
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 20

Norbit's face changed as he pulled a dagger from the strap around his waist attempting to block the blow.

Unfortunately he severely underestimated Zach. The Scythe passed through his entire arm unhindered causing blood to splurt on the woman who was shocked into silence.

Zach didn't stop, swinging the scythe down once more causing a stream of blood to pour from Norbits neck.

''Ah, I didn't think you would stay for this long. I'm sorry but I can't leave any witnesses.''

Zach glanced at the shaking women, not intending to leave any clues behind. Swinging his Scythe once more as another head flew into the air.

Zach glanced at the bodies, he didn't rush to leave this time.

An ordinary gloved hand stretched out throwing a small handful of powder from a bag tied around his waist.


As soon as the powder got into contact with the blood and body parts and blood as steam started to raise into the air.

After less than five minutes there was no sign that Norbit had ever been there or the girl!


Zach nodded walking towards the other side of the alley climbing over a small wall into a small garden before taking off his outfit and leaping over back into the street.

Fortunately he had planned out the route beforehand. It was as if he was never there.


[Killed Player Norbit's Ontology]

[Reward: Farming x3, Construction x2 System Points 20]


[Killed Player Millie's Ontology]

[Reward: Hunting x1, System Points 5]

''Bah aren't these two too poor.''

Zach wandered down the village street with a bit of pity on his face. After all, Norbit was still a forty odd year old man! But he was still so pathetic?

And Millie was clearly a younger woman, only having a single attribute, it is likely she died immediately on her descent so could only latch onto an older man.

''Forget it, it's something at least. And the real reward is the System Points.''

Zach thought about it.

Now although three farming talents theoretically adds up to 3,000 Points, in Zach's eyes they are less valuable than 1,000 free System Points.

A lot can be bought with System Points including Physiques, better talents and various other things.

Including the white dissolving power that Zach purchased, able to dissolve human bodies and blood but it cost an expensive two hundred points for a bag.

Most people would prefer pure System Points over a talent any day, but if you can have both why not!

''I have enough Points to buy a basic Physique already, however is it worth it?''

Zach wandered home trying to decide what to spend his System points on. However just then in the sky above where he killed the man a strange green glow appeared.

Zach suddenly felt the contract inside his body vibrate before a System notification appeared!


[Completed the Contract from ??? Reward: 1,000 System Points.]

''Huh it was System bound? Who is it with such influence?''

Zach has never heard of something like this! A system bound contract is almost unheard off.

But before he thought more he felt a stream of information come from the contract once again.

An image appeared in his mind. This time it was a picture of a man and a woman in a large hotel room. The man was fat and sweaty with a greasy head of hair while the woman was covered in makeup wearing nothing on her body.

{Name: Kevin

Realm: Mortal

Degree of Danger: Slight

Info- A small grocery shop owner who spends his money on women in brothels. He has descended roughly 10 times using his income as a shop owner.

Reward: 2,000 System Points delivered directly upon confirmation of the successful assassination.}

''Interesting, someone who descended each ten times?''

Zach was quite surprised. 10 times is no longer a small amount, even if he only got one or two stats in each life he wouldn't be a weak man.

''No wonder the Degree of Danger is already a Slight Danger.''

Zach glanced at the contract, not intending to complete it today. He has already killed two people and has no intention to draw any attention to himself.

''Hah return home and spend my System Points.''

Zach quickly returned to the school, revelling in the fact that no one around him realised he had just completed a first Assassination Contract.

''I really wonder who it is that distributed this Contract to me. Fortunately I can't sense any binding results from the Contract and no tracking.''

Zach frowned. Although he signed the contract quite quickly he was careful. There was no binding force on this Contract and he could clearly sense that he could get rid of it at any time.

Instead he decided to focus elsewhere.

''System open the Physiques store''

Zach quickly opened the Physique store, dividing it into Physiques costing only 100,000.


Bear Body- 100,000 System Points

Fast Thinker- 100,000 System Points

Ox Body-100,000

Cow Body- 100,000

Hunter's Instinct- 100,000]

Zach continued to scout through a multitude of Physiques. There were easily thousands of them.

A majority of them were just basic Animal based Physiques. They would give you a stronger body or animalistic characteristics.

For example the Bear's body gives you the strength of a bear, thicker skin and animalistic fighting instincts.

''Although descendants aren't guaranteed to have a special Physique as long as you have on in each Generation you can enjoy endless wealth!''

Zach felt his breathing turn heavy looking at the long list.

Physiques can determine the difference between a family living another millenia and living only a century.

Especially when you enter the road of Cultivation. People with Physiques practise miles faster than ordinary people.

Slowly Zach narrowed down the Physiques to three specific Physiques that really attracted his attention.

[Tortoises Body- Able to give you characteristics of a Turtle with high physical defence and an increased level of longevity. 100,000 System Points.]

[Blood Burner Physique- With rare and special blood, you can burn your blood at any time at the cost of 1 year of lifespan for 1 hour of experiencing up to five times the Combat Power. 100,000 System Points.]

[Farming Connoisseur- Owning a strange affinity with herbs and plants, able to identify the specialities and herbs and understand what will make them grow better and more efficiently. 100,000 System Points.]

Zach looked through each one individually. They each have their advantages and disadvantages.

The Blood Burner Physique is powerful however the disadvantage is obvious: a normal person's life has extremely limited use for this Physique!

However the advantage is clear, up to five times as much combat effectiveness decreases in number depending on your own personal strength, but in Family Duels it's effect would be incredible!

On the other hand the Tortoise Body also has obvious benefits. Increased longevity is important, with it the descendants will have longer to practise and make more contributions to the family.

And the increased defence can prevent injury and overall increase their combat power!

And finally, the Farming Connoisseur is incredibly useful but lacking in combat utility.

''Hmm I will have to buy them all at one point!''

Zach felt greedy. Although they aren't the top Physiques this is also their benefit.

For example the Dragon Physique might only appear in one in a billion descendants, while these are slightly more common, appearing in one in a million or more no one knows the actual percentages.

''I've decided! Tortoises Body!''

Zach finally nodded his head, clicking the button to purchase the Tortoise Body Physique.


[Congratulations on Buying the Tortoise Body]

Suddenly immediately after purchasing the Physique Zach felt a warm current pass through his body, he felt his skin reinforced by a strange energy.

He felt his blood thicken as his organs seemed to rejuvenate.

''Is this an extended lifespan and a reinforced body? Incredible!''

Zach felt his defence double in an instant! Not to mention he is confident he can easily live until 120 or even higher.

''Haha my life will be much more effective now.''

Zach was stunned and extremely excited. This is just the Mortal effect of the Physique, when he steps into the realm of Cultivation its effect will be even more relevant!

''No wonder Cultivators pay so much attention to System Points and Physiques, the effect is even more relevant than Cultivation Skills.''

Zach slowly digested the increase in strength. This is the biggest advantage Players have over their descendants.

They can have unlimited Physiques! They stack on top of eachother and the effects don't cancel each other out!

For example if Zach purchases another Physique that increases LifeSpan it will be added onto the effect from the Tortoise's Body instead of cancelling it out.

This is also the reason why Players can keep their edge in the battlefield and the relevancy of Descendants hasn't outdone them.


[Congratulations to the Player Zach for purchasing his first Physique in the Mortal Realm and completing a Hidden Achievement.

Reward: Physique Upgrade Opportunity(Turtle Body)]

[Automatically used the Physique Upgrade Opportunity.]


[Turtle Body has successfully been upgraded to the Spiritual Turtle Physique.]

[Spiritual Turtle Physique- No Longer a Mortal body, able to use Spiritual Energy to strengthen your body and increase your longevity continuously.

(Can be upgraded)]

Before Zach could even react he felt his body heat up. A comfortable and relaxing wave of energy spread through his skin as he felt it tense and strengthened even more.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts