
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 13

''Send some soldiers to begin targeting the Nofics Kingdoms Merchants, do anything to make Merchants afraid to trade in the Kingdom.''

Over the next year, hundreds of Merchant Groups were destroyed by bandits, or the children of the merchant families were kidnapped and threatened.

One by one each of them left the Kingdom leaving the property vacant. The farms and shops were purchased by a Typhoon trading company.

In the large imperial palace, an old man was leaning leisurely back against the chair.

''Haha I have gotten lucky this time! Apart from the West Kingdom, the neighbouring kingdoms all have tiny standing armies! This is my chance to develop!''

This man is Ken. He is already fifty years old on BlueStar but his strength is the definition of ordinary.

However despite his age, he has only descended 7 times! After all, the government only pays for your first 3 times. The rest of the time you have to spend your own money or earn it from the ratings.

Working ordinary jobs on BlueStar will earn you very few System Points. It takes years to save up enough for another Descent opportunity.

''But there is something suspicious about the West Kingdom, it is likely another player has descended. But I don't believe they have descended as often as me!''

Ken had a kind of self confidence. Those talented children mostly step into the realm of cultivation quickly.

The only people that stick around the Mortal Realm are just people like him! But even then he is confident not many have lived as long as he had.

Quickly two years passed, and the war with the Nofic Kingdom had officially begun. Before it remained as small skirmishes, however a shocking event happened.

''Haha, interesting! It is nice to meet you.''

Zach was already over Forty, but looking at the old man in front of him he felt a slight pressure. The horse below neighed slightly feeling the pressure exuded out.

But in comparison to Cameron or any member of the Elite Class it was still pathetic.

Behind Zach, close to 50 bulky men were dressed in large sets of iron armour, with small tigers imprinted onto their breast plates.

Opposite them the old man also rode a horse however his fragile body swayed. Behind him another group of 50 soldiers stood uniformly.

Their figures are skinnier and far less bulky than the Tiger Legion, but their streamlined muscles and sly looking eyes caused Zach to smile.

''Nice to meet you too. I see you're quite young, haha it's a shame you must've worked hard for this opportunity.''

''I hope you won't give up when you descend again for the next time.''

Ken chuckled looking at the man in front of him, although the Tiger Legion gave him a faint sense of pressure, he was sure of his trained Elites.

Not to mention he estimated the man in front of him entered the world a few years earlier than him, making him only 30 years old.

At this age it is already not bad to be able to conquer a kingdom. In the future Ken saw that Zach was likely to become a Cultivator even if it is during his old age.


Ken burst out with a ferocious spirit. A bloody sense filled his body as he charged forward on his horse.

His eyes turned grey as a small fur began to spread across his skin, large furry grey claws appeared on his hand.

He was like a natural born hunter staring at his prey.

His claws stabbed out at an incredible speed.


Zach instantly backed up. This man's speed was incredibly fast!

In an instant he appeared in front of Zach that sharp claws reaching towards his face.

Zach panicked, a large Scythe appearing in his hand as he spun it in place.


His sharp scythe that can cut through anything actually got reflected! But the large force going through knocked the old man off course as he tumbled from his horse.

''Dammit. Charge!''

The Old man stood up quickly, with anger in his face.

Behind him the legion of Elite Soldiers burst out with a hunters aura like a pack of wolves circling their prey.

However the Tiger Legion was unwilling to let itself lose ground, roaring and charging towards their prey.

A battle immediately condensed, the fast Wolf like warriors against the physically strong Tiger Legion.

''Haha this is incredible!''

Zach clashed against the old man. His physical strength knocks him back every clash. However he never dared to drop his focus for a second.

Everytime the man striked it aimed at his weakest spots.

The Old Man's claws stuck out slaying the horse below Zach, his body tumbled to the ground. But before he could stand another pair of claws appeared in front of his eyes.

Zach raised his arm to block the attack, the nails sent a piercing pain through his body as blood seeped down.


Zach jumped a bit, his scythe span around slicing the man at his waist.

Meanwhile blood was being shed by the soldiers around the duo fighting.

An officer of the Tiger Legion punched out hitting a Wolf Soldier in the chest, his large strength ruptured his ribs in a single hit.

On the other side of the battle a Wolf Soldier held a dagger in his hand, his body flashing and reappearing behind a distracted Tiger Officer.


The dagger embedded itself into the officer's throat as his eyes lost life and dropped to the ground.

However the Tiger Legion seemed to be winning, their superior attributes from the added Physical Strength allowing them to fight for longer at a higher intensity.

''Dam it, die!''

The Old man screamed seeing his subordinates die one after the other. These were the prides of his descendants.

Each of them would eventually reach the highest quality of his legions and become Generals able to lead a strong army!

After all, in Family Duals the descendants are formed at their peak state. Naturally the more talented and better trained your descendants get the better they are!

Zach felt an ominous foreboding cover his body. The Old Man in front of him burst out with an incredible aura as his blood boiled.

His body seemed to vanish from Zach's eyesight, before reappearing beside him!

Zach felt a large pressure on his side as he flew outwards crashing into the ground heavily.

But he didn't have time to react before another piercing pain came from his abdomen, his body crumbled under the power.

''I have to…''

Zach made a snap decision, burning his blood immediately as he swung his Scythe with increased vigour.

Seconds later he felt warm blood dripping down his face. The decapitated body of the old man dropped onto the ground, blood spurting up.

At the same time Zach felt pain course through his body, as he pushed himself up.

[Eliminated Player Ken. Reward: Hunting +1]

''Haha dead! He's finally dead!''

Zach was ecstatic. His hands checked the man in front of him and finally found a small cloth book.

''Wolf Transformation Fragment??''

In an instant Zach was stunned. The Tiger Transformation Fragment is a fragment of the Nine Beast Transformation Technique, and so is this Wolf fragment!

The Wolf Transformation Technique allows you to condense the blood of a Wolf and eventually transform into a Divine Wolf!

Unlike the Tiger Transformation Technique that focuses on strength, the Wolf Technique is more focused on speed.

At the same time you can present more combat power when fighting as a Pack.

''Two Cultivation Techniques? Even if they are only fragments of a whole I will definitely advance rapidly when I become a Cultivator!''

Zach was thrilled. Now he will be able to have the Wolf and Tiger Legion!

''Return to the Kingdom, occupy the Nofic Kingdom's territory as quickly as possible.''

Zach glanced at the remaining 20 Tiger Warriors, and slowly returned to the West Kingdom.

This battle had been arranged to prevent excess damage to both Kingdoms, after all the winner doesn't want a destroyed territory to take over.

And now with no leader the Nofic Kingdom is destined to become the territory of the West Kingdom.

Not to mention Zach made a point of hunting all of Ken's Family members. He didn't want him getting any more attributes after all it could come back to bite him in the future.

After all, even once the player is dead, the family behind them still exists and they can still get rewards.

However Zach knows how angry someone could get as a result of dying in the World of Development, it is equivalent to cutting off their future in extreme cases!

You never know when someone has a Dual Order or a friend that will get revenge.

Ten years passed in a flash. Zach was now in his Fifties, however his body was already wrinkled and ageing.

When he fought with Ken he burnt his blood to win the fight, in combination with his injury during the battle his lifespan was drastically reduced.

Before he was confident to live until 90 years old or even higher, but now he would be lucky to make it to eighty.

But over these ten years the West Kingdom expanded rapidly, the 100 members of the Tiger Legion fully reached the age to participate in battles, and the amount of children Zach had reached was closer to 500!

At the same time some children have attempted to learn the Wolf Transformation Technique, but without Zach teaching and working it out from nothing the practice has been quite slow.

Only a few children have even gotten close to starting.

Another Twenty years slipped by. The West Kingdom occupied dozens of Kingdoms, and the standing Army has reached close to a Million Soldiers!

The Tiger Legion Expanded to 1,000 and the Wolf Legion rose to 100 members. But in a one on one fight they still lose out to the Tiger Legion.

But it was this year, that the old bedridden Zach finally saw a dream come true. The Typhoon Merchant Company had spanned over twenty Kingdoms, with his children in all the important positions.

The important officials in the Kingdom were all replaced by the West Family, and the taxes were delivered to the Royal Family in whole!

Finally, a Cavalry began to form.

Horse Breeding began slowly, naturally the horses that can be used to carry the West Family, with over twenty points in Physical strength and not be a hindrance aren't normal.

But this year Zach passed away. Living to 80 years old he left a large legacy. The Kingdom mourned for three weeks in honour of the dead ancestor.


[Congratulations for finishing your life.]

''Use my Son of Luck opportunity on Gizo.''

[Congratulations to the Hosts Descendant Gizo for receiving the Bronze Son of Luck template.]

[Name: Gizo

Age: 3

Cultivation: None

Talents:(Click to Expand)

Son of Luck: Bronze]

''System show me my current talents.''

[Farming (23), Physical Strength (22), Intelligence (8) Politics (7), Business Talent (6), Authority (5), Hunting (4), Longevity (3), Communication (3), Military Tactics (2), Luck (2), Thievery (2), Luck (2), Mining (1), Fertility (1), Cautiousness (1)]

''Not bad! With this my family should last a lot longer than before.''

Zach glanced at the little child swinging a sword. Gizo is quite a special boy. Despite being only 3 years old, he has started to learn the Tiger Transformation Technique already! Showing signs of being able to practise it.

His father, and Grandfather are both members of the Tiger Legion and have spent a lot of their salary and income on buying Tigers blood for Gizo to bathe in.

Because of this he is far stronger than ordinary children. And at the same time with the tutelage of two generations of Tiger Legions he will definitely become a figurehead of the legion!

''System show me my Results!''

[1st Year: The West Kingdom mourned their Founders passing, however some greedy neighbours saw this as a chance to invade, attacking the West Kingdom.]

[5th Year: Five years of war had allowed the West Kingdom to repel all invaders, occupying two more kingdoms in the process]

[10th Year: Gizo Officially joins the Tiger Legion, despite his young age he has already practised the Tiger Transformation Technique to a deeper level than his compatriots, the Tiger and Wolf Legion have left a legacy on the battlefield spreading fear in the hearts of the surrounding kingdoms.]

[13th Year: At the age of 16, Gizo became a General of the Tiger Legion. Not worrying about political affairs he devotes his time to practising, he showed incredible strength slaying multiple generals from neighbouring kingdoms.

Reward: Physical Strength +1]

[15th Year: The Typhoon Trading company has continued to expand under the control of the West Family, becoming the largest Merchant group in the Local Area.

Reward:Business +1]

[16th Year: Gizo shocked the kingdom, taming a tiger as his personal mount adding to his combat power massively. In combination with the tiger while practising Gizo has made incredible progress while practising.

Reward: Domestication +1]

[20th Year: Gizo has become a general that shocked everyone. Leading the Tiger Legion left and right and finally after years of hard work the West Kingdom has become the West Empire! Gizo's brother successfully succeeded the throne becoming an Emperor.

Reward:Authority +3, Politics +3, Military Tactics +1]

[23rd Year: With an Empire established, Gizo no longer remained on the battlefield at all times. Spending years in retreat attempting to break through to a higher level. The Typhoon Trading Company began to research what is outside of the small area the Empire was located.]

[24th Year: With the connections of an Empire, the West Kingdom finally learnt that they were located in a large gully, with more than ten thousand kingdoms and hundreds of Empires! There are even countless Dynasties.]

[25th Year: Shocked by the revelation, Gizo daringly left the Capital with a small group of elites attempting to find Immortals remnants or something to increase the Empire's strength.]

[27th Year: The West Family has witnessed an explosive growth in population, reaching tens of thousands. The males are encouraged to have dozens of concubines and the women encouraged to always have children.]

[28th Year: With the smart marriages and good connections brought by the large number of the West Family, alliances with two Empires have been made as the empires joined together forming the Triad Alliance.]

[40th Year: Despite being over Fourty Years old, Gizo is still young and spritely. However his confidence in the world of Immortality has dropped significantly. Focusing more on increasing his personal strength but still continuing his adventures.]

[45th Year: Gizo returned to the battlefield, leading the Triad Alliance against an alliance formed by over a hundred Kingdoms. The battle was successful and he occupied tens of thousands of miles of territory for the Empire.

Reward: Authority +1, Politics +1, Physical Strength +1]

[46th Year: While looking through the occupied treasuries, Gizo found something. A strange box with runes and a large lock on the front. After a year of trying to open it, he was still unable to move it.]

[50th Year: With the constantly increasing talents of the West Family, Gizo's name seemed to fade into the background as he refused to return to the battlefield determined to open the box.]

[51st Year: The West Family has produced talents one after the other, the Tiger Legion has reached thousands with the Wolf Legion following closely behind. With some clever communication and smart use of Authority, the Emperor managed to persuade the two empires involved in the Triad Empire to come under the West Empire's control.

Reward: Politics +3, Communication +1]

[60th Year: Everything seems to be going the West Family's way, countless children are born each more talented than the last excelling in every area that they participate in. Some rival families have appeared attempting to combat them but they are crushed by overwhelming force.]

[62nd Year: Success. Gizo opened the box revealing a small packet of rice seed. But from this small packet of seed Gizo felt strange fluctuations increasing his strength and recovering his ageing body.

Reward: Longevity +1, Spiritual Rice Seeds(Permanent)]

[63rd Year: The news of a Spiritual Rice packet being found was kept between the empire, Gizo was awarded massively for the discovery while the purpose of the rice was being found.]

[65th Year: After years of development the Rice was successfully planted! However to the Empire's shock after two years it hadn't grown past a sprout]

[70th Year: The Spiritual Rice stem didn't grow further than an inch, Gizo was shocked and dismayed, thinking he wasted his time. Instead devoting himself to creating a family and extending his lifespan.]

[73rd Year: Shock spread across the Empire! They were at war again and all available soldiers were mobilised. But the great General Gizo vanished.]

[80th Year: The Empire fought for more than half a decade, their opponent was a large Empire, having been founded for more than four thousand years! The background was huge and talents appeared one after the other.]

[90th Year: Fortunately the West Empire was incredibly strong. The threat of the Tiger Legion and Wolf Legion kept the enemies at bay, and each soldier's incredible strength caused fear to spread to the enemy.

Reward: Physical Strength +1]

[100th Year: News of Gizo's existence finally resurfaced! Apparently he had left and travelled into the mountains searching for immortality, as a result he had stumbled across a Cultivators Cottage, becoming a Cultivators Handyman.]

[101st Year: Under the influence of the Cultivators Environment, Gizo remained slightly youthful and after his good work was awarded with a rare longevity fruit!

Reward: Longevity +5]

[102nd Year: Disaster struck, Gizo had fallen out of the Cultivators favour after he accepted a disciple with Cultivation Talent. The Empire was unaware that their greatest general was beheaded easily at the hands of the strange cultivator.]

[103rd Year: The West Kingdom didn't know what happened to Gizo, but his legacy remained. His children became Generals in charge of the Tiger Legion and the territory the Empire took over was never returned!]

[120th Year: The Emperor had been replaced by a younger man, but with the entire West Family seemingly living longer and healthier lives the level of prosperity was unheard of! The population had grown close to 100,000!]

[140th Year: The Empire remained at war, funded by the Typhoon Trading Company the strongest force of the Empire had begun to appear. The Cavalry! Choosing descendants of the West Family who lacked the talent for both the Tiger and Wolf Transformation Technique and training them to become the best Iron Cavalry

Reward: Domestication +1]

[150th Year: The Iron Cavalry had grown rapidly, and despite being a drain on national finance had proven very successful in battle, comparable to the Tiger and Wolf Legions. The Horses were bred and surprisingly easily domesticated.]

[151st Year: Each of the Iron Cavalry's horses were comparable to the strongest Mortal War Horses. Through Selective breeding their strength and speed where far beyond a mortals speed but because of this the number was maintained at a small 20,000 to ensure quality.]

[165th Year: The Spiritual Rice grew! The secret project of the Empire had finally come to fruition. After being provided with blood of beasts, the best fertiliser and hundreds of workers to take care of it, the first Rice Plant produced.

Reward: Farming +5]

[166th Year: After discovering the growth period of Spiritual Rice was a century, all the rice was reinvested so that future generations could have a fruitful harvest.]

[200th Year: The West Empire ended its expansion. Instead focusing on securing it's position, allying with all neighbouring kingdoms through political marriages and placing the West Family officials in all official positions.

Reward: Politics +1]

[250th Year: The Typhoon Trading Company acted rashly, attempting to situate itself inside of a Dynasty. As a result it was crushed in the face of the Royal Families Merchants and had to retreat to heal its wounds.]

[265th Year: The Spiritual Rice sprouted once again! This time half of it was reinvested to increase production while the other half was given to the upcoming geniuses in the army. With a bowl of rice each their Physique exploded and their body was rejuvenated there was no problem defeating dozens of Tiger Generals!

Reward: Physical Strength +2]

[300th Year: With the batch of Generals having eaten Spiritual Rice, the Empire were confident enough to resume expansion.]

[400th Year: With the Harvest of Spiritual Rice growing each year, Generals talented in the Tiger Transformation Technique and Wolf Transformation Technique came out one after the other. Occupying territory.]

[500th Year: The expansion that lasted multiple centuries finally ended when the Empire had land comparable to the neighbouring Dynasties. Spanning Hundreds of thousands of Miles with hundreds of millions of citizens.

Reward: Authority +1]

[550th Year: Alongside the rapid expansion, the West Family population had skyrocketed, with the Fertility Attribute their population had reached the shocking one million threshold. And with the long lasting Longevity the Elders were able to pass on their wisdom efficiently.]

[700th Year: The West Empire continued to grow in Military might and political influence. Hundreds of kingdoms had members of the West Family married to them and even the Dynasties had political relationships.

Reward: Politics +1]

[710th Year: The West Family got more and more eager for strength, hunting hundreds of tigers and wolves and bathing in their blood to increase their strength.

Reward: Hunting +1]

[800th Year: Tragedy! A plague swept the West Empire, millions of citizens died alongside thousands of members of the West Family. Helpless they desperately sent out relief across the Empire.]

[810th Year: The West Empire weren't the only ones to suffer such a plight, the Plague raged on, wiping out tens of millions of people in each Empire and causing fatal damage to thousands of Kingdoms.]

[820th Year: As the population dwindled, the number of farmers followed suit. Dwindling resulting in famine. Bandits spread across the entire gully like a swarm of locusts. The West family tried to quell it but there were too many.]

[900th Year: After almost a century of Bandits, rebellions and Famine, the mighty West Family had rapidly declined in population, the huge armies had fallen and they had been reduced to a single kingdom.]

[1,000nd Year: In the remnants of the West Family, the only thing that kept them going was the constant renewal of fresh blood! With the assistance of the Spiritual Rice the Kingdom kept producing strong warriors preventing them from being wiped out.

Reward: Physical Strength +1]

[1,300th Year: The West Family didn't express any intention to expand. Instead maintained the status quo.]

[1,500th Year: Nothing had changed. Continuing to prolong the bloodline using Spiritual Rice to produce more and more strong children.]

[2,000th Year: The secret of the Spiritual Rice was leaked! An old figure appeared in the sky above the West Kingdom and with a single palm wiped out the entire family.]

[Player Zach has officially finished his Life and developed the family to the peak of his ability. Do you wish to see the results of your family after your death?]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts