

there are 3 worlds, these worlds some how got connected to one-another and an all-out war had occurred between the worlds; until one day an entity appeared and some how stopped the war between the worlds. Many centuries has passed and this story about the worlds in war has turned into a myth of legend that tells about a Guardian had appeared to end this war. A Boy named Yuei Shiragi, lived as an apprentice of a dwarf in the world of Gimos. He was born without any magic affinity, so he was considered as the most incompetent. To make up for it he studied alchemy and magecraft; a branch of magic that doesn't necessarily need any affinity, yet having none is a disadvantage in many aspects. He then left and went to another world to study in a magic academy.

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Magical and Physical exam

The Instructor brings all of them inside the school. They were brought to a room that would test there magical and physical capabilities. (Instructor) "For this part of the exam, we'll only take your magic amount; I want all of you to touch this orb, it's a magic item that measures magic amount"

Shiragi doesn't listen, and instead opens the box (Boss' present), inside was a white scraft which he then wears and a note which he doesn't finish reading.

The Instructor demonstrates by touching the orb and it shows 456, and he explains that a person can be ranked by F-S, by their standards

99below - F

100-199 - E

200-399 - D

400-599 - C

600-799 - B

800-999 - A

1000 above - S

(Note: this is the school's own system)

Instructor, "The order will be from 1st to least ranking in the written exam, so can Yuei Shiragi please step forward".

He looks around, but sees no one was stepping forward,

The Instructor (Shouts) "Can Yuei Shiragi, PLEAS-".

A person suddenly appeared infront of the Instructor, and said (Shiragi) "um, sir I'm already infront of you" The Instructor's eyes widen and same goes for the others.

No one noticed Shiragi until he spoke.

He was asked "how long have you been standing there?", he replied "Since you, called me".

The Instructor looked at Shiragi and noticed that he can't sense an ounce of magic around him, [so, this is why I couldn't sense him] he thought.

Shiragi touched the orb, and it showed 98.

The Instructor was shocked but had to kept going.

(Instructor) "Who's next" the others laughed, but the Instructor thought to himself [how could their be a magic output of 98 if he isn't even emanating anyting, he might have great control on his magic]

[note: the item measures the person's magical abilities by how much magic the person emits]

[after everybody was done]

"Ok, it seems everybody is done. The next part of the exam is magic mastery, I want everybody here to get on a broom", Shiragi questioned himself [Broom? their aren't any here, wait did I have to bring a broom?....crap, this is what I get for not reading the whole letter].

A girl walked forward, and asked "Umm... Sir"

(Instructor) "Yes!?"

(Girl with glasses) "What did you mean by broom sir?, because we weren't told to bring one".

The Instructor laughed and said "Yeah, their aren't any, it's a joke".

Because they were all nervous, all of examines had a breath of relief.

The Instructor "Well, we aren't actually going to make you ride on a broom that's to easy" as he raised his hand and pointed to them, carpets then appeared infront of them and said "We'll be using these for the magic mastery exam, I want everbody to have a race through the obstacle course, and damages on the carpet will get you a deduction".

(note: their are different kinds of carpets, but these ones are like brooms, but much harder to control)

All of them laid their carpets down, as they all sat down on the carpet all of them had different problems, some weren't able to put in enough mana to maintain floating, and putting too much mana into the carpet makes it go wild, that it can't be controlled, but after 5 minute or two some were able to atleast control it's direction.

Some of the nobles thought to themselves "Why is this so hard?", and some "Why is this carpet going wild, I can usually control my carpet at home why not this one?".

Shiragi went up to the Instructor on his carpet riding it smoothly, asking "should I go now?".

The Instructor replied "go a head", while thinking to himself [looks like I'm right, that he has great control].

Shiragi went through the obstacle course, smoothly dodging all the traps and moving with a very quick run, on the board his time showed 1:27.9

The Instructor was stunned, some how thought out loud with (a calm demeanour, yet a bit of exaggeration) "wow, is that a new record",

hearing this the others were agitated and started to go on the obstacle course, many went out of control and some were injured. Because of the traps, they had to protect themselves using their own magic, but this slowed them down.

after an had hour passed the time limit of that test was up, and many failed.

The Second fastest to finish was 2:34.7.

(Instructor) "The next part of the exam is the physical exam", in this test your base speed, strenght, endurance, reaction-time, balance, and anything physical and skill related attributes are tested through various exercises.

In this test Shiragi dominated, while the others were lectured by the Instructor about "slacking-off" and "only focusing on magic",

but Shiragi while dominating thought to himself [isn't this setting the bar a bit too high, I mean a hundred push-ups, and etc..]

it ended with only a few passing.

[Combat Exam]

The Instructor transported everybody to an arena (bleachers), "For the Finale exam we'll group you into 2 and you'll fight until the opponent is immobilized, knocked-out or if he/she gives up, you are allowed to use everything in your arsenal", everyone reacted with a smile on there face, Specially Lucious "Finally a test that is befitting of me".

The Instructor announced "The first battle would be Lucious vs Shiragi".

Lucious, [A bug] he called out to the instructor "could we anounce that I already won, it's already obvio-", Shiragi then shouted to cut-him-off, "Hey! we gonna start or what".

Lucious "[such inosolence, should be punished] I wouldn't want to dirty my shoes, but fine I'll accept this challenge", while the Instructor thought to himself [wow!, an arrogant brat]

[Lucious vs Shiragi]

They both enter the arena and took there positions as the Instructor said, "Begin!", instantly "Rust Curse!", Lucious took charge and attacked Shiragi with a sword made of magic (Steel), magical screens then appeared, it shown the battle in various angles and their Status or Just their main-class.

Everyone reacted, "How! that's, impossible" while Instructor said "Hmm..

This is interesting, no wonder he was so arrogant he's a (Swordsman) knight, but that kid.. Shiragi he's a synergist!?, a Non-combatant!?, but he's able to parry a knight!", "Hmm.. still can't see what he's using... Oh (realizes what it was), the F*€K!!!!! IS THAT? IT'S A DAMN STICK!"

The two chatted while fighting

"Are you mocking me commoner?" said by Lucious, Shiragi answered "Not really just forgot to bring my weapon that's all", Lucious then loses his composure "So!, You are mocking me, well I'll make you regret that!".

Lucious used another spell, "Steel magic: iron gauntlet!", Shiragi instantly reacted and made some distance. The tree that was behind Shiragi was knocked-down. Shiragi thought to himself [Hmm.. So, That spell improved the speed of his hands and buffed his attack]. Shiragi then made his move and hid in the trees. Lucious striked at the place where Shiragi hid and knocked-down two trees, but their was no signs of Shiragi.

Strong projectiles then started being fired around the trees, they hit Lucious' hand and his legs which made him disarmed and kneeled down. Another hit his gut that made him flying-off, Shiragi jumped out from the trees behind Lucious and striked him with the stick to knock him out.

Everyone watching was silent, that the match ended in a matter of seconds.

The Instructor thougth [How did he?... And that guy was no push over knocking down trees with ease, and still got his ass handed to him by a non-combatant, Just who is this kid?]. Shiragi then asked "Sir, is the match over?". The Instructor, "Oh! uh.. The winner is-", As it was going to be announced someone shouted "Wait!", Shiragi then said "Huh...looks like your still standing, you're persistent I'll give you that",

(Lucious) "Mongrel!!.. I'll make you pay for trying".

He took out two cards from his pocket.

everyone in the crowd was gotten alot loud, "Wow! he has a class-card", "Aren't those nearly impossible to get?"

The Instructor shouted "Hey!! I know I said to use everything in your arsenal, but it's illegal to use a class-card in an improper duel and-",

"Hey!! Sir could you oversee our duel?" said by Shiragi; he then shows his class-card.

The Instructor was at a lost but still continued "Ok?, but you should make a contract", as they made contract using a spell.

Instructor was still curious thinking to himself, [How does he have a class-card? He's a non-combatant, just who is this Shiragi]

The Instructor "Ok, the rules are simple. The last one standing is the victor, the victor keeps all the cards used in this duel, when I drop this handkerchief the match begins".

Lucious "Can we add, that the loser will have to drop-out or will become the victor's loyal servant", (Shiragi) "I got no objections".

(The Instructor) "Ok, since both parties are in an agreement, I'll allow it", the audience "I can't believe, I get to watch an official duel with class-cards", "Yeah, but I can't believe a non-combatant has a class-card", "Aren't they expensive, maybe he's secretly a noble or a Royal".

The Instructor "Ready", "Get set" [Or probably a strong adventurer], "Go" he drops the handkercheif.

Lucious shouts, "Install: Knight(Lancer/Spearsman), Diarmuid" and "Summon: Fighter, Lancelot",

Flashes of light appeared from the summoning, Shiragi jumped to the trees and said "Equip: Assassin"


"Wow, He's status change. He was a saber minute ago, but how did it change into a lancer?", (Instructor) "That's because he used a class-card, this allows you to change your class by installing a card;

And if you install a class card with an artifact which becomes the catalyst, you'll be able to use the hero's abilities and weapons base on that artifact",

female audience "Oh! so then, The name under Install in his status, Diarmuid, is ...the hero he installed?",

"Correct" The instructor answered,

A different audience "How, about summon Instructor?"

"It's when you summon the hero himself as a type of familiar but they're rarely be a success, but look at the fighter he summoned, Lancelot"

"Lucious tries to command fighter, but he isn't listenning; instead just chases where ever Shiragi pops out of;

and he grabbed a knock down tree and is just swinging it randomly."

(Girl with Glasses) "Oh! It looks out of control",

(Instructor) "That's because the summoning was incomplete and the summoner is inexperience; that is what we call a berserker; they only rely on their own insticts, they also get to use they're full power in this state but-",

"Sir want do you mean by but?...",

The Instructor answered "It's because a complete summoned hero is reliant to it's master or the summoner's mana to stay in a physical form; that's why a hero's power

out-put is only proportional to the summoner's

Magic amount and how much he can control, but a berserker in exchange for the hero's ability to think they'll be able to use the full power of the hero, but this will also cost much more mana than it should"

"How about 'Equip'?", "It's when you only use the weapon of the hero",

"Oh so the weapon he's using is of the assassin class (2 daggers), but why is there no name by it"

The Instructor got shocked and started to become nervous "What do you mean there is no name?", he was at a lost of words, petrified.

The Instructor muttered, but was understood clearly, "Tha...That only means, he's not using any type of artifact and is just using the card as a type of storage to hide his weapon", everyone of the audience stood and The girl with glasses said "Then that synergist is just using his own power in a fight against heroes of myth that are said to be able to defeat millions and with inhuman strength"

The Instructor shivered by a thought and said "What's worst duels are most likely to end-up to the death, and we aren't able to interfere until it ends"

[Fight Against Shiragi vs Lucious And Fighter]

(Lucious) "Damn!!! commoner stop running, and fight me"

Shiragi tries to hit lucious with rocks again, but is all caught by fighter and was thrown back to Shiragi.

Shiragi was able to dodge all but one, which injured and knocked him down,

as fighter was going to smash Shiragi with the tree.

Everyone closed they're eyes;

When they opened their eyes what they saw was that..... the tree was sliced to pieces,

and Shiragi disapeared.

Lucious looks around "Where is that bastard" rocks were thrown again but all was caught by fighter,

(Lucious) "Those again, when will you learn", Shiragi then states "I think, you don't know what's your downfall here",

(Lucious) "What do you mean, my downfall? you know that your the one that's fighting two mythical heroes here, which is said to be able to take down armies, if it's anyone's down fall here? It's yours with your inferior magic",

(Shiragi) "Who said I used magic", he snapped his fingers and the rocks that were caught by fighter instantly exploded.

(Shiragi) "You see I have been using magecraft this whole time, see your downfall here it's your arrogance because of that you didn't notice the flaw of having a berserker on your side, (sure it's powerful but costs a huge amount of mana to sustain, and that they don't have the ability to think for themselves); thats why I put that fighter of yours out of commision since his weapon mastery is reliant on his hands",

"How come you know my servants ability!?....",

Shiragi jumps out of the trees that were left standing "That's because I have the same ability!",


The Instructor "Hmm.... An ability, now that makes sense why that synergist is capable of fighting a knight earlier, but-...."

one of the audience "Why?, is their really a problem about him having an ability?... I mean rarely people are born with one, Sir? but it does happen.",

(Instructor) "Not really, but weapon mastery isn't a mana based ability; It's skill base, that's why you can't be born with that ability but the last person with that ability-...." , (Examinee) "What is it Sir?",

(Instructor) "It's that, it took him 1000 years to atleast learn it", "Wait, what? Sir can you check his Identification card", "Sure? but why?",

(Girl with glasses) "I want to know if he's human and his age", When he looked at the card he was shocked.

(Instructor) "This is abnormal...he's human and he's also ju-just 16, What's more he really was just using magecraft"

[Back to the Fight]

Shiragi then thrown fighter up in the air, but he didn't fall.

Fighter was tied up by a very thin string, but everytime he tried to struggle to free himself; it did not break, even with all of fighter's might to break free; he was unable to break the string.

"That's World severing String" [note: A string so thin and sharp that is hardly seen, and so strong that even magic that can cut through space can't cut it, from an SSS-rank monster]

As Shiragi charges, Lucious trys to attack with both spears but both were sent flying by Shiragi.

He then used the same string to tie up Lucious; Shiragi then hit Lucious at the back of his neck and knocked him out.

The Instructor Thrilled by seeing a synergist winning a battle against two powerful foes, and announces Shiragi's victory.

[Shiragi then joins the audience]

A male noble approched Shiragi, "That was a splendid show", another boy approached him "Hey synergist, you got way to many surprises not a single moment of that fight was boring",

Then three girls then approched him "Yeah!! that duel was so intense, when the instructor said that it was 'to the death' that just sent chills down to my spine", "You were so cool!!... I hope that I could pass and be in the same class as you",

Shiragi just thanked them.

[In the back ground]

A boy with white hair holding an umbrella, just smiles and says, "Interesting"