
World of Supernatural(Twilight,Noblesse,Underworld,Dracula,VD,Orig..)

Fate sometimes brings more surprises to life, as Jay found himself as one of the most powerful fictional being (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel from Noblesse), where more surprises await him. A world infected with various fictional beings from different fictional worlds would be interesting. Noblesse(alternative reality) X Twilight X Vampire Diaries X Originals X Underworld X Teen Wolf

AmouxCreationsX · Films
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28 Chs

Chapter 27

Billy sat in his wheelchair, reading the morning newspaper while the TV buzzed with low volume in the background. His son, Jacob, had left early to join his pack in the forest, and his daughter, Rachel, was in the kitchen preparing tea for him. The scent of brewing tea filled the air.

Engrossed in the news, Billy didn't notice the silent figure seated on the sofa nearby, watching TV without causing any disturbance. The minutes passed peacefully until the sudden crash of a falling teacup broke the silence. Startled, Billy tilted his newspaper down, calling out, "Rachel?".

It was then he noticed another person in the room. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the intruder. The same enigmatic figure who had dramatically altered the dynamics of their clan by forcefully awakening the largest pack, sat calmly on the sofa.

Billy gripped the arms of his wheelchair tightly, his knuckles turning white. He wasn't pleased with Raizel's unannounced visit and hoped fervently that the mysterious visitor harbored no ill intentions toward them. Despite his attempt to maintain a composed exterior, a trace of fear flickered in his eyes—fear he desperately tried to conceal.

"Sir" Billy said, his voice steady but strained, "what brings you here?"

Raizel slowly turned his gaze towards him, seemingly undisturbed by the hostility and fear in Billy's eyes. He understood that his presence was an intrusion into their personal space, but the situation necessitated it. If the drunk truck driver had known any other address, Raizel wouldn't have come here. Needing to call the mansion and charge his dead phone before Frankenstein went mad with worry, Raizel spoke softly as Rachel got closer to her father's side, her fear palpable.

"No particular reason. I just need to charge my phone, Billy," Raizel said calmly.

He glanced towards his phone on the dining desk, watching it charge. With a simple gesture, the phone flew into his hand while Rachel and Billy looked on, their fear mingled with awe at the display of power. Raizel stood up, his demeanor as casual as if he were visiting a friend. "See you next time, Billy," he said with a nod.

Raizel walked towards the door, leaving Billy and Rachel watching him with a mixture of terror and disbelief. They had witnessed again something beyond their wildest imaginations, and it left them both shaken.

As Raizel stepped outside, he was met with a surprising sight—a huge pack of giant wolves, teeth bared, maintaining a cautious distance. The air was thick with tension, the wolves' eyes watching his every move.

Raizel paused, then smiled. Despite the intimidating presence of the wolves, he seemed genuinely pleased. "Hello, pups." he said warmly, his tone devoid of fear. The wolves, sensing his calmness and confidence, held their ground but didn't advance.

The pack's leader, a massive wolf with black fur, stood alongside a russet brown wolf, both with muscles tense and ready. They twitched their noses, searching for the scents of Rachel and Billy to ensure they were safe. The wolves relaxed slightly upon confirming their well-being, seeing Rachel push Billy outside in his wheelchair.

Raizel, undisturbed, started dialing his phone. The silent standoff continued for a moment before Raizel, without further words, began walking away from the house, his phone in hand. The wolves did not take an aggressive stance, sensing no immediate threat from Raizel. They maintained a safe distance, watching him carefully as he walked away without showing any sign of weakness.

As Raizel moved further away, the wolves followed cautiously, ensuring he left their territory. Suddenly, Raizel vanished into the air, leaving the wolves bewildered but relieved that the immediate danger had passed.

From the balcony, Billy and Rachel exchanged glances, their minds racing to process what had just happened.

Meanwhile, Raizel, using his incredible speed, soon reached the mansion. He knew exactly which direction to fly from Billy's home to his own, yet he couldn't help but feel embarrassed when thinking about how he got lost the previous night.

As he approached the mansion, he noticed an old pickup truck parked nearby. The truck seemed familiar, and Raizel walked towards it, a look of confusion crossing his face. "Why is she here?" he murmured to himself.

He hadn't expected his last meeting with Bella to cause any significant changes. Yet, here she was, and the situation had clearly shifted. Unlike before, he wasn't content with becoming more entangled with a lunatic and a clumsy girl.


Guys, I was wondering which season our MC should appear in Mystic Falls. I believe the first season might not be the best choice. I'm a bit confused about this, so I'd appreciate any suggestions. Before that, the MC might go to Lukedonia. For more chapters, visit my Patreon.

link: patreon.com/AmouxCreationX
