
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 15

On the other hand, a Golden Core Expert and the headteacher of a school? Completely different. Zach has no clue how much Headmaster Jude was willing to spend on Cameron.

''I could use the Spying Order, but is it worth it?''

Zach hesitated, if Cameron had a Soul Weapon that prevents Spying or there is another time he needs to use it then it would be a waste.

In the end Zach decided against it. Checking out the rewards from his last Descent.

''Interesting, a permanent pack of Spiritual Rice?''

Zach was interested in seeing a small bag of seeds in his mind floating next to the two Soul Weapons.

At the same time he looked at Spiritual Rice in the System Shop.


Spiritual Rice Seeds- 100 System Points per bag.]

''I see. Not too high and not too low.''

Zach nodded. However he was also really happy. Those Spiritual Rice Seeds are a one time use item! Only rewards from the System are permanent and will be restocked during every Descent.

It's value is hundreds of times higher than the shop bought packet.

''Haha, it deserves to be a Son of Luck. Finding such an incredible item.''

''Not to mention he became a Cultivator's Handyman. It's a shame luck can't breach the gap between strength.''

When Zach thought of the sad ending of Gizo he sighed. A dignified Son of Luck and General of an Empire was killed because a Cultivators Disciple disliked the attention he was getting.

Even after the hidden expert gave him a Longevity Fruit!

But the benefits that Gizo brought him were incredible, not to mention 5 years of Longevity, the Authority buff and the Physical Strength, but just the Spiritual Rice is enough to help a Mortal family stay powerful for a millenia!

''Haha in my next life I will plant it early. Every child should be able to enjoy the blessings of Spiritual Rice, then who can compete with me in the Mortal Realm?''

Zach still remembered how the Children who ate spiritual rice can beat ten with one, even if they all practise the same cultivation skill.

But all this just makes him more in awe of Cultivators. Especially how a single palm wiped out an entire Kingdom!

Every scrap of the West Family where wiped out, it was definitely not a weak Cultivator.

''I have to keep the Spiritual Rice secret, it seems like even Cultivators want to compete for it.''

Zach thought of the price and thought it made sense. 100 System Points aren't low and if you have to buy them every time you descend, naturally it's more efficient to steal it.

Not to mention those Cultivators that aren't players might not have such easy access to it, instead killing the weak mortal family was the best choice.

''Alright participants and the audience, we will officially start the next round of the tournament.''


[You have been invited to the Jude School Tournament, do you wish to accept the invitation?]


Zach instantly accepted entering the empty space as a panel appeared in front of him.

[Jude School Tournament-

Participants: 280

Reward: Cultivation Talent +1]

[Do you wish to use your real name or be declared anonymous for the tournament?]

''Declared anonymous.''

Zach quickly returned to the spectator area in the sky. This time he directly bypassed gambling, after all only the winner earns anything and he isn't intending to win.

[Betting has been completed. Total bets amount to 0 System Points, Total Participants- 280.]

''Huh interesting 0 bets?''

Zach was quite surprised. But after thinking about it for a minute it made sense. After all, the Ordinary Class know they have no chance of winning and the Elites have already bet in their round!

So why would anyone bet now. Instead the real prize is the Cultivation Talent.

[Battle has started. Good Luck Participants.]

Instantly Zach saw a dozen screens appear in front of him, showing his army from every direction.

The 10,000 Tiger Legion led by Frederick and the 100,000 Secondary Legion led by Michael and Norman.

However this time they seemed far more attuned with each other. After all, they retained the memories from the last Tournament they participated in.

This is a small benefit that the System gives players that participate in Duels and Tournaments. Meaning those that put everything on the line for a long time are often far better than the newly graduating students.

''In the future I have to make sure to participate in a lot of duels. Otherwise I wouldn't even realise I'm falling behind!''

Below Zach the legions started marching forward.

This time they moved as a single group, unwilling to split off like the last time.

After all there are many elites around now, and Zach definitely can't wipe the floor like his last tournament.

This time they acted slowly, the first three players they came across were basic farmers and low level Ordinary Classmates.

But on the other side of the battlefield two hundred thousand sickly figures fought against ten thousand armed knights.

In comparison to the crushing victory when Samuel fought them, the knights were struggling even more.

Nigel stared at the fight below with fire burning in his eyes.

''If I can defeat a member of the Elite Class I will definitely get the appreciation of the HeadMaster and get allocated more resources and chances!''

He desperately watched his descendants swarm the ten thousand troops. They belong to one of the lower rungs in the Elite class.

But despite this each knight has at least a Physical strength of 10! They rushed into the crowd with anger and violence.

Only occasionally one would be swarmed as the rest dived into their body stabbing them with sharpened sticks and pitchforks.

The Knights slowly dropped in number, however the yellow skinned swarm died even quicker.

''Haha, that runt in the ordinary class! Doesn't he realise quality exceeds quantity? No matter how many members of the Ordinary class there are, they can't hold a candle to our elite class.''

Opposite Nigel, but invisible to him, a member of the Elite class held his head to the sky, his confidence clearly visible on his face.

From a young age he has had a higher social standing than anyone else, and he is almost destined to reach the foundation Realm.

How can the ordinary class who relied on a lucky attribute compare?

''The battle has continued for so long''

Zach's soldiers were covered in wounds and scratches. The number had dropped to close to 70,000.

But during this time Zachs soldiers had wiped out three elites.

If you look carefully, on the ground behind Zach's marching army, you can see 30,000 dead bodies torn into pieces as if eaten by tigers. By their side each one had a long bow and dozens of exquisitely carved arrows.

They caused a lot of damage to Fredericks army. Having cultivated a spell that allows you to manipulate the wind and speed up your arrow, the rapid speed destroyed his troops before they could get close!

Fortunately the Tiger Legion weren't vegetarian, rushing forward blocking the arrows for the rest of the army, and finally eliminating the Elite player.

''Incredible! An ordinary student managed to compete with three Elite students and still has troops remaining?''

''Haha, the schools really raised a genius this time. Don't forget the other two dark horses, although the student with the swarm didn't manage to wipe out the elite student he is basically out of play now.''

''And the student with the brown robed figures! He isn't losing ground against the Elites either.''

Outside the hall the crowd was abuzz. This was the most important and entertaining time for the students.

After all, the World of Family Development isn't fair. Elites might have hundreds of attributes in their first life and immediately be killed by a passing cultivator.

Or an Ordinary student might eat a fruit and become a Cultivator in one swoop.

Therefore these tournaments are the best chance for people to stand out and see whether or not there are any Dark Horses.

''Young Miss, is there any potential recruitment targets that catch your eye here?''

In the Vip Booth, a man dressed as a butler conservatively spoke to the woman in front of him.

Beneath a veil a woman's voice gently came out.

''No, if it wasn't for my future husband being here I wouldn't waste my time visiting. At most there will be a few decent Gas Refiners here,nothing worth our attention.''

''As for the better ones, they have already been booked by those old men. After all parents raise children for a reason.''

The butler was slightly surprised by his Young Misses response.

In his eyes the three people in the Ordinary Class could at least become Foundation Experts in the future. However a few words from his Young Miss quickly solved his doubts.

''The first one got lucky with a Fertility Attribute. He didn't receive any benefits to back it up and it is likely he lost it in the first round. Someone who only relies on a single attribute isn't worth my focus.''

''The second, with the Brown robes. He is strong yes but he has invested too many resources on those Monks he has. It is clear the skill he learnt has incredibly high restrictions and it will take him multiple more descents to even train a small army.''

''Even if he does become a cultivator, the chances of a monk being able to learn the technique is abysmal.''

''As for the final one, although it is hard to look through.where he received his secrets from, it is highly likely that he just received a hidden cultivation technique at the start. As soon as he enters the Gas Refining Stage he will lose his advantage.''

''If it wasn't for the higher numbers he might not even be able to compete with the Elite Class at all. All three are good for Ordinary Students but they are unlikely to reach the Foundation Stage.''

The Butler heard this and instantly understood and admired the Miss in his heart even more. For the Sect only Foundation Cultivators are valuable, Gas refiners struggle to have an effect on the end result when it comes to cultivator wars.

If it was him here alone he would take these three and invest in them! In the end it is likely to be a waste in resources resulting in only three peak gas refiners at most!

''Haha thank you for teaching Young Miss. I will be more careful in the future.''

Sarah just continued to stare at the battle, not really focused. In reality this level of battle is completely uninteresting for her.

Even her nominal Fiancee didn't gather her attention. If it wasn't for his father and the chance that he might become a Golden Core Cultivator she wouldn't entertain the idea of marrying him!

''Just remember, without the backing of a strong man everything is worthless.''

Sarah leaned lazily.

''Is this the true strength of the Elite Class?''

Zach was stunned. Staring at his strong force that wiped the Ordinary class reduced to less than 5,000 members of the Tiger Legion.

So far he had come into contact with two more elite students. One clearly in the lower end with only 10,000 descendants but the other had 50,000!

With a legion of 2,000 able to cause faint earthquakes with their steps knocking Zachs troops off balance.

His legion was basically wiped out under that attack. And in the face of the other elites he was eliminated!

''Ooh It turns out the Ordinary class really can't compete against the Elites!''

''Haha he managed to wipe out at least 6 members and over ten ordinary class members, it is not a bad record to have.''

''It's a shame he didn't get further into the Tournament. But in the face of the Elites his elite soldiers really couldn't match up.''

Zach awoke from the results but his face didn't change. For a single Cultivation Talent he wasn't willing to reveal his true strength.

After all he wanted to avoid stepping into the realm of Cultivation until he had achieved a Dynasty at least.

''Wait for the tournament to end, and then participate in some Random Duels.''

Zach had made the plan in his mind. He wanted more attributes before he began cultivation and began his next descents.

Right now he is confident he has reached the same level as the Elites, if not surpassing them!

And of course he is confident to defeat the people in the Duel Arena. Even if he meets an old monster, they are still limited to the Mortal Realm.

In the face of 3 million descendants with strong bodies and large Tiger Legions and Wolf Legions they will have to run regardless!

Quickly the tournament came to an end, naturally the winner was Cameron who accepted his Cultivation +1 under the eyes of a roaring crowd.

''Thank you all for your support, I achieved this victory and will definitely bring glory to the School!''

Zach just glanced before leaving the hall with the other students.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts