
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Chapter 14


Zach sat there for a minute digesting the experience.

Although he was slightly disappointed that Gizo was only a Bronze son of luck at first, with the

[Congratulations to the Player, his family had dealt with plagues, created an Empire and become comparable to Dynasties.

Final Rating: S]

[Reward: Spying Order x1, Common Talent Draw x10, Mount Upgrader x1, Descent Opportunities x3, 30,000 System Points.]


[Congratulations to the Player Zach for completing the Achievement, Millennial Mortal Family.

Reward: Soul Weapon x1, 50,000 System Points.]

''Huh? An Achievement!''

Zach was amazed. He didn't expect to be able to get a special achievement.

Achievements are rare milestones in the World of Development and everyone has a chance to get them. The rewards from each of them are incredibly valuable, able to affect your entire life!

Unfortunately it is forbidden by the System to tell anyone about the specifics of the achievements, so no one knows what has to be done to receive them!

Of course there are ways around this .

''Huh is this why Cameron hasn't become a Cultivator yet?''

Instantly Zach seemed to understand. Although those members of the Elite class are strong, they have yet to step into the realm of cultivators!

But how could Zach think that they can't afford it, even if it might be a high expense for their parents it is still achievable.

''If there is such a high reward for just surviving 1,000 years imagine the rewards for surviving 5,000 or even ten thousand as a Mortal!''

Zach's eyes glowed. As much as it might seem like it, this world isn't based solely on how quickly you can develop.

It is key to create a foundation on each level you develop.

For example in the Mortal Realm if you manage to increase your Physical Strength Level to over 100 every child would be peerless in the Mortal Realm. And when you do go finally produce cultivators you would crush those at the same level!

As a result it would be easier to gain stats and get a higher rating.

But if you rush past it and immediately start cultivating you will be wiped out and eaten alive by other cultivators.

And the world is much harsher once you leave school. Anyone might get upset with you and try to kill you or duel you!

People can force duels as long as you are in the same realm, and the gamble can be as small as one attribute or as high as everything!

Therefore it is common for people who have been stuck in the same realm for a long time to forcibly challenge those weaker people in an attempt to gain attributes and stats to help them break that bottleneck.

If you become a cultivator while you are unprepared and are forced into a battle you could lose everything!

''I finally have 100,000 System Points. Doesn't that mean I can purchase a special Physique?''

''First use the Soul weapon.''

Zach's mind twisted and the green light in front of him slowly formed a long black robe, as it landed on his body he felt like he was protected by a solid set of iron armour. Even the strongest mortal weapons would struggle to break through his robe!

''I have two Soul Weapons now, it shouldn't be hard for me to compete with anyone my age. But I can't underestimate the Elite Children, after all I got my scythe from his father!''

Zach relaxed for a minute. His mind returned to BlueStar.

As for purchasing a Physique, he decided to put that off until his next descent.


''Haha I knew it!''

''Who in the school can compare to Cameron?''

As soon as he returned he was greeted by a loud sound of cheering. At the same time his body began to change as he received the bonus attributes gathered this time, before quickly he returned to normal.

Zach's eyes snapped towards the screen. A large bloody battlefield was imprinted into his vision, a blood covered cavalry holding the heads of their slain enemies and thousands of soldiers standing over the corpses of their enemies.

''What's that??''

Zach was stunned, behind Cameron's original force there was a newly appearing group of around 10,000 bald-headed monks. They held their hands together and chanted mantras from time to time.

If it wasn't for the clear lack of Spiritual Energy it is highly likely they would've been mistaken as Buddhist cultivators!

''Incredible, is that a Descendant Soul Weapon?''

Zach however focused on something. At most the Buddhists practised a Cultivation Skill, but the beads in their hands glowed green, and were completely identical.

Although the effect of the beads were unknown they shocked Zach. After all, a Soul Weapon helped him to take the Imperial City on his own, let alone the large force of descendants using them!

''No, there is no need for me to win this battle. Instead reduce the number of forces I use and put on a good show. As for the Cultivation Talent, situate myself in the Mortal Realm, form a Dynasty and get the hidden Achievements.''

Thinking of this, Zach's mind sunk into the Familial Dual space.

Now the field had been filled with countless more figures. Fortunately the seemingly endless space didn't even have a fraction of it filled.

[Familial Dual Participants-

Total: 3,532,122

Sons Of Luck: 4 (Expand)

Cultivators: 0

Mortals: 3,532,122]

''3 million Descendants? Haha the Fertility talent is really brilliant.''

Zach was ecstatic. Especially when he looked at the large tiger army, each with bulking muscles and orange eyes. Their claws grasping various different weapons.

At the front of the force, the handsome and noble Gizo rode aback a large orange tiger, his eyes holding a ferociousness and shocking determination. With every move a slightly fairy-like essence was released.

A result of him watching every move a cultivator did for decades!

Behind the large Tiger Legion, a slightly skinnier and smaller group appeared. However despite their skinny frames each gave the impression of hunters staring at their prey.

The Wolf Legion! Amounting to 100,000. Half of the Tiger Legion's total for this descent.

In total there are 210,000 members of the Tiger Legion as well as two sons of Luck leading it, Frederick and Gizo.

Of the two Gizo is obviously stronger, but Frederick doesn't fall too far behind. As a Silver son of luck his physical strength and combat experience far outweighs an ordinary person.

''Haha and I finally have Cavalry!''

Zach stared at a large group of horseback riders behind the two legions. Each horse is easily two metres tall with large muscles.

The riders on the back had a Iron face mask covering all their emotions with long spears in their hands ready to stab anyone below them.

At the same time they are also equipped with large broadswords and small daggers around their waist. No expenses were spared training this group.

However this also resulted in there being less than 30,000 despite the two millenia reign of the West Family!

''Each of these are the Elites of the Elites! They spent their entire lives training and fighting, I doubt even the Tiger Legion could compete against them.''

Zach was ecstatic, continuing to look at the army.

Of course the results of this Descent weren't over yet. Behind the ordinary soldiers of the army, there were hundreds of Generals and Sergeants!

Each of them exuded a pressure far deeper than the soldiers in front of them, especially the generals. Many young faces glowed with a faint energy as their muscles bulged and their pressure frightened those around them.

These were the talented descendants who ate the Spiritual Rice! Every century ten or so generals were created by eating the Spiritual Rice.

As a result their level of practice into the Tiger and wolf Transformation technique far exceeded the others.

You could see the grey and orange fur climbing up their arms and bodies as their skin was toughened and strengthened repeatedly. Sharp teeth appeared in their mouths working as a weapon.

Each of their claws were comparable to iron greatly reducing the need of a weapon!

''Haha even the ordinary people are able to be the enemy of three!''

Zach smirked. Looking at the millions of ordinary family members, each of the men were strong and bulky trained in basic military tactics.

Even the skinny officials that spent all the time inside, held books using a knife as a bookmark.

And the women and even children that died early were able to stand their ground! Female soldiers were less common but still there!

Not to mention each woman also received lessons in Military tactics and fighting.

''In the future when there are battles of tens of millions of troops this would definitely come in handy.''

Zach nodded to himself. Don't look at the small scale combats being held by the children at school right now.

In the future most battles will consist of hundreds of millions of soldiers! Naturally you need sufficient organisation, which is where the officials and military tacticians come in handy.

''For now, hide my edge.''

Zach glanced at the large crowd and waved his hand. Instantly a large bubble appeared around the newly appeared descendants.

In the future they were sealed until Zach unsealed them. Any duels he participated in would not be summoned.

This feature is available to everyone, but few people accept it.

After all, duels often gamble everything after all Duel Orders are risky! If you have soldiers hidden and you go in too confidently, you can't complain to anyone when you lose.

''Congratulations Cameron for successfully winning 3 Descent Opportunities, we hope that you can bring glory to our school!''

Just then a booming voice came around the hall awakening Zach. Instantly Cameron was sent his rewards and HeadMaster Jude showed a sly smile.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that the rewards for this tournament don't come out of his pocket! Why would he do something so selfless, it would be more profitable to use it on himself or his son.

No, instead these rewards all come from the Government. They were generous this year, apparently the cultivators managed to secure a great victory against a rival planet earning millions of System Points!

As a result they reinvested into the schools across the world hoping that some talent would appear as a result.

''Ok! We will take a half an hour break and the school wide tournament will officially begin. Elites and Ordinary Students please prepare.''

The headmaster's voice rang out before he floated to the Vip booth with Cameron. Zachs eyes followed but the Headmaster waved his hand and a bubble appeared around the three of them.


Zach chuckled. He naturally knew the origin of the woman, coming from a sect means she is definitely talented!

Especially since she is only one year older and already a Cultivator and not a weak one in any way.

''Ahh I still have a long way to go.''

Zach is confident that his current strength even members of the Elite Class pale in comparison, after all their parents are only Foundation Cultivators.

The System Points from Ratings don't change as you increase in rank. Instead you rely on other sources of income.

So it would be surprising for most Foundation Experts to get C or B Ratings and earn a few thousand System Points, which reinforces why doing well in the Mortal Realm is so important!

If you can't keep doing well in your lives your income will stagnate.

So at most the families will be able to spend 100,000 Points on the Elite Class, maybe 200,000 if they are lucky.

This is obviously extremely high, but not enough to be a powerhouse just based on that.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts