
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 18

Her third eye opened wide blasting out thousands of beams towards the knights at the front.

'Ding' 'Ding' 'Ding'

Suddenly to the Iron Cavalry's horror, a faint golden light had appeared around the thousands of knights.

Their swords could no longer pierce the barrier as they could only watch the large swords swing towards them threatening to kill them.

''Haha, perfect! It was worth the investment.''

In the sky Thailia watched as the knights tore into the Iron Cavalry with a smile on her face.

When Thalia was young she had gone to a lot of effort to save thousands of System Points, and instead of purchasing a descent opportunity she bought an inheritance chance!

Inheritance Chances are quite rare and are rewards from the System for getting a high rating or getting achievements and surviving certain events.

However the positive is that they are tradable to people on the same level! But the Inheritances are also limited to the same level and are a one time use product!

Essentially they will pass on memories of a strong man in that realm to one descendant of your choice in your descent, giving them the skills and experiences of that strong man.

''Even if it is just a Mortal Inheritance, the fragments of a Cultivation Skill isn't what ordinary people can deal with.''

Thailia burst out laughing. In her eyes she had successfully won!

The Inheritance was from a great priest who had defended a Dynasty during an invasion from multiple Empires.

It allows you to create a small shield made from the faith of your believers, the more believers the stronger the shield!

Although the priest is only a Mortal she is still able to create a shield that can't be destroyed by ordinary Mortals with the help of the power of Faith.

The only downside is that Techniques and experiences from Inheritances can't be shared. But that didn't matter to Thailia.

''Interesting! The world of development really is a place of hidden talents.''

At the same time in the Sky, Zach watched the battle with a relaxed and curious face.

''It seems I can't underestimate anyone in the future. After all even the oldest Mortals have descended multiple times and will definitely have some cards hidden in their pockets!''

But despite this Zach wasn't fussed. Even when the final member of the Iron Cavalry was chopped down under the Knights blades he wasn't fussed.

Instead he looked on with curiosity.

''So much can be achieved in just the Mortal Realm, it would be interesting to test the limits of Mortal existence.''

Zach had a faint smile. Since he got the Son of Luck System he didn't intend to be ordinary. He had already decided he was willing to do anything in his power to increase his strength.

Whether it was winning Tournaments, stealing other people's attributes, killing people as long as there is no severe consequence he was willing.

And naturally he was unwilling to have a weak foundation at the start of his journey.

''Now it's the next round.''

Zach returned his gaze towards the charging Tiger Legion, behind them the Wolf Legion followed.

Gizo round majestically in the front.

''You bastards dare to kill my siblings!''

Gizo lifted his sword to the sky, the tiger beneath him releasing a roar as he dived into the crowd of knights.

''Haha you fools think you can break my shield just from that? Foolish.''

The priest in the back watched the next legion appear but she was also calm. In her eyes this shield was unbreakable by ordinary warriors!

But how was Gizo ordinary in any means?

His muscles bulged as he swung down his sword.


''Haha just these weak little turtle shells want to stop me?''

Under one swing the shield had shattered!

Beneath him the tiger leapt up grabbing the revealed soldier between his fangs causing blood to spill from its mouth.


Shouts of pain began to ring out from the surroundings. Under the shocked priest's eyes the tiger Legion rushed forward and with every cut the Shield cracked!

Even if it didn't crumble on the first hit, as their compatriots leapt in for a second hit it crumbled.

''Kill the rest of them!''

The Wolf Legion behind them ignored the leading knights, charging into the crowd behind them.

Currently the crowd retained their hands together, chanting their prayers constantly sending a faint golden light to the priest.

However her face was sweating and her body was shaking.

Unaware of the Wolf Legion appearing, the praying descendants were torn apart.

The first Wolf Generals stretched out their claws piercing their chests tearing out their hearts. With excitement on their face they dug their sharp teeth into their enemies throats as why dived on them like animals searching for their prey.

''Ahhh priest help us!''

The crowd called out for help, but the priest wasn't in a mood to help. In front of her Frederick had walked his way over.

His face filled with excitement as he drew his sword.

''Any last words?''

Frederick smiled.

''Don't be confident kid!''

The Priest seemed triggered by this. Using the last bit of remaining Faith to condense a shield around her body, and forming a small golden dagger in her hand.

''Interesting! Now die.''

Frederick dived forward swinging his sword down like a madman.



''How is this possible?''

Frederick stared down in disbelief, on the large golden shield a spike had rapidly emerged, his armour was like paper in front of it as a spike embedded itself in his chest.

For the first time Frederick had met his match!

His body dropped onto the ground as he stared dumbstruck towards the sky.

''Haha anyone else want to fight against me!''

The priest looked pale and sweaty, manipulating the power of faith as a Mortal is difficult and tiring.

However the confidence and proud look on her face was burning in the eyes of Gizo.

''Haha I'm your opponent this time.''

Gizo rushed over, his body glowing with an orange light. The tiger he was riding had long since been killed in the fray but not before taking down dozens of knights!

''Haha I'm a lot more experienced than him, don't think you can beat me easily!''

Gizo laughed. He had been living with a cultivator for the last decades of his life; the knowledge he accumulated far exceeded Fredericks Mortal Knowledge.

Rushing in, stretching out his claws towards the barrier. In an instant he didn't leave any hidden cars, burning his blood causing a faint fur to appear on his palm.


As expected a spike appeared on the shield where his palm was extending, however when it came into contact with the rough fur it was knocked back!

''If you were an actual Cultivator I definitely wouldn't stand a chance, but it's like a baby trying to learn how to use a sword! Useless!''

Gizo condescendingly shattered the shield around the priest. She desperately stabbed out her dagger however Gizo twisted his body flinging his armour covered elbow into her face.

Immediately after he knocked the back of his heel against the ground causing a dagger to appear on the toe.

He kicked out stabbing the Priest in the stomach with the hidden blade.


The Priest shouted trying to attack again, however she was greeted with a pair of claws impaling her in the Chest dragging out her heart.

Looking at her beating heart she seemed to realise the terrifying difference between herself and this man.

''Impossible! It's impossible!''

In the sky Thailia stared at her remaining Descendants hunting down like rodents.

Apart from the Iron Cavalry that were destroyed she hadn't managed to deal any more substantial damage!

''Dam you!''

She screamed into the air before breaking down when she saw a panel appear in front of her eyes.


[You have lost the Duel against BlueStar Player Zach. Punishment: -100% Attributes.]

At the same time Zach received a victorious notification.

[You have won the Duel against Mistrifiy Player Thailia. Reward: Hunting x15, Physical Strength x7, Intelligence x5, Authority +1, Business Talent +1]

''Not a bad harvest!''

Zach returned to BlueStar and felt a heat pass through his body. His muscles strengthened again.

He stretched out his hand grabbing a small metal toy on his desk and clenching his fist.

With a creak it deformed easily! With a Mortals physique he can bend metal it's incredible!

Immediately after Zach felt as if his mind was opened as more and more things made sense to him. Problems that had stumped him in class before or in life generally were solved easily.

And he felt his body was more sensitive to the calls of birds, the concepts of traps and environments became clearer in his memory as he learned to differentiate between them.

''Haha, increasing your attributes really is satisfying.''

Zach smirked. Hunting was an incredibly valuable skill for Mortals and for Cultivators.

When you're a Mortal you can learn to hunt for a living and likely survive multiple generations relying on just that.

And in the future when you go into Duels all your descendants would've seen blood and know some basic fighting techniques.

Not to mention when you're a cultivator you can use Hunting skills to learn how to hunt certain spiritual beasts and get their valuable materials from their Body!

This is why a lot of planets teach it for their entire life and even more Mortals focus on learning it when they begin their Descent, it is useful for your entire life.

''Haha that made up for my shortcomings a little bit! Now I have a high Farming Talent, Mining Talent and Hunting Talent!''

Zach smirked. His basic talents had made a massive leap. If before he needed to make a living using farming, now you can place any of his descendants into a world and they would be able to survive.

''People participating in Duels really are more valuable than those Evil Players.''

Zach calculated how many Points he earned from Thailia in comparison to the Evil Players and nodded to himself a bit.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts