard for me.

"What do you mean?" He ask me with confused face. No, sir please don't pretend you don't understand.... But of course I can't tell him those.

"Thi-this.. I apologise but we can't read ancient words..." so I said that while apologize once again. But his face change! He look pretty annoyed now.

"Then you write it for me. Since I can't write other letter." He said those with annoyed face, I almost spouting a bullshit. Fortunately I can hold it in, then pulling out another form.

"Ce-certainly sir. What is Sir name?"

"Charavgi Evlogia. C-h-a-r-.." he spelled his name in case I didn't get it. His eyes pitying me. Sir it because of you!

"Then what is your race and how old are you, sir?"

"Human, my age is 23."

What?! 23 years old and he already that strong, what more he can write ancient latter... Scary... Where is this monster come from. I keep trying to smile.

"Where are you come from?"

"Vahl Village." Vahl village, ah the village where Sir Klein living. Now I completely understand why Sir Klein goes there. It definitely to pull out this monster to be his party. What more he definitely succeed in doing so, since he come back with Earth Drake which the Rank S assignment test.

"Then what is your job sir?"

"Teacher." What?! Teacher please don't tease me again... Which teacher can carry Earth Drake like it was nothing. You didn't even sweat! But I am too afraid to ask him those... I am still wanted to get married. I haven't even do intercourse since last month. I don't want to died. So I pulled out the orbs to check his criminal record.

"Now sir, please put your hands on this." Then he put his hands on the orbs and nothing happened. I feel relieved as I seen that and nodding my head. Next procedure is to get deposit for the temporary identification plate. Which will be given back when he returns the plate.

"With this the inspection is done sir. All sir need is to deposit 10 silver–"

"10 silver?!" But before I can finish my explanation he shouting. Scary! Please don't kill me! I'll paid for the deposit.

"No.. no.. for sir I'll paid it. Please return the plate when sir renew your identification. At that time the deposit will be return." I immediately side my thoughts to him, as I wave both my hands. Afterwards he smile then nodding his head.

"Then I'll thank you for that. I'll return the plate later on. So can I return now?" When he said those all I can do is nods, and gesture him to send him back to Sir Klein. He is as scary as Sir Klein!


(Pov: Charavgi)

Then afterwards he let us in to the city as I goes back carrying the Drake. When we entering the city, all the people eyes shifting to us, as they opening path for us. They were exclaiming and whispering 'Woah was that the rumored Earth Drake' or 'a high ranker.' Some even got stumbled down. Without we realized we were already crowded by the citizens. Well our first destination is the adventurer guild of course, since this Drake really made us stand out. Unfortunately... The adventurer guild was located in the center, so we become a parade as we walk there. Many people were curiously following us as they keep talking with themselves. All of us can only smile wryly as we walk down the stree, after all everyone of us got their own circumstances that made us didn't want attention. Then when we reach the guild, many people already standing there with a bald muscle man standing in front. He watching us from head to toe, as if he inspecting and probing our strength. He surveying us, when he seen Zilver Ondiep members his brow kinda frowning, and have a disbelieving eyes. Then he move his gaze to me which changing to serious and sharp, seems like he tried to probe my strength for real or identified me, before he shaking his head. When his gaze met with Klein he suddenly open his eyes wide.

"Look who's back! It the Swift Swordsman!" He immediately shout that, and the people surrounding us cheering loudly. Danyum.... Seriously Klein what with your reputation in this town? Even the guard captain from before is so respectful with you.

"Swift Swordsman!!"

"Swift Swordsman!!"

The cheering keep getting louder which chanting Klein title. Klein can only scratch his head as he sighing. Before he shouting.


Then the crowd cheer stopped at once. The bald man then walk to him with his arm open.

"Welcome back Klein." But unexpectedly Klein send a swift puch to his face which he dodging easily.

"What the heck are you trying to do?!" Said Klein.

"Wahahaha, I am only greeting the soon to be S ranker."

"S Ranker my ass! I never accept the assignment test!"

"But didn't you prove your worth already with this Earth Drake. That was the Earth Drake that been roaming around here these days. So the S Ranker assignment quest, was to hunt that things this time."

"I won't except it! We only met this thing on our way, and killed it since it attacking us."

"Wahahaha, whatever your reason is, the fact you hunting it with only C rank party, and other person which I don't know, won't change."

They keep exchanging words as if they were an old friend.

"Anyway, we plan to sell it corpse. Can we discussed it inside?" Said Klein.

"Sure things." The baldy then gesturing us inside, while a girl that seems like a receptionist come to us while saying "this way please".

When we goes inside the commotion way higher then outside. All people cheering and chanting Klein name, while drinking something that definitely an alcoholic drinks. The first floor of adventurer guild is a bar, and quest board with a long receptionist desk on the side. While the back is warehouse and the second floor is the guild office and bedroom for guild officer. We followed them to the second floor where the baldy office placed. That baldy is the adventure guild master for Houten city. His office was simple, there only working desk, then 2 long couch and some bookshelf. The cheerful aura immediately change as he sit down behind his desk. While the receptionist which now I think as secretary gesturing us to sit down on the couch.

"So Klein, I thought you won't ever back to be adventurer anymore?"

"I never planning to back being adventurer anymore."

"Then why are you here with Earth Drake?"

"Like I said before, it attacking us on our way here. Also we are coming here to take this guys baggage and making identification for that guy"

"Oh Zilver Ondiep members? I see, I thought they were missing on Vahl Mountain. So you meet them on Vahl Mountain."

"Yeah, they were in severed situation before, so I and that guy safe them."

"Intriguing, so who's that guy?"

He changed his gaze back to me with curious eyes. I seriously feel every part of my body being inspected.

"My name is Charavgi Evlogia, a teacher, can you please stop gazing me like that?"

"Oh sorry about that lad. You just pick up my interest since Klein said you help him when saving Zilver Ondiep."

"It wasn't that much." I stare at Klein to not informing him about what happened before.

"Yeah, we were only carrying them away from Black Bear." Klein said as he understood my signal.

"Oh, you guys saving them from Black Bear. Did they venture too deep to search for the herb?"

"Yes, we kinda venture too deep and encounter Black Bear. But it shouldn't be their territory." Answer Glen. Well they really thought it a Black Bear. When the baldy heard it he was silent as if thinking something then open his mouth after awhile.

"I understand. Seems like something indeed happened these days, since monster been actively roaming. Good job for returning alive and reporting. Alice made an investigation quest to Vahl Mountain, with B rank party as minimum requirements."

He give compliment to Zilver Ondiep, before ordering the secretary.

"Yes, guild master Batercus." The girl in which have a secretary look like, move out at once like a professional secretary.

"So about the Drake, I'll purchased it for 600 gold coin."

""""600 gold coin?!"""" Zilver Ondiep surprised, while me and Klein stayed silent. For me since I don't understand the concept of money here. That why I didn't surprised hearing it. While Klein I am sure because he already used to it.

"Don't joke with me, that things at least priced 800." Klein reply, while the Zilver Ondiep got more surprised.

"Oh come on Klein for friendship sake, you do know that we don't have that much money to spend. 650!"

"750!" Reply Klein calmly, the guild master Batercus silence as he deep in thought.

"700 that the maximum amount I can offer for it."

"Deal then." When Klein said it the secretary goes in the room once again furiously. Then she claw the guild master face.

"Guild master, where did we have that much money?"

"Ugh.. Al–alice ... That things is rare to come commodity." Said him, then the secretary look at Sir Klein as she loose her grip at the guild master.

"Sir Klein, thank you for your patronage. I'll prepare the payments from guild master wage. Please come to the private room number one after the conversation." Said her smiling as she left the room once again...

"Ehhh? Wa-wait Alice–" but she already left, Klein grinning to his ears as he watching the spectacle, while me and Zilver Ondiep pitying him. He then mumbling "one month... No it two months salary..." All I can think was as expected of adventurer guild master from another world. All muscle no brainier.

"Gahahaha, well our next business is this guy registration."

"Sigh... What done is done. But before that I still wanted to ask few things. How did you slay the Drake?" Ask him with a serious tone once again.

"With team work of course."

"Team work?"

"Basically Zilver Ondiep as support, then me and Charavgi as the damage dealer."

"No, no, how you guys come out unscathed?!"

"Gahahaha, that a trade secret. You already seen this guy lifting the Drake so you should know how strong he is."

"Indeed... He is at least got the same STR as me. So where the heck you found him."

"I found it stranded near Vahl Village."

"You found him stranded? Then who is he?! How could someone so strong can be found stranded just like that?!"

I am sorry, I wasn't that strong when I am stranded also it not like I wanted to be stranded! But before I open my mouth Klein already answering him.

"I already told you he need an identification. I also don't know where he comes from since I found him naked by the river."

"Alright then, let's go to the first floor."

So we go down to the first floor once again. Then the guild master take us to a private room on the back. It a special room for high Ranker. When we got in the secretary already there.

"Oh you've come. I just realized I haven't introduce myself, my name is Alice the vice master of this guild. And that one is our guild master Batercus." Danyum... She keep ranking up! So she is the vice master. But it wasn't only me that surprised, so do Zilver Ondiep. Then we all introducing ourselves except for Klein.

"Now Sir Klein, please check if it the correct amount." She give Klein 7 pouch as she said those. Klein only glancing at it before put it in his bag.

"I trusted you give me the right amount."

"Thank you Sir Klein."

"Seriously it feels weird hearing you called me Sir, just stop it Alice. For someone which as strong as you calling me sir make me feel wronged. Just dropped that mask already."

"Fufufu, why not Klein? Didn't you want me to called you that?"

"Bah, stop joking around. Only those greenhorn who doesn't know you will be pleased hearing those."

"Fufufu. Alright then my cute junior. So please let me see your adventures cards."

All the others give their adventurer cards to her. At first Glen, Liefa, Rose and Drat keep saying they didn't do much in the battle, but after commanda from Klein they can only give their cards to Alice. While me...

"Err.. hello, I wanted to register as adventurer." I cut her.

"Oh my, I thought you were Klein partner. By any chance are you losing your guild card?"

"No it my first time making one."

"Ara? You aren't adventurer? Are you by any chance a knight or something noble retainer before?"

"No, I am a teacher."

"Eh? How did you become so strong? You even able to carry an Earth Drake." She ask me curiously.

"Ah I just have some strong arms on my shoulder."

"You must be a martial arts before. Then please fill this form."

.... And here come the form once again. I can't fill anything, but it embarrassing if I can't write.

"Err... Can you fill it according to my temporary identification plate?"

"Eh, You can't write?"

"Ah it wasn't like that, it just I come from Eastern continent and can't write this continent letters yet."

"Oh I see. Well then I'll fill it for you."

Then I answered the same things as on gate.

"Then please put your hand on this orb"

And like on the gate, she put out a crystal ball and told me to put my hand on it. So with confidence I put my hand on it. But it was differences the those on the gate, as I touch it I can feel it pull out my mana. This is? Identification!

[Identification orbs. (Unique). 182/200]

An orbs made of crystalized mana, that enhaced with identification magic. Used to inspecting status by absorbing mana from those touching it until 1/10 of it mana absorbed. Maximum amount of mana can be absorbed is 50.000.

My mana keep being absorbed while I can see it durability decreasing faster as it glow brighter. This is... Darn, it will be overload! I immedietly pull off my hand from it and controling the mana, to stop it from exploding because of overloaded. All the people inside the room already taking cover when it glow so brightly. Fortunately I succeed to controling the by dispersing it, in exchange of destroying the orbs. All eyes staring at me when the orbs crumbling to dust.

"Th-this... Si-Sir Charavgi... How much mana did you have?!" Ask the guild master Batercus.

"That's... Much more then what it can hold... I guess."

"Unbelievable, it can even used to identified an SS Ranker... Then your mana amount is exceeding SS adventurer? What are you?!" At that time the secret– I mean vice master Alice immediately preparing a dozen of Ice Lance and Sword on the air, pointing at me. Ohhhh... She conjuring the water on the air, then froze it by taking away it heat until it becomes an ice.

[Magic Water Mastery has been level up to Lv. 7]

[Magic Fire Mastery has been level up to Lv. 7]

[Magic Ice Lance has been acquired.]

[Magic Ice Sword has been acquired.]

[Magic Heat Control has been acquired.]

Whoa I can hear many notification in my head.... But... Oioioioi... That dangerous you know. Pointing your magic like that is dangerous. Heat Control? Let see, hmmm increasing or decreasing heat of something? I dislike being pointed by magic so...

"Let's speak this peacefully shall we?" I said with smile while using Heat Control, and turn her ice magic to vapor. Well my mana control is high and with my mana amount I took over her magic to turn it to vapor. She was shocked when she saw her magic become vapor.

"You... Really what are you?!"

"Gahahaha, the ice witch Alice losing her magic control." Klein laughing when he sees those. Oi Klein your comments didn't help me at all, as she try to conjure a new magic. Seriously her magic construction speed is fast. While Liefa was watching the spectacle carefully, her eyes even gleaming with bright light. She look like a kids that being thought a magic trick. Literally, not magic trick on Earth. I didn't meant it as a pun. I keep cancelling her magic construction with my magic.

"Enough!" At that time Batercus stopping me and Alice from competing. Alice stopping at once when she heard him, so do I.

"Klein can he be trusted?"

"Kinda, well he never harm anyone. Also I already told you we come here only to took those guys baggage, and made identification for him. About he is being a teacher, you can said he is indeed a teacher." Answer Klein as he shrugs his shoulder.

"Then Alice give him, the guild card. Made it rank B, you can put my name as the recommender."

"Yes, guild master." Alice answering reluctantly before taking a silver colored cards, and also 4 golden cards and one platinum card.

"This is your card mister Charavgi, and this is the other cards. For please do remember the card reapplication will took you 1 gold coin. It pleasure to have you join us." She continues with reluctant smile. Oi, it was you who's starting it. We then took our cards.

"Then with this our business is concluded." With that we leave the adventurer guild, and walk stealthy to the inn where Zilver Ondiep staying before.


(Pov: Certain Baldy Guild Master.)

As they leaving, I called Alice to my office to have a serious conversation.

"So what do you think of him?"

"He is ridiculously strong."

Said Alice with her flat face once again. Honestly at first we planned to check his power by identification orb, but who know that when he touch the orb, it almost explode from mana overload. Then since that happen we goes with second plan to threatening him, I can say that Alice acting was 10/10! As expected from, SS Ranker, Ice Witch Alice I guess.

"But how did he able to do that?"

"That what I wanted to know too guild master. What I realized is, he keep deconstructing my magic with his own mana." She said while shaking her head.

"Hmmm... He indeed got high amount of mana since he can made the orb overloaded. But how could someone with STR the same as me got that kind of mana control? What more he is really young."

"From my prediction he should have at least level 35 or higher mana control since he can took over my magic control. Also his mana should be more then 200K since the orb didn't overloaded by my mana."

"What kind of monster is he? STR almost the same as me, and mana more then you. What more he keep calm on that situation."

"I also curious about him, honestly I thought it ridiculous request from you before when I heard this plan."

"I already told you, Klein won't come back if there is no reason what more coming back while carrying a Drake. His entire party was wiped by fire dragon before after all. That why he quit being adventurer and goes to Vahl to become a hunter."

"Indeed, but I never thought the guy he bought is that ridiculous. If he can deconstructing magic like that, isn't he invicible against magician?"

"True, and what more we didn't know other things about him, and Klein explanation didn't explaining anything about his power."

"Should I send someone to observe him?"

"Hmmm... It plausible but if they found out it will be problem. Let just left them. From what Klein said he really a teacher, and being adventurer is only to got identity card."

"I understand. Then is that all guild master?"

"Yeah, you may leave."

Then she left the room, leaving me alone in my office. Thinking about that guy.


(Pov: Charavgi)

As we arrived at the inn which somehow got a cute name as Kitten Lounge. We were greeted by a cat... Uahhhh... A real life catwoman, I mean beastman! Well I already seen the dog one, but seeing cat one still made my heart fluttering. I wanted to pat her! But somehow I can feel someone pinching my side, it was Liefa. When I hyped she pinch me at once.

"Charavgi, it was rude to stare at other girl, when your girlfriend standing beside you correct?" Scary her smile is scary! But also cute...

"I am sorry... It just there is no beastman in my world." I whispering to her, which making her face red, while the idiot duo keep laughing annoyingly.

"Nya? Ah it Zilver Ondiep nya! Where have you been nya?! I thought you guys has become a monster poop nya!" While she is a cute catgirl, with a grey colored hair and ear, also green cat eyes. Her mouth definitely not cute. She got a slim stature around 150 cm, with flat chest as expected from cat girl.

"Ah, Mina fortunately we are safe, and we've been living in Vahl Village." Said Glen.

"Unfortunately then nya, if you guys didn't come back 2 days from now. I already planning to sell your baggage nya."

"This cat girl seriously?!" Rose flares up when she heard those, Glen immediately restraining her.

"Nya! You should thanking me for it nya! Since usually other inn already sell your baggage after you guys didn't come back for 3 days since your appointment nya!"

"Let me go Glen, I'll grill this girl!!" While Liefa and Drat laughing as they watching it, me and Klein can only be speechless.

"Nya! Liefa help me nya. The old hag want to eat me nya!" She goes over to Liefa and hiding behind her back.

"Who's old hag?! You smelly cat!"

"You nya!"

Then suddenly a figure comes from behind the counter.

"Mina you're disturbing the other guest!" It is another cat woman that look like Mina, but slightly older? Mina frozen up at once when she heard and see the figure.

"Mina older sister?" I mumbling without I realized.

"Ara, no I am her mother. My name is Mira."

"Miss Mira this girl want to sell our baggage before our rent ended!" Said Rose immediately when she seen her.

"Ara?" She then staring at Mina.

"No nya! Mina only joking nya!" She explaining all at once. While we all laughing. Hmm, this seems like a good inn. Then after chatting a little bit more we goes to Zilver Ondiep room.

Here the chapter for today. Still busy, but it much better then the last chapter which I kinda rushing.

Some editing, since I kinda sleepy when I write this..

SlowConnectioncreators' thoughts